A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2008 mien Oakville tourney holds number Miton-s atom selects may have had a short- out the foursome. lived run at the recent Frank Sabatino Memroal The Winterhawks began and ended the round Tournameni in Oakville, but it certainlv wasn't robin in victory - turnrng back the Clarkson short on highlights. Hurricanes 3-1 and host Oakville * The most notable came in the form ofWofak-1-btwrdeidast Winger Daniel Gaetan claimn h in the final four by vlrtue of a tiebreaker. Frank 'Sabatino Memorial Sandwiched between these wins was Sportsinanship Award - an honour * f a 5-3 deleat at the hands of the Ottawa- be wDn s teonos e lfispayr acob ntRnd eausodtî. ewe h "Dansioelo usih ros n lec achyer reJabRnataeamptod age ew h I'ce ever coached," noted coach Robert pipes throughout the weekend, while *Aikinson. h was so great that he won it. Mchael Bethune led the overaîl attack with 'm A vm;wr 1" ~0i9EXUMUIAI fosSeyMliiAlii Daw Fies. Jugey Mmisv Lv" LbisiemuVINGI 39C Cath wlii DAVIDIFRASER 8-1205 (no Taie-Outi pieuse) Demmest ille $N 3 256-9pm lM,1 Thursdav Mliii i(araoke Vidmuidev NhMob mrfrias. Live fil Mm iii Linda raiis. Pizza. Pokie, & Nore! FRUBAI uah Jos vii. DJ Pieieu 0* Fu.ilv à Ffétds @av... Fuee Pool Avudiall Mu Dvlo éix nomme'.Ut il lýKVNC (lkedkeui oui wii Fa.ilv (2 têlets> 55 Oubario SL N., lh (BeWie lRe.CkuysIe)9O5-876-2378 That wouldn i be the onlv win for the local selects last weekend. Along wîth taking îwo of its three round-robin gantes - which efi îhem hearibreakingly short of a semnifinal berth- Nathan Brady lhînîshed lîrst in the defence agilits race of the skills competition. I-ed also have a hand in Miltons second-place performance n ithe relas race, wîîh Gactan, 'Williamt1Haiilton ancl Justin Sandluck rounding Four goals. Hamilton scored tbree times and added an assist, wbîle Colin Sadler collecîed four helpers. Gaetan (1g, 2a), Sandluck (1g, la) and Brady (2a) also fueled Milton-s olfence. The atont selects hope to buîld on lasî week- end's efforts nexi ntonth at the London Toumameni, where îhev reigned supreme lasi year. No time to think in a game: Dolecki from CREASE on page A18 siressecl ilai buiilding a ;tronig goalie mecans dcccl- opiiîg ticint- 001 chaniging thent. -ALtihe cndC of ihe das it*s aIl about ,topping the pic, anid ihetus realîs 'no rîght or ssronig ssas 10 do thai. Isc goalie s got thucir ostylîe andl sou (:ail t irs 10 chlange ihai. )ou s'e got to ss ork wîîh tiheir sircngihs, "Sonlitiii tsilat cati bc a halancirng ac i beiss ceni ieac ing îthctech niques and ai tht ,arnie lutte 001 chanigiiig a goalie too ntuch, but bs, nos' îî s pi cIls ntuch sec ond inature. Agreed Xinterhawks inidget netrninder Brandon Grant, -Dase Basn't tnied to change my sty le. lesaîsas constructive and positive and he wnssshen to push mne and when tw work on repetution so thiat I don't base îo îhînk about what inm doing in a gaine situation. ITbe importance of that last part, Doleckî said, car i tbu ovcernphasized. [hrsust no ti t think in a gante. ousve got to instinctisels knoss shat to do, and that onîs cornes through repeuition. If coure îhinking oui there, sou re in trouble." t't40ri HALTON HILLS MINOR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION 2008 REGISTRATION House League. (10- 12 yrs)- $340 Cm n Bw. PeeWee (13-14 yrs)ayFobl JV (15-17 yrs) lyFobl $380. < PHOTOCOPY 0F BIRTH CERTIFICATE REQUIRED! www.haitonhillsfootbail.com We Need YouI, The Darling Home for Kids. located in Milton, provides paediatric hospice care and respite services to chronically ill children and their familles.1 Ways you can help... àVolunteer! ne li Hme liasnumerou amsz vIbre you cal Mare a dlfferenoe: v Playlng vlt tei idds If Offire adminIsratIon Yf rocery shopping v Oardefling atvte V Fundralslng cvle V And morel session on Tuesday, February l2th from 6:30 ta 8:30 pm. RSVP Today' ! r HoSt An Event!I fundralsing evet In DUO's t Garage Sales, Golf Tournamemt to cGaas noevem ils too big or too small. Wtb vour heip we can *reacli our goal of ralslnq ~j$75.000 from communty *fundralsers, vhI icli i *allov us to continue provldlng care and support to chlîdren and familles ln need. Help US Help Children in YOUR Community! CONTACT US: The Darling Home for Kids 5657 l5th Side Road - Milton, ON - L9T 2X7 T - 905.878.7673 s F - 905.878.9886 E - info@darlnghomeforkids.ca IAYUDAN Iaiurdav moiii 'Omet AwalvoYuî Blues, Demtele Boel11 3.11 -9v Arhits ae seer hum0. tolli aaa Moret'a 0ln. T0.0 *ube i0 .0etd ors by1milo pepl 0. '0 the0ne' 0*cde .0' . ar.0 0sth *edn cause ofdia ilt. i Canada 1-,4110 moiýe\yl 1