The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, January 29, 2008 - A9 V AUTOMATIC & STANDARD V FRONT AXLE REPAIRS V FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CARS V FREE INSPECTION V TRUCKS & 4X4'S V WRITTEN GUARANTEE V CLUTCHES & ON AIL WORK A SINC 1976DIFFERENTIALS V FREE TOWING WITHIN s'V FRONT WHEEL DRIVE 5 MILES WITH MAJOR REPAIRS NATION WIDI WARRANTY AVAILABL R :Àl1 hiel à i:7-À z lim p-ýj nek, i m lo "MUSTANG MESSENBER"9 M.' Emily Barrie Harbi Naft Leanna Rtchie ai Kng MILTON DISTRICT 116 SCUGOL Severai Milton District sliidents are lakîng a stand agalusithie Toronto Dsrict Sciioni Bîards propcîsed Afrocecîric Iligh Schooii The schooi. wlich would provide an Airoceniric curricauum, is eing proposed 10 combat the issue of iigh drop oui raies of black studenîs in Toronto. The idea is Iial an Alrocenîrie curriculum niiuld inoivale sîudeuîs 10 go to schooi and n ould pros ide a Seller eus ironinîîl Ifor îhei. îlusniaking îheîîimoliumtkelN iii erauiie, rite ccîrows ,,lies n ihinthie lact ihat tie scholîuo uld sepirile peoîple Sased on tlilir race and bSngs us Suek tbus cm imllv 5ears ago nlîeiî segiegaied schîools nereciîommiuc People sucli as Dr. lerience RobSers, uaîîeiib Stei litile 11Rock Nîîîe fomArkansas, dcsoied iheir is es lu rîugîng abou ageli aneid mci msi ene-. While our Muisangs s isiled thie i olerance Centre in Los AngelesDr. Roberts slîared lss iens un tie issue n iii our siodents its aboutniexclusion.î Xc, ilîcc iliai î,lksaboutîiexc lusionc s a prîîS- lent." lie remarked. l'lie sîîîdeuîs tiluintîîeîîly lisieued b Slis prseiîîatiin gree and are deîerciuecl ii lias e iheir sîîîces heard. Ses eral slîîdeuis, Aormkinig icgelier wuvîlheilc chlool. lias e siuned un îîulîne pelillin iSîl îley n ii presciici the Torontoi District School Boîard Sciore îlîeý lîleel lu sole cou hie proiposal i nJaiîury 311î -W uderslaîîd ihai ilîre is an issue \n iii blaick tecnagers.,Sbît the solution is ncîl icisepirale iheci ii a cldifféreut schcîîl. The Sesi soloî- tion is1to cicifx our- curricuilcum luprîîs de au ecual and elfectîse cdu- caionsîlstseuli hati s neiciig cof al cultures and eîliiîies,- sans grade 12J studeni. Mail King. lie leels ihai iluis sciîîî%u Inîîld cause ulicecssiry segregalill i n Foroulo. a cily ihai prîdes iusei1ou eing înulticuiîîîral. li's lusi soi the nas 10go. Oue of the mustimnporant pants aboutîîthe sluieiils cusipaign is IL) raîse anareuess aboutuîthe issue auîocgsî teenagers. Tlev liseecur agediioicnudiscuissionis abutithe çipropsal in classruîîîuuand liacealsuî crealed a place cou lacehock, a ueînuîrkîung neSsîle iha thie ilaîlîrlî cul srudenis use on a dily Sasîs. nhere sîîîdenîs and parenitseau iheir feelings ohm tie baller. Ai Milon District, imaai> prulîccîs are eing putîin place I cre aie a culturally prolicieul hiîghî school. inctudiug au amîenîdaient lithie grade 10 is ics course lui incluide a unit1 ou cultural prulicleilcy and also a cen course whiclî n l Secîfred ccxl year euîîîlcd. cloSai Anareuess & Cultural Profciencu. Thiîs modet of cultural pioficieucvis nbat the siadecis Ire1l imisae al schuiols n Ontario tiche estarniug ens ircncîcul for people oii ail eîiiiciiies and culures. If you nouid lîke lu cîurSuîe your liioughls. ail feedSack is nel- contericithie FaceSook group cnîîîled. -Wese ( Ciie To Far ru (ci Bark Now'. If you wîsiî lu shion youîsuppont for tihs cumpaîgu, pieuse visi1 Slip: peîîîîons.îakiugî slopsegregalioc and sîgu the peiion. "DATELINE DRURY"P' Kevin BSoyd Nurîn Merchant Allison Wallis E.C. DRURY UHIgH SCHGOL Hey Milton.,is that tîme agaîn. Tîme to treat you 10 your second edîtion of Daieline Drury for 2008. Everything is going awesomie and we are here to Ici you know jusi how and why it îs as awesome as we say. Siarîing off, lasi Thursday was anoîher opporîîînity for E.C.D. s super awesome Link Leader Crew 10 show off their stuff, and ibis lime, îhey were busy f1exiý some cerebral muscles. Wlsat was the occasion.> Exain preparalion of course. Hahaha, gel il, course like sehool course. Neser mnd. The grade ines, for the first ime ever ini tise lisîory of E.C. Drury. werc îreaîed 10 a Lînk (lest organizcd Cocoa trami: îlot cîrna, and lots of exam erammling. The Link Crew is eomiposed of senior students wsho know 1151 whaî 10 sîudy, boss b sîîîdy, anc iboss luo suececd in grade 91 These senicîr studenîs wîli help the grade 9s achies e exaiTi success! Aiso ini the nessýs, tise first badminton praclîce nus heid on rîdtîy moming (ycîkk, mornings!). Ne\s memnbers are alwýays stelcome 10 test their racket against Mr. Sheppard. We hope to be seeing soîne greal ihings from the team ilis year. Goodiuck Spartans! On the topie of Badminton. tise girl's field hockey îeam and the badminton ieam cre teamning for the 41h annuai ECD Badminîon/Eîeld Hockey Athon. Tonigli., ilsere wîli bc a eommuîsiîy kîds insrucion session froîn 6:15 - 8.30pm in the South Gym. Anyone frorn grades 4 îhrough 10 8 is îns îed 10 icarn the basies of field hockey and badminton. and enîoy a pizza dînner wiîtise E(D Teams. Activ e stear Is a must as tise Athon is nonslop fui) and play'. Fun is a comm-ality ii tise Sports Builinîg. iuts ask a inember of SAS., ssho is paintinsg and refurbîshîng the halls of the athîcîte compiex. Painting and piclures. music and food for the sshoie day! Mos îng oninI the spirit of inusie to tise Arts Departmeni which is hosting a trip 10te hit musical Dirty Dancinsg. Thursday. Eebnîary I Jus, ECD sîndenîs siii joîn the crowd aIithe theaire and bc gisen the opporîuniîv 10 meci and îaik with the actors of tise show. Mrs. Ctes and Mr. Dîgiorgio have tickets and îhey are seliing oui fast! Two days to go Drury! Sîudy bard and we wîli sec you on tise other side! "6THE ROYAL6 REPORT"1 Mi Joanne Bayoneto Mati kerwmn Chantai Pereira DISHOP REDINO 1110H SCUGOL Holla BR, your Inside Sources are back once agaîn tb hook you up with the latesi news. We know that this week is very stressful and very bectic, but we are glad to see that you are taktng your time to read this awesome issue. So without fur- ther ado, here are some of the important events that happened ast sveek. An information ntght for future students and their parents was hcld at BR last Thursday. This night, which was hosted by the sehool administration, was a chance for grade 8 students to view the scbool they will be a part of next year and for parents bo leam about what Btshiop Reding bas to offer for their chul- dren. WVitb speeches, Q&A periods. and a guided tour the ntght may not have seemed ail that inîeresting, but lucktly the fantas- tic LIBus %erc there to sase the day. The Leaders in Black, or LiBs for short, led tise students around the school showing them the location of classrootus and other important places through- out the school. If vou're a grade 8 student and plan on goîng 10 BR next year but couldnit make it (out for the information îîîght, dont worry. The student counicil and LIBs will be hosting grade nîne day in August to belp students get accustomed to the nets environmcnt. If you are a parent and have furber question. please dont besîtate to contact the school's administration. Oit February Isi. Bishop Reding will be losing a valuable asset to the commnunity. Mr. Jonker wîll be leasing us to become vice-principal ai Notre-Dame High School. Mr. Jonker, ssho bas been teaching ai BR for oser 20 years bas become an integral part of eacb students leansîng experience. For some, he w as a great Englîsh teacher, for others, a belpful guidance councellor: and for aIl, a great man. Mr. Jonker bas constantly cniertained the student bodv'\ itb bis witty jokes and cracks ai otîser teachers. He is mnost known for bis hostîng of various ecîsis, sncb as Awards Nîgbt, and Music Night. He wîlI be sorelv mîsscd. So good luck 10 y0u Mr. Joniker. and kssow that no matter wlsere you are, vou will always be a part of the Bîsbop Redîng communîty. 6000 LUCK and neyer forget to sîsit to say HEYYY! Before the conclusion of ibis week's Royal Report, one of your Inside Sources svould like 10 end ibis feud of wbicb Nozuka brother is betier. Clearly, your Student Council Presîdent. KATHLEEN JOHNSTON aka K-Dawg, is incorrect as GEORGE Nozuka is teîî imes benter than is younger and inexperienced brother, Justin. Well with ihese kind words, your Inside Sources wish you the besi of luck wiîh your final exama and will see you in the new semester! I I 1