B8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 ANew Negbor OPEN TOD-AY! LaQCf 34'Ând 36 'WideLotE Homes. NE 34 &36HOE PN OAY Toay, IJau hne Vilage ,nîie, uoi, to a uhole iu.ew iqhbouiroo ofJmuch a,îticîuaiJ(, I J WideLot- homes. I are ?resentîmnq he larqe.4 cariîetif cf pnew homipes uc hauceueer offoreJ. Thius clch i areue've had (o open a compiete netc neIîqhbourhoo)d in t/ils 1commninitu. Conue auJ sec wh1,100faile have aireadU chosen toc? àL at the foot cf hce esearpivetei n La oeMmunitu hat hlas just beepi honoureJ as ,I(PRG}' i R uilJr of the >{'ar. \'ilLge Homesi Erom S220,.99() WdLtTownluDnîies Froni S249,"9) Main Street Townliomes Eroi S275,99(> 401 widcLut -Semnu5 1roinmn S,289,99() 28' Detached Iloine±u Frouii S339,990<or- '34' W Fro :nm 'S307,990 De Rd. E 36' -riin 345990Office TO[W 43' * c~t ,nS13,()()() 34\ cll-i)t i -li S 3o\, 'l le Pfi I ri'H' -2 1 ý 3 S rt.,'S3 7O0,) 9(0) ( 1 S3019(j) MATITAMY HAwniom v 1 *E-4- 9