A8 The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 (Mflotfip,/ Superbowl Sunday is Februarv 3, 2008. Avid sports fans, young and old, will cheer onn their favourite players as they batîle one another for this coveted championsbip. Witb sut.h locus on football iis week, lets considet how soîne of ils more tecbnical terrus could be applied in a churcb setning. A quarterbach sneah is when cburcb mnemnbers autempt to leave quietly, leavîng durîng the altar invitation. A draw play is wbat mnany cbtldren do wiîh their bulletin îthrougbeut the Weor'.ip Service. Haîf-tiime relers to the in te rval oftinme between the conclusion nif'rundas 'chleiand the bcginnîing of the \Vership Service. A bet tsî itti '. 'emecwhe dec'. net cenitribute te the servitc n ans \vas Sadis ibis inidis iduai dec'. net li. n~pias ss erk. er gvc ai is ,qsîtcetet te tît ip\is'ti11ant i t neothîng. lilas tmg , ccla cdi îtî otdt *cri hc' lihtt happen'. ssheu utic s enngci Ltilii o c-gn I make resieti-oi i etC ir leuntairi tnip' tete bal'. ef the satîcîtars 'lnnîîg the '.crs tc. Stas ,iîg iliititpîti Itet t'. sI iaitan li appeiitot slâfuary Sunday, Feb. 3 10:00 a.m. Guet speaker f6m Cambodia Sokreaksa Himon "Hope After the Killing Fields"' 905.257.3987 Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maria BIvd. (Dery Rd, west of "w. 25) www.thesanctuarymilton.com 4 MLTON 4 oe CHURCH Hugh Foster Hal 43 Brown St. Mlon Sa. i1iKSi a.rn- Dix ine Senttce FREE BIBLE SCHOOL DO-ruer She amaoung Buibe anar er'.to he'. erpienung questions, anrd tesee t a ihappy ihie. For FREI-aL E ssONS. oit PCSBox 230l', s5 OinaiootSiMition. îott- Si *'.B- Oindie INTFRNFT. lirtip anasopom ana PASsOR A Dsitna SiS ii-, SIi For more orinaion about ourn ricandflprurani, pcae cl ÇRACEWAY GBAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street c'K! 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 arn. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'II always find a triend ai Graceway' www.gratewaybaptist.org Superbowl Sunday soene n e fn bey faîl to cealIze the tnto overtîme and is often evid mportnc of , ng t upporn C d wcrk. attention span of congregatîon me The two-mmnute warning is the point at whiclî mnembers of' the congregatton realtzc that the sermon is almest over and begin to gaîher tîp tlîctr personal belongtîîgs. An instant replay is used Mien the pastor loses bis place ini bis notes and rcrcads a tertatn sectton. Siiddcît deatht icturs when the preather gocs To Advertise in the Church Directory please cail Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341i ext. 211 cJet~c Thte Chur n t h /e Hi/i 317 Main Si. E 905-878-2411 www. gracechurchnilIton. corn Worship Schedule Sunday 8 arn Said EuCharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung EuCharist + Children's programs ~kWheeithair Attess ihrough parking loi CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brtannua Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Miniter Steve Corbett hojhat does Islam ~say about God? la God, the Abaoiutely One; Ad, the Eternal; Mbegets flot, nor is He begotten; âd there is none like tinto Him." (Quran, Ch. 112) T.FJtis message brought to you by the Musli Assciationo of Milton Fer a frec eopy of the Quran or other Islamic material, write to: isIaminfo@mlltonmasjid.ca or Cali: 1-877-QURAN4U or 416 648 8507 ienced in the iembers. A trap is partitularlv effective when the indîvidual called on tii pray for the special requcsts laled to pay attention as they were listed. An end run allows people to get out of thurch quickly: without having ni speak to anvone. prayer. Hope you enoyed those parallels! They were meant to make you sinile! Consider visittng a local church thîs week and take the first step towards reacbing your personal potential and brightening the future of those around you! Consult the Reltgîous Directory bel ow for service tmes and location. And finally; a bitz best describes the pressing Sîsbmitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Miutons rush for the restaurants that follows the closing New Life Chu rch I tri nq Goô. Lnvini p eopie. 200 Main Street 10:DO arn Worshmp & Teaching Children's Programs Running Concurrentiy 1:00 arn Cotfee & Conversations (We serve Tim Hortons Coffee.t) - mu - h l905-876-3586 àle«lagchuca ww.MittonBibleChurch.ca -- -7 . ..... . .. .... q 1 1 .T St George's Anglican Churc-h Sun y Snies 8:30 amn- Morinn Praycr 1-301 arn-Sanctuan - HoN Conmnioen 1:30 amt - FarnIIy Rîorn - \iorning Praýer StGeorgesLowvi 1 Ie.org 7051 Guelph LUne a Derry 'W 878-1363 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Frayer and Bible Sfudy he Father sent the Son to be the Saviour or the world. - lst John 4.14 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E.,Milton 905-878-6066 Mînîsier- Rev. Howard T. Sullivan Dîrecior otfPMusic Mînîsiries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worsbip 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Schoot îage 3 -Grade 8) & Nursery "L'nified bv Chriat's love, we share Him wùh te Woid" SWtieetlchair aecess ad washroorns prn'.ided sn thai att may corne and worship. Actess off Mary Sreet. NEW LIFiB CHURCH FOR GIENERATIONS TO COME SUNDAYS Service Times First Service 9:00 AM (Sunday Schooi 9:30 AM) Second Service 10:45 AM* Evening Service 6:30 PM Chldrens' Minisiries available in ail Services *Capiioned for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing TU ESDAYS Ladies Coff ee Break 9:30 arn WEDNESDAYS Famiiy Nighf 7:00 pm Adul Bible Study/ Eitrem Lfe Youth!BG clubs for kids Sunday Sermon Series the Pursulit of H ap pioiless Ichoose to be happy when Irealize that 1 cant do it ail alone! 824 Thompson Road South, Milton ON L9T 2X5 Visit Us Online www.NewLifeMîlton.comn Or Cati Pastor Dan Rogge af 905-878-3358 Sunday Februar 3, 10:30 arn ANNUAL M EETIN~G & POTLUCK Supervised Nursery Care from 10: 15 arn Coffee & Conversation ater the service Church School & Gospel Unit for JK-gr 8 Soul Food on Tuesdays - weekly - See website Hiring Worship Band Leader - Cali for Info! 1 '