The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 - Bi forl"canrs eventgo to ARTS A story of f Seasoned crooner set to rel case'miracle' book By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF For somc people, a slice of toast bits the spot firsi thîng in tbe înorning, while for others, a bowl of cereal quelîs thse appetite lîke notbîng else. But Milton resident Danny' Brooks prefers m-ornîog suste- nance of a more lastîng varietv. Miracle anvone? 'Miracles for Breakfast' is the title of tbe local sînger/song- writer's book, wbîcb is slaîed for release nexi mionth at major bookstores încluding Chapters and on-lîne ai Anazon. 'b feel bonoured and pnivileged beyond anytbing 1 can put into words," Brooks saîd as be anticipates tbe release. Brooks will bold a public launcb Tborsdav, 1eh. 28 at Burloak Cbnistian Fellowsbîp in Oakville. Subîiîled 'How baitb Helped Me Kck My Addictions,' Miracles for Breakfast details Brooks jorney' rom the deptbs of despair to a place of bealing. The title sprang romn an observation be once mnade bo bis wile, Debra, sbortlv alter be was released [romn an addiction treatment facliîy He was reading tbe Bible ai the breakfast table and remarked that the many supemnatural occurrences he was reading about macle it feel as if be was bavng 'miracles loi breakfast." For some reason, that phrase stuck wîîb bîm. Witb a roller coaster life that eventually incbuded a con- version to Cbristianity, Brooks said bes no stranger to mira- cles. In fact, be said it was a miracle that was largely responsi- hIe for is turrîiîg to God. Fighly-personal accounit Brooks - wbo recently released bis eigbtb 'southero soul" album and was nominated for numerous awards at the recent Maple* Blues Awards - describes the book as "equal parts biographical, inspirational and motivational witb an inside look at the music business, expeniencing the miracu- ous and getting over addictions." ýWbile the respected musician bas been writing songs [or years, ibis was is first foray into, the world of writing, a process that was a long time coming. He said be bopes this book wîll help people going tbrough struggles similar to, bis, but added he thinks it can be an inspirational read for just about anyone. Brooks' life basn't heen a cbarmed one, t0 say the easi. For decades bis closest friends were drugs and alcobol, Tuesday Feb. 12# tel: 905-870-2558 468 St»IésAv. FAITHFUL SINGER: Local muscoan Danny Brooks is eagerly awaiting hs soon-to-be-released book 'Miracles for Breakfast.' which left Iasting effects on bis body and mmnd. '[romn 1972 to 1987 1 drank every day Firsi thîng in the morning, it was the only way 1 could face society," he said. He met Debra in 1986. "I knew 1 had a problemn and 1 was crying out to God to send someone wbo could love me in spite of myseif. Thats when Debbie came along." Debra encouraged her busband to check into the Donwood Institute, a drug rebab facihity, and thats where he said he experienced bis first miracle. When he arrived, he had bleeding ulcers and a triglyc- eride count far about normal, among other damage rom bis destructive lifestyle. He was at major risk of baving a beart attack. At that point, be prayed a simple prayer asking God to give him another chance and restore bis bealtb. Shortly tbereafter, a doctor checked bim and was shocked at wbat be found. "Your insides are tbat of a person wbo's neyer done any- tbing," the surprised doctor told him. Brooks started writing Miracles for Breakfast in 2002 but found it daunting and put it back on the shelf until 2005. By Gremt> Openfigof o"i Tigucas.& m»iorvn. febru^ri4 12. mcast10, tsas WC officIi1 Opem Our boors to tkie miltosi com.lnnnllt4. Spedial "cor. Mayor Gordi Krantz. £njo4 oem*sples of gre%tEast Indian %"b Carlbbean Foodu! 1"i h or T,%ke Owt the followîng year, it was finished. He booked up witb many of the right people along the way, wbo belped bring the book to [ruition. A caîl lrom publisher John Wiley and Sons was the final step. In addition to bis new life as an author, Brooks is contin- uing bis work as a singer/songwriter, performing across Canada and the United States. His most recent album, No Easy Way Out, was released in September and bas garnered airplay on various radio sta- tions. His soutbern soul style is a blend of blues, rock, countr)y gospel and R and B. Brooks was recendly nominated [or four Maple Blues Awards - tbe Junos of tbe blues world - including best singer, best songwriter and album of tbe year. Its bard to put into words the tbrill and magic of per- forming," Brooks said. Altboughbcb doesn't know exactly wbat's around the cor- ner, Brooks said thats okay witb bim. "Wberever God xiii bring me, tbat's wbere 1 want to go." Stephanie Hounsell con bc reacbed at sîhiessen@-miltoncana- Spcaiigin British Style Fish & Chips Spcaiig& Select Brtisli Style Classics... Steak & Kidney or Onion Pie with Gravy & Chipse Haggis Pudding & Chips Black Pudding & Chips e Scotch Pie & Chips 9 Mealie Pudding & Chips e Gloucester Sausage & Chips il Belfast Pastie & Chips * Take Mt Din- TakeOut i DUjIn *SPECIAL SPECIAL ' SPECIAL ' SPECIAL liaddock & your hoice i i.ddI kv>& , Ii-:1Haddock& yA5,,,y.y 11 dok ,v>Iry c, A OAA $ , .25 ai Day (I MyIIIl Mua.2$ . MM Ms eiaI Trax VoBiW -+Tax 2Tx M 1+Sl monM.