Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 2008, p. 7

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Mohawk expansion wiII indeed The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008-A7 Significant business proposais DEAR EDITOR: This leiter is ii resliotse ta Sophîie Clienevss Icter ii tise lanuary 22 CLhistpioii entiIccl. 'Mohawk develcîpîîîeît xvuîi't bcîcst Cainphellv-illes ecîîîîaîîîs. Cbeney asks i shat paraliel cînivense 1, lanis Mwbray, exîst. i wcîuld like tii respatîd. first, I wcîulCl cîcîcte Mahatma Gbandî, wbcî saîcl. "Honesi cisagreemneni is cfien a gaad sigu of pragres Cbeney questioîns tbe logic of bavîng îwa new golf courses in tht area - ont near Mcohawk Raceîrack, and the ailier nii Brookville. At tht january 21 administration and planîning commttet meeting, slîe men- tioned igbt courses witbin a 15-minute drive, l'un îîît surîe about the 15-mninute bit, butt1 can îbink tof cmix twîi th.it are open ta tbe public - Crîîsswînds in Buringtonaîîad Granite Rige an tIse Miltciuff'alton ['luIs bocrder ITle rest are prîs'aie clubîs. The Brcuîkxille gol coucrse expected ta uopeti iini 1asxsil be a smnall public ccourse geai cc ta farnilies aîîd play abie ifor esersatie froni vccitgstcrs iii seniors. Thie Mohawk picibicsal is fort a champtcmnslîuîîgolf ccourse as part cil a îsult-faceted comnplex. Witt regard ta Mohassk, Cbeney questions uiccse tif wastewater for irrigatîcon pur- poses. Wsastewater is recycled naw, but using adxvanced ieccî- ncîlcîg's;tise vauer II hbce esen cleaner bx tise lune isuscseci ic irmgaîe fairwas s. This reducces the îîeed tcî draw resli water. Reuse aîîd recycle - wbat cocld be better? Vaten usage bas becîs ana- lvzed saundîx atîd, as extra insuraîsce. the Regiuîn will pcut a pratacal in place ta etîsuc ster taking bv tbe rescîrt lias no impact titi Iccal resîclents. Indeeci.mnitrinîîg ocilolical stelis tiser tise lasi carhile tif driesi ii tise pasi 25, slîîîs cc îîo dctii tîsal eiiecis. \\ îîîîiîîc Ii îcai îîîîcîi Gioup ssould1t i sest inilîton.s ai clllars n a proaicct hai caulti cause a hariiul cllct an ans, part ai-tIse eflviroant, Io dila)d sa ss uldti t tisk ihth ealth ai local residents svba su on tiheir board ai diî etotrs, thclicndit cds ai lac ai resilenits ,whii cntrenîls wark ai Mohawk5, teuic hIcclcd 1 mare ssha ss'll svarls ni the ni dcx elapirsent ancl tbe liveldiaacl ai barse awncrs anclailiers dependeni an that inclcstrv - flot ta mentioan the becaltb af vis- itcîrs. The presenit Mohawk facîlitx attract.s day vistars. Canventian complexes aîîract vistars for several day's. Ifs imy experience tbat mans' conlerence regis- trants afien arrive a cias or two carlier, or staN' a few cays langer, ta vsist ihe neîgibbauring area usualîystaing ninalternative accommodations. Saisething el',e ta kcep in id is ihat dnrtng a c ansen- (lont ilc are alten spacisal pro- grams ihai take visitons oafl the prci îsc- for shopping ti ps, tocrs ancl ather actîvîttes. LCniuesma\slicecliglîted îat knass thai ihecre.arc înaîîv peu- pie ns alvednii nipras'tng C anîph)elîville',s econmitic prospects. fbeyview'tcsle future \iib hope and share a wvilhng- ncss ta dot soinctieng ahati iî. As~. Margaret Meaci satcl. -Nes er dout hi ta a sitiall gi aup aI thaciglîîltl. c'atnîitîec ciii Zeuis can change the ss arld. indeecl, ia s the îîtilhintîiat eser bas.- l'ie lDestinîationî Canliphelîs ic e Coinimciniis Associatioîn (DCC(A) is inade up cfl business ast ters. properis ciwners, local residents atnd the ruîral town counclars. meceting inanithîx ss il the goal oif revîtal- izing the village and scrracitic ing Nassaga\wesýa. Wc're ready ta rail up or sîceves atnc geîta the ssark ai baud. fl a direc tcollaboratitat betss ccn ife DC C CA andc Coanserv'aticnt l'ialtati, ss rk ssIl heg"intilis -pî rug auonles cluiigandc i -sccclhng Conîtserv atin Park aon aliîîiphells illes ,;Matis Sureet Speaking oai rîllitig cîp cîcr ',cce.hCnleîytcl cnd ci s a thet tesîdenti s xx clcoîie ac tllcorneiii andclel- hclp tiei WCstat xak ail cleatiing up the park iithe spriîg. its acir paik -rtglit i tic cenitre ofi oui village - so Iec showîîsvCscacateabutîî AIsîî aitîitîg us ai die table arc seniotr mianagemlent lrîîîîîthi Toîwn ocfiMilton, ibe Regitit, Cocntservatioîn Faltîît, the Onttarico Minisirs' cilAgriccultcure, Fooîîd and Rural Aflairs, atîd a Mintstrs col Iourisni repiresetita- tise, aiîd we're c'allabciratitig wîîb ather agenctes as Weil. I ccals must gel învcîlved beicîre We cari expeci outsiders ta vsst, atîcoiithai eîsd we've plantiec a nurnber ofi evenîs that began witlî the successlul New Years Das catrnituitx hockey eseisi. Ihete are atheî .îctix'ittcs i (lic plaîning stages, ichlcîlîîg: eMarclî l8 - public iilar- iiiatiti ieinttg. Yaciarc tus ted ia clIccitîcîur ciîsatiedcloitîl ing for itlicSalsatiato n us sslicl i ll beciin site, andcigaîli ci- cîp allîîîse dcad batteries lai tic Regianti tatake ioffI sur Isatîis - May 25 -cîtîcîraiser tor the t)CC A. A cotliliitx garage sale andcl lea tiirket xs ii h e lc ai C atîîphbells'ille Lionîs lHall. - Acigtist t U ssai d s lîntts harlîecutc Iliac itiatis qcuestion,, ai the Iîcgitiiiig oftleuic Mlîasxk pro- posaI but tîasx I hase tioiprou- Iciii scippartitig it gaiiig larsarcl Ihr lreare imaux details ta hc set- tIlci ui ibe tec'lîiical repart passed unaîiisocsls ai ihe lanciars 21 îîîeîiîg, Il- aux mcîîber cil tic public lias atîv lcrthcr qcuestionîs about the DCC A. or xxîîîild lîke ta danate tlieiti tîne or participate iii airs actistx;tues cat i tucti PC. Box 12ý3, C aîîîbells ilie, Ontii. t CSP I BOS, ai cantac t me clîrc ls ai latîi'ifuitîasibaN c'a. IAN MOWBRAY WARD 3 COUNCILLOR 1imc C apsides' cre gems of infar- matin cxractcd fiom pas( issues f the Champion and tiiler publicatiaons in arder ta pravide a window ia Miltons past. Lxpianatorv comment is somietimcs provided ta placeethe situa- tion in context. February 1911 A meeting of the Board of Trade was belti ai the town hall on Tuesday evening to hear îwo industrial propositions. S. Syer of the Canadian Carpet Ca., said he wtshed ta add comforters ta bis production, which would necessitate the building of an addition ta bis factory or removal ta larger buildings as well as purchase of expensive machinery. Mr. Wrigbt af Toronto proposed ta establish a shoe factory. Bath would expect the town ta guarantee boans wtthout interest. A committee will investigate and report. The announicement af the sale of their extensive business bere by Messrs. Basiedo & Ca. ta J.S. Sandersan bas been a great surprise ta the people af Milton and neigb- borhaad. Mr. Sanderson cames from \Vaterfard, where he bas been in tbe mercantile business on a large scale far a number of years. Notbing bas been beard af tbe Messrs. Bastedos intentions, but it is ta be boped tbat tbe famdly will not leave Miton. The Legisiature proposes ta change the dates of municipal nomi- nations and elections from tbe holi- day season ta tht second Mondas' in j anuarv in each year for nominations and tbe third Manday for palling. Tht counicil met on Tuesday evening. Tbe principal business was tbe appaintment af Police Magistrate Dice as assessor and collectar ai a salary af $150. The Clerks report ta tbe Minister of Agriculture of Ontario an corporation debts for 1910 showed the original amaunt ai îbem ail ta be $97952.44; principal paid in 1910, $4015.82, interesi paid $3007.88; balance of principal unpaid $56262.65. COf ibis balance $5.968. 13 is on guaranîeed boan ta the carpet iactory and $9.000 ta the « iiton ime Capsules screw factory The unpaid balance for 1909 was $62,502; reduction in 1910, $6239.35. The voting contest for a set of books for a library ended on Wednesday evenmng. A tremendaus number af ballots (given with each 10el spent at* participating stores) which had been held in reserve were rushed in within the last few days and Mr. Mackenzie and his assistants had a big job to count themn. They were unable to complete the count and declare the resuit until Saturday Boyne Scbool is the winner with 538,452 ballots. Mountain Union S.S. was next wvith 446,714. Twelve business establisbments issued vot- ing coupons and appear to have done a heavv trade during the five montbs of the voting. The library (a selection of books) was taken ta Boyce school on Monday March 1911 The single rink curling competi- tion which has been in progress ever since the season opened was decided on Monday evening. The winning rink is composed of N. Ryder, Frank Hemstreet, Elgin Ford and Rev. WM. Mackay skip. Each player gets a medal. Another single rmnk competi- tion began on Monday evening. The players of the two rinks whicb lead at the finish will receive prizes and 50 will the winners of a consolation compeuition. Messrs Clements & Peacock sbipped a car load of fine cattle on 1Saturday last. Sixteen head were 7bought from J as. Murray, 1Mansewood and averaged over 1,300 1lbs. The pnice paid was $6.25 per 100 t lbs. 1 This naternal is assembled on behaîf of the Mit Historical Society by Jin Dilîs, wha can bc reached through thc societ)y ai (905) 875-4156. PREPA.RE OR -I ROA AjA Next Course: February 23, 24, March 1, 2 2 Weekends 9:3Oam to 4:l5pm March 11, 12, 13, 14 Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fr! (March Break) 9:3Oam - 4:l5pm www.youngdrivers.com 905.875.0480 YOUNG DRI VERS'

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