The Canadian Champion, Friday February 01, 2008 - 25 Deaths bPÀél»gl Deaths Il ~~~~~Articles Cr atè aerTann aerTann ~~ ~~e7M.7 i meemorm In eMeoriamj E For Sale ~ W~eI Career Trainn ~ rmning GILERTMarart Aorn <Bssit) I i~ HO.T Tb (Spa) Covors COO KSVILLE Auto Wrek, day Janusry 30, 2008. She is ssrvivud by her 3 daughfers, Anne (Clare) Brown of Peterborough, Sandra (John) Duncan o Etobicoke, and Ginny (Ken) Johnson ot Milton. Grandmofher of 7 chiidreni, greai grandmoiher of 6 chhfdren and great great ý andm other of 1. Sister in aw o Lorrine cçurdy of Hornby, dîro and Irase Glbert of Mifton, Mary Cahoon ot Milton, Mary Gibert of Georgetown and Roberta Gifbert ot liington. Predeceased by her husband George (April 30, 2007) Margaret wfIl be missed by her rends in Mi lion, the cottage area on Lake Rosseau, and in Clearwater, Florida. Friends wil be received ait/he J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 dames St., Milon (905) 878-2669 on Monday February 4fh 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. A funeral service wil take place in the c/lapai on Tuesday February , 2008 ai 2:00 p.m. n lieu of fiowers, donations ta the Azhe/mer Soc/ety or Mlion District Hospital CT Scannier wouid be greaiiy appreciafed. Online condoiencas may be ef at WILLIAMSON, Aexander Suddeniy on Tesday January 29, 2008 ai Alendale ai the age of 78. Aes W/f liamoon, dear husband of Bernce and fathar of John snd his wite Jane, and Aes and his w/te Jennifer. Grandiather of Alexander. James and Aexis, Friends will be received ai the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Si., MMlton (905) 878-2669 on Friday rom 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. A foverai service wil take place in the chapel on Saturday February 2, 2008 ai 11:00 a n. infrment ro folom, St. John's Norway Cemetery, Toronto. If desired, donations to the Alzhemer Society wou/d be greatly appsecîated. On/mne condoiences may bu oift ai wwve.arlyiiîorahome com jSCOTT E-\R1'i In Memram in emoram MICHAEL ALLEN McDONALD July 24, 1958 - Februcry 2, 2007 Gene ta the face we loved sau dear, Slent iu thre voice we lcved ta hear Toc far away for sight or speech, But flot toc farfor thought ta reach. Sweet ta remember hjm who onîce wcs here, VI7re. thougir absent, is justeas dear. L-ovingin Rememhered bO'n Ment and bcd "Klled Inn Dru,îk Driver' Caroof hanks M aroof hanks Hood, Hazel Margarer The farnr/y of Hazet Hood rvsh ru îbank a/I wo carnue ns' the r îraruorandluerai. sentr perrunal cundulences, floral trborer, cardu and nmade char/rab/e donatiorns b er navre. Special rhaukr ru J, Scot bar/r Foorral Horne, The Reverend Howard Ssii/Ivan fur a vuruderful service, members nIKnoox Prerbynerian Cburcb, Rebeka' Lodge and Allendule Trafalgar Hoose staff. A fine rbure ru a wondertul morber, nana, and fiend ru al. 'Feu years have row corne ru pars. Alrbvugh,' r ut fecîs lke yererday. Yrru wcre caken from us ru ruddenly rbar r rspl/r ont hearîr niimo. Dire ide ru tfed twrh mernorrer aind the orber dred orrîr you. Fvery day wc rpeak your nainre and orrly rtre fovng inrnrories of rîrur charnu, kindrneru rard spirir Irruvirfe us orrîr tIe courage ru face uac h day and everv day thar we're aparer Forever ioved and missed "Love Ya" Mcm & Dad ercar -t4, 19v> iea, 4, 200 Iiiî1iril'/iîf liiiirrd, lrviu'iuiiir/ur Micfrdv !/isiiianis'c/irrc/riendi if ,n sprtlv on in iv iiliçait, "A thoussnd sniles for vou Dad" I riYre iiie iecidiiiiv/rrci 'raii PÀSý1 ar o hanks ClTardo Taks T r 'ru/ilii, li. xiirc , oiii rii ,i r/ r/r si 1111v r i-riri 'rlIý li r/cI c i i r i oui 'ii 'i"1 i, giirrciii jean Miukîiiiirr wi r/rrc i /rrk, fi h if andcf Viiiz r , ' at irîri (,i.ri/cii i ./ r ciat -f[l , uni il i/rîr iitiict i / lrjIi 1/ Ir \0riuig Iiir. rurb, andi dic In' Ilmu',îrî/r L r , I i /îîîîc fil \'.îrb ccc ratrnrculri Maris, Ve"cu Kîlu hbandlei, (raigandrrenc(.lNrrii Nanes uO rin MATH Tuûirr G rades NEED a LIVE-IN 7 12 Cvir/rs c rper'- Nanny? enere 'rars, Pre arr Lcue nzgI derly esc a16-238 6a2 Cuare? Avant! Homecare Ar Inernaiîonal z jArticles Canegirer Agency E For Sale v/luringfouulire i IVE IN/our Nansnis GE SovvvirTSp Sîrre, for Chind Care & Whte 2yrs ri r Cark se Eidoniy Core. o br vers 530e 060 Please ral tor a free 900/-878-1076 consultation 905-875-1171 o 1-e88-875-1171 MANHATTAN hc niwsod flave & lutenat- iil7.ntB trous $20 Oeen sz er iMatres s ospreg & floor fnueef$100. Arican' CARE MINDERS lhevod heddreg rrrrrv NANNY AGENCY sire, ker sein 2-shavS. We proid srvice fo uuel cuven & edskirt $5.5 failes pror e ios okn Wîinrtires /Wîirien Force) a fle o r e rIrs uosîeoRs usoni i seasus, CAREOIVERS -chias 0w k' $4W00 0-575- Cane ced Ederiy Cre 47 Forlfreconsultation emai us POOL tabie, prolessirsal rare.indeers@pahio va serres ie aevnirupgrate. or au ait 1ci "nsiane $800wovrth on c 64i7-868-835i0 on ussorîos. Brnd u ewin ianxvu90--144 ox. Cosi $5,u00,vust sei $1500svO519-722-a07T Aalbe A Kieg or Orees Ohopeo evaressen, Newi EXPERIENCEO ECE pro- pastic. Wannasly Cvst sosd in r icre.Fuir andu $1600. Sacrificerkirg $500 pann lve asaiabli Break- Osees $295 900-007- fast, unch, seacks pro- 0459 uded Cîcie lime. Crahu ____________ Senssry Pay, heve Days age fnocer in A Kng on Oeer Orîhope- yard, Crse lv Park. cPR icvd rsssel. Newini andrd îsIacri ,aiseu Ccii piastica. WsVransy Cur Tara 905-878-7057 $1600 Sacrifice kng $050 Oees $295 9us-se7 Must &Dancs '" 0 -&Mlnssltrution BEOROOM Chenîpwoori ver. dresser, vînnor ches r. ightstandr nsou inborner DOvelcîl constructirn Cos $7000, Oel 01500. iniri Experienced rsv 511 pece 'Cherry South Indian Nein Cosi $8000, Sel Claseical m$1900.9055674042 Musical Teacher Ofleisg beginssi CARPET i have souenal 10 advnced ansi n1.oou arus o rew tinOlî vocal c/ases orscii Master & 100%sne crr ages in Miton. yen Wii do living rmev i Contact Seema at hall on S389. encludos cr- pet5490 , pad & insallatione(30 905-869901 yfards/) 5iov. 905-633- cm rtclsW aned c TrsfSale L O 0K 2002 rutC creli rab 4x4. BEOT CashS Paie- Ait Fccp Asuiorodiu poion Jeweiiery, Golr, Sucer, Ecaps.or siodl prei Oteeronds, China, Cr- Eiso etdcriid tai, liver, Figaurines, $1r,900 Oniy 75.stsiims. Royal ovuton, Swarov- Advur Hodings. ccir ski, Ait antique turnish- 905-873-377e. Iees, Art, Coiiectibles ' etc. Estate Speciaiets, to plare pour ad n Tep Cash, Cati Jeh m iC aaaacharrmpion Tracy 905-331-2477 ca/i 905.878.2341 MAJOR LIQUIDATION SALE! DIRECT FACTORY AUTNORIZED LIQUIDATION SALE ALL ITEMS MUST BE SOLD1IttIttIt1 Actng ondes Insructons received: we wil seI UNCLAIMED ITEMS- OVERSTOCKS - BANKRUPT INVENTORIES - RECEIVERSHIPS - SHOWROOIM SAMPLES * MISGUIDEO FREIGMT * DESIGNERS SAMPLES- RENTAL RETIJRNS - CLOSEOUTS NEW HOME FURNISHI NOS - BEDROOM SU/TES LIV/NG ROOM SETS - DIN/NG TABLES & CHAIRS HAND CARVED MAHOGANY DESIGNERS ACCENTS ART -JEWELLERY -G/FTWARE SPORTS MEMDRAB/L/A - LEATHER SOFA SETS os'. PUBLIC AUCTUON SAT FEB. 2 - AT 1: PM (Preview: 12NOON) ROCKMOSA COMMUNITY CENTRE 74 CHRISTE ST, ROCK/NOOD, ON 519-21-0961 WATCH FOR INSERT IN TH/S PAPER WTH $100 COUPON c r i 1 ýý ,, - 'ï [r a t r - r/r Rr r , 1ri.'i.i v-rsý C,, ROYALTON INTERNATIONAL LTO. 905-607-0111 Eînci:ROYALTONAIJCTONS@ROYALTON.ONCA ;I pard m g ~ San&SHelp 5500E' lIen & Yorung Total skie And evrry Spa Cal AroplaîCr Siatlaiy fOs h^ing a liceirsor full Peeruary 2cr 10 air 3 îve haîrsîplîsi Picase loi r tic re ta appiy en persrrriai 258 1Mcrn Iker,,10 r. P-ar 8RdOnu' 0",,,,r Pc" Mi'iun r en n -use ,r y I 5 0c ai /rseur5u r rner CisRr e 'ue647 u uioi A7-80R ý WRs CuecaAs voe levi S~rale 197h MO Mîrvel 70% ro slorcu vcep rein paIns Anirieg $2.200 as , Crli aller e oopv 905-877- 3063 1999 Oiver VIW Passai Orpi . aulovatirc. nîlOTîp- ronie sunînol hecird iuaihor secir 248.50vs, od condition e- resicuieentiîled $3.800 Ccli 905-877 405 a 2001 Toyota Cavry /oade, acaho, culvati, 4-cypindr. reautîruIr Peceiedreinrar onr in- uap 5$10.900 Cail 905- 866-8335 2004 Chevy MaliOs 4-d000 fuliiverurped, 4-cuirerr A/C avîrvaîru PW/Pc Asrlslciy pvdfecl Cvis sios lesîedlcrriied. $10ý900 Oipy 21.vovkrs. Osidvur Holiungs, Ccli 900-873-3770. 2004 Pontiac 5crnirne a door. 4-ilieder Ici p eruîpped Sic, rvalc PWIPL Non-svvker Abso- iutliv perfeul Evîssion lesledîcerlîlred. 58,900 Oniv 31 .OOkvs. enrturn Holings Ccii 900-873- 3776. PT Cuiser LU 2003, Auo- varie. 53,OOkms Chuv- pagne enierroribvige ier- or CD/urrol PMîPW/PL, Exclentcon- dition. 08,900 Cail 416- 996-0134. S<LM Poessîvsci Parelers 26 yers of poessosa' x poere ree qurnes 100W guarnreer Mark 905-878-2064. ( Eductiton ec Tranng' FREE lob Search workshop for Experienced Workers Tihe eay Area /ear rq Cuenr a Iiscoser ui/ of saur employab/e ski//s 2ndoova Mvl/ca s/nmue ibul wsrks ses Harngion Court Surlitigrur ON cUN 3N4 a Learn lu market yevrsrlf tu rmpînyers a Bnderutond and deee/op interview skrl/n ONTARIO Cnieig aguee FREE Information Session! sokl 905-333-3499, E&t.121 cl www. thecentre.on. ca C9>he Centre <7Skii. Deveiopment & Taining 7 .3 Meer cres m aer WeIometoOur In-paper------ ;e c pari f vue 1'rP1PER JOB FA IR COMPANY NAME uppienient adcetuc put ycue emplo ment LOGO opportc ite i iheOueds of over r 147900 houoehotdo ie auelingto, Company PROFILE: Ockvitte, Miton and Ftambcrouýh. INCLUDING: Company Producl Services Yesrs irishe Mt B> cot gie a or cecomeigUor Communily. Company Bers/tv etc I profite ufong wih the cddreei, fax Your Company Profile Heret irfoemusce, phione nuinher cnd can f lOP0RMfl al juI rob ioriies eou tiave io iffee Yur Company iread v/ ie cpiuced ie ourrpeect l Opponiuities Herel secion cîîh ediaincfcontent In cîîiri COMPANY AODRESS w a PHONE NUMBER peuple wc'ùh ipî and ariceiionBo s E-MAIL - FAX get li riheàîh i eghfoe ihen! CONTACT hOME lfiligionrr osit "ire ikeille iiear e R V 1I [W lCbarn i t SI/f3'le revr5->/"\14'. Rackll age Oaichie Akr/r î icil, f S riseeingion and (kvijiie$29 hi/,Ai S Add Oilio and Biaiiroogh for $299 Spot crilir frcni $5ii acd I'roesN oicur lScir$150 - (àilri Jcai Dt-.A D i 1NF Feb nïarv 1 5,200ÜPU BLîSHING DATE: Febnrarr20,2008 ý,905.878.2341 .i , 9058762364-i ,,ý rivers 0 Drers eiv Brkr ihon re- riab/e mini-vans & cargo vans for local and cross-bsrder de- livenies. Must have Drivers Abstract/Po- lice Securiy Check wlh application Cali S/lawna ai: 905-332-4678 TODAY! klIHGnra ep SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE Flexible hours *HOME office. *Free trainng Free website *Great support Contact Christine 905-876-4631 CONTRACT OPPORTUNITIES OWNER OPERATORS REQUIRED Hamilton and surrounding areas Neilson Dairy is currently /ookîng lu contraci Owner/ Operatoro /0, provide saper/or transportation services in Hamilton and îurroundîng areas. /nieresied individus/a a/lould pusseso ie /oliowîng, - Vaid DZ Licence - Minimum 3 yeara verîfiable DZ drîvîng espeience *Clean Dr/yens Abtracta (coor & peroonsl - Cualomer service orientation - Excellent communication ski//a - /ncorporaled entily *Entreprenieur/al asoi/bales - Good organîzutionul ski//s *Prfesaîonai attitude - Esparience ai upenslîrg s succes/ul muli-vehicie uperation *Currerl Operatîng Aulhurtîeo (MTO) *Minimum CVOR 15h59 0/f Salisctony - Unuudied Please tax or mail pour resame, driver abstracts (ceor & personal), quotisg F/te name: Owner Operator t0: Neilson Dairy 279 Guelph Street, altas Hilîs, ON, L7G 413 Fax: (905) 873-1907 Att: Logistica Manager No P/lune Cal/s Please. Dse /0 the astîcîpated ru- sponse, on/ly thse cvnsidered tue interiews wuf Be contacted. i a n. 5- c- in in ýSt k0. 7- le- m )St ý0. ;7 A St ýS )SI ig- ry. ýell 'al lin àr- îr- 30 ý3-