, Trailer, Ioad'swiped from business The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 - A9 ON SAL S1AcURDfY, FEBRUARY 2 eO FRIAYFERU 8- 20 .9 1 silcîS atiidayý Police saisi an sînkiiîîwîs suspect diose thîsîughi Taiga liii est Pisdcsosni Harisop Dirivc wîsh a ci acîoî, hscsîlsd up the loadesi traiter andsi srsîsesri e-sm uiecjust after midîniglis. The' lumber is valsics ai $30.000, while thte MacKnnoîî traitci is valsiesi at ahout $20.000. Trailer and lettîice stolen A trailci loadcd siîhlc ttsice a stolen froîn Truck Twn Terrninals on Steeles Avenue overnight Saturday. The 53-foot, 2006 Waha reefer trail- er hias a reeter unit ansi is white.It lias tht' licence plate C3596E. -Fhe loasi ansi traider are valuesi at $45,000. Vehicles stolen Police are invcstigating twsî inci- dents of vehicle theft that sîccurresi wîthin three siays cof cash other. Unknosvn suspects stole a nninvar from a Cavell Stî-cet drivewav svernigli Tuesday. Police saisi the 2005 blue Dosige Caravan is valuesi at SI10,000 andsihas tht' lisence plate BCBR'I4. Ansi svernîghit Saturday, a black 2000 ChrysIer Neon ssas stolen hy inknsiwn suspects Irons a s siiors paîkîng spot at an O)ntar ioStsrect town- biouse soisplt'x. Its values i a $4.000 ansi lias the' licence plate AFLM596ý Man chargesi in hreak-in An arresi lias heeîî rnas i csonnes- Fraud artist at theatre Halton Regional Police are investi- gatrng cheque frausi. Shortly before 10 p.m. December 15, a man walked intsi Galaxy Cinemas, 1175 Maple Ave., and purcha sed two gift cards with Amenican Express trav- elers cheques. it was later discoveresi that the cheques were counterfeit. The suspect dark complexion. He wore a long black trench coat. The total loss bas not been disclosed. If vou hove ans cfoîsiîioti thai Icass to aon oiyesî iiin his or oiv oîher nîsstel. vo maov bccligibls'for o cash iccari Xo vll never lhave 10 givc 0o? 1( urne or tes- ùfý w c ourt Cii ocSîoppciî tof Haltota docsi't sib- se nlw îto sall i dsjîlo'1 al 1-800-222- 1-1115 (8477) or vsu i wviltoti tilîc viîiî achicain cc hat octccc tes i lst s cai. 1Betweeni Octîsher 2 2 ansi 24, a bouse on Sixîh-li i e vaS hi akcn intsc ansi more tisais$9000 ss unisol lirsperîs'-- nîsîstis jewelrx -- \V.s stsîlt'î. A 4-yscar olsi mais sfriso lixesi address was arrestesi 'ssnday ands charges i iihîrak- andslecter. Veliicle broken into Variiîiis items s wre sîoicn frsin a vehisic whîle iii, owîser was ils the C snasian Tire store osn Steeles Avenue. Polise saidsinisctinsie betwNecî 9:30 i.c liaik lsîlîo cii tics t slcc i c(s iiuing a Sic tus ,,ttelli idio, îpower tolus iiancssories antd a caici a ' lies',tsulieitelios arc valtussi ai $5,.000. Graffiti inivestigatesi Polic e arc iîivsstigating a coîuple iof graffitiincisdents. Police saisi black- ansi blste paint was reccends discîîvered sprasc paintedl on thcehasis of t'essoncessiuon stand ai boîns Sport.,; Paris on Thîînîpson Road. Graffiti was alstu discovcred on tht' icar cof Macs Mîlk on Brsnte Road Soîuth. ~~THEY HAVE BIG DREAMI R..clccg 55,cccg*Xi,,il, î.îFL rrREASER-S AI ,\I)MY Aliges3 ic1 - a * Icisus iii s ticlig \ ii g Mil.dî cîîig 6 R F, À L-L , 2 à ai! Enroll by March 7/08 and SAVE $751 SkMý f., Lm- fý, bf, MILTON 1 905.693-9978 1 WWW.OXFORDLEARNING.COM 'I. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 i m i I ( i / &c4$ Sultana .3149g Raisins 0 lb loase pack .1/ 0 Pitted1 39 Dates Ml Hearts19l Valentine A 9 Smarti es 4 l Merckens lghtdark or white .77/1 00g Chocolate 49 Waters 3Ml natural or red1.010g Pistachilos 491 quick or large flalce .13/1 00g RoIIed Oats .59lb oiginal, bbq or cheese .62/10OO9 Bites 23 l le Sweý CVWýeti# ".0 Valentine Cake Pans 15I f assorted varielles Valentine Candy Mouldsi 5off Valentine JeIIy Beans 33/1 00g Valentine Jube Hearts I Canadaîs largest bulk food retailer & more.é locations and growing. Franchise location n Ontario, Atlantic Canada and Manitoba - MLN 0MANStoeLocati3o207nE MEAOOWVALE 3035 ARGENTIA RD. (905> 824- SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE (905) 89- ERIN MILLS TOWN CENTRE (905) 569-3629 DIXIE OUTLET MALL (905) 891-0976 OAK VILLE 261 OAK WALK DR (905) 257-7987 OAK VILLE 350<5 WYECROFT RD (905) 825-277 1 .591bPý 1 .491b M Now over 100 P ns availableà 905) 886-6756 3207 5 -NOW OPEN! I I. BNSAYSEIRS NDS SAE10 F ALRGUA RIE Quality, value and selection sin 1 ulkbarn.ca www.b ý l m c ir 's e M-