-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 - B9 NOW OPEN. A NewN jgrbourlloJ 0Of 34;-43& 50' Detached Homes IThe Natura 1amb___e miii 1 niwill Le a speci ai place t o rai se u aiii.1 1s aq1et au 1a ~t n Cambîridlge wiiclî fe-atuires a Nli1 IPond as its ceilterpiece. Trodav we open t1lstraniqu'il new conîllltn itv wjdî an slectiof 1distinctive WîicLde,)-ot 1h s t ornie and scec l0o natture can be part of tiie fanilv in Mattanîv's Miil Pond. 34' WiJeLo'"FHomes Prom $242,990 43' WideLot Homes From $294,990 50' WideLoýt' Homes Froin $334,990 ý-HWY 4 Pinebush Rd. SaesCnte à Couthard BIvd. 4ý3'NXidLn>elt , 1w 'n aton13,2,)L8 Sq. It1,S204,90) 50' widLtT Noi-tlri«ie ", 3,042 Sq. 1[t., S ,370,(090 -A