B14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for immune ta business." Derby Brown D aeiin - fromn DATELINE on page B13 Tbe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbîlcls Dr., bolds lrce prescnitatiin, 'Tax Preferred Income. To sign up. cati (905) 875-1681. ti belds conîract bridge ai 915 a.in., Mexican Train Dominnes freon 1:30 ici 4 p.in. anti dans and billiards Irein 9 a.rn.te o) p.in. fbic cist for cacb aciivits is $2 fici c bers and $4 foîr non-incinbers. Th tM 'ilten Leisure Centre on Main Street beids Fun Voleybal lrom 1:30 te 2 30 pi. l1or nmen and women of al ages and skill levels. The cesi is $3.50. Fer imore information, caîl (905) 878-7946. Thursday Feb. 7 [lbe (anadian Club of Ilalton Peel miecis ai tbe Oakville C enlerence Centre, 2515S WNvcreli Rd., 1lcaîuring Micbael Kllîp, cbef and owncr of tbe Twisted Ferk restaurat.t Regstration and a casb bar sîart ai 6 p.in. and dinners ai 7 p.in. Tbe cesi is $15 for students, $30 fer inemrbers andI $40 fer non- mcinbers. To reserse a spot, catI (905) 827-6302 or e-mail bwyliei@globalserve. net. Tbe Halion Wie' Centre. suite 229 in [lepedale MatI, 1515 Rebecca Si. in Dakville, holds a free session on money management fromt 7 te 8:30 p.m. It aIse belds an infermna- tien nigbî for peer counsetting frein 7 te 8 p.m. vvitb training in April. And ti *s Caring and $haring group ineets frein I1ie 3 piin. To register or foîr iore informnation, cati (905) 847- 5520 or visit www&. baltonwuuin- enscentre.org. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (icar cntrance), invites studcnts n Grades 0 te 8 te drop hv bcuxcen 3:30 and 6:15 p în. te play a game of pool or usi bang eut. I igh school stu- dents arc xvlcrm-c loin 7 te 10 P.111. Milton District Hospital helds a oecon-enc breastleed- ing cinic wîth a certilîcci lacta- tion consultant rein 7 te 9 p.ini. Foer moe infermation or te make an appeînîînent, cati Jîli Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., bolds contraci bridge at 1:30 p.m. and dans and billiards rom 9 ar. te 9 pin. The cosi for each actis'itv is $2 for mnemrbers and $4 for non-mernbers. Its Thursday Afiernoon Movie is held at 1 30 p.m. featuring Amazîng Grace. The cost is $2. Bld euchre takes place at 1:30 p.m. at a cosi of $2.50 for mem- bers and $450 for non-mem- bers. For more information, cal (905) 875-1681. Thursday Feb. 7 - 9 The Mitton Players Theatre Group prescrnts the farce 'There Goes the Bride" at the Milton Seniors' Acîîvity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr. The sbows Tbursday and Friday are sbow onlv nigbîts. Doors open at 730 p.m. and the sbow sîarts at 8 pin. Tickets cosi $20. Thbe show Saturdas is a dinner theatre nigbt The bar opens ai 6:30 p.. inuinners ai 7 p.in. and tbe plav staîts ai 815 pin. Tickets cosit $40 in acivance or $45 ai tbe door. Fer tickets, caîl (905) 875-0629 or go te Boutique 188 ai 188 Main St. Friday Feb. 8 Thbe Salvatien Ai my Kbi (.-entiinuinitNM 100 Nipissing Rd. onit 3, belIds ics junior (ages nine te 12) and senior (13 te 17) youth groups ou aliernate wccks-. Actisities sar. Contact Dan Bonbam ai (905) 875-1022 fer a scbcdule. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites students, in Grades 6 te 8 te drop hy between 3.30 and 6:15 p.m. te play a game et pool or jusi bang eut. t-ligb school stu- dents are"wetcome from 7 te il p.m. Miltton District Hospitat holds a drop-în breastfeeding group wîth a certified lactation consultant frein 10 te 11:30 a.m. at Dur Lady of Victory School, 540 Commercial St., wîth information shared and babies weigbed. For wemen and babies onlv. For more informa- tien, cati J ill Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7610. Tbe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Chîlds Dr., hetds bingo and contract bridge ai 9:30 a.m. and darts and bit- liards [rom 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. The cost for each actîviîv is $2 fer members and $4 for nen-mem- bers. [uchre takes place at 1:30 p.m. fer $2.50 fer members and $4.50 for non-inembers. Friday Evening Movie takes place ai 7 p.m. featuning Sicke. The cesi is $2. And Evening Bld Euchre is bcld at the Campbellvdlle Lions Hall ai 7:30 pi..Ibe cosi is $2.50. For more information, cali (905) 875-1681. Un Iim tdPossibi Expeience the Fern Hill idfference right fro Opern House Saturday, February 9, 2008 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Corne visif us and find ouf wby we are one of the pre-eminent elemenfory schools in Canada. ir thec stan,- FERN HILL '«I 1100 Prepare for a Career Un Canada if you're a foreîgn-traînied professional tookîng for a job, improve your Engish and Canadian job search skitts wilh... ENHANCED LANGUAGE TRAINING for " Internationally Educated ProfessionaLs " Residentiat Construction 8-week programs are FREE to qualifled applicants and take place in Burlington. For more information, cati 905-333-3499, ext. 264 or visil www.thecentre.on.ca Fonded by tizeshop ad m ýrato, Canada TeContre su Dv"pmw& »w*mm vev.'w