A6 - The Canladian Champion, Tuesday, January 29, 2008 oPINIQ. Lighting \\e want y'au ta turn A you.r lighits. Nat t îght flOo' aithaugh if' there is a light glaxvîng in an cinpty raani yau iraght xant ta s'Nttch it aif - but on Saturday Mai. 29 the Canadian Champion is encauraging ibis town ta join the test af the warld in the Earth Haut Challenge. This ultiinatc green chal- lenge started last year when residents in Sydney, Australia turned off their lights fat ane haut in a bîd ta îeduce their ecalogicai footprint. Snce then, the Lghts OSut camipaign has spread quickly araund the warld. Last week ()akville Mayoar Rab Burton annaunced his taxvn wauld jin the Eatth Haut Challenge, andI wetre ciînbing abaatd this envi- ronrnentai train. Burton's goal is ta turn off the way evcry light niiOakvîllic ram 8 ta 9 pin. Match 29. Came an Milton rauncîl, alon vaout Oaki<slieccaîîtci- parts and encourage every other îaunicipaiity in O.ntario ta lalit.w suit Tutning ail the lights for anc hatît in Miltan and, hapeiuliy, a good portian af the GIA, is mate than just a stunt. ifs a symbalic action that will deinanstrate that xv're ail ini thîs together. Maybe hy switching aff a cxv lighits we caîs actuall>' shecd saine lîght on an issue inan> ai aut paliaical lcadets refuse ta acknaxviedge. '«e urge the business caînaunity ta joui us n pta- rnotîng duis cainpaign. Please let us know if yau plan ta sîgu uip fartihe Latth Haut C hallenge. Tagether we can inake a dîierence. Readers Write E-mail your letters ta mltnned@hialtonsach.coem ""Global warming" term does flot do justice to the problem DEAR EDITOR: In this past veat, accarding ta Statistîcs Canada, more than 500,000 Canadians made the trek down ta the wattn sut ta enjay saine fun in the sun. Sa when Fiorida was namned the top U.S. destination as vis- îted by Canadians, it was not a sutptise ta the inajotity ai lie country. But why does everyone fiee ta Fionida? Florida offers Canadians a break [tain the elennents. Its a chance ta put away their parkas and exchange them fat a paît ai board shotts, ptît axvay their giaves and heated beverages and grasp ais ice cld beer xith their bare hands. It offets a break iraîn wanry- îng if the car Aill be able ta get thraugh the snaw and teplace it wth a concern af haxv bot the sand xiii be an the way dowîs ta the beach. A canclusioin tan bec rw that tihe majarity of travelling Canadians treasure a break lrom the lnigîd teinperatures and enja>, relaxîng in the suns xarming rays. In short Canadians assacia.e 'xarining" xith the south and its relaxîng beaches. With the term -global xannîng" beîng tassed ataund by evety polîtîcian and scientisi xarnîng us ai the certain catas- trophes that xvi la llaxv, xvii>is iî that Canadians refuse ta tura daxvn the bieat and air candi- tioning? The problein isn't that Canadians are ignorant tIr the perîl the xorld is enterîng; the prablem uis actuaily in tihe naine itself - global warming. Many Canadians associate the xvord xanning wîth the south, and assoctate the south xvth a pleasant reiaxing vata- tion. la addition, hiaving a scien- tîst sa> ilfxve dont drasticaily reduce out- carbon cinissions xve can expecita sec tise ch- mates, temperature increase b>' up ta three degrees souîsds like a biessîîsg rai-ninus--15. Heck, if it ineans thev v5't ireeze thetr butts off shoveliig the dnivexv in thei narnîng, isany Caîsaians viiingiy ire UP their SU Vs and let tisem idie in their dtivexvays just ta pro- vide theisi wsti a xarn envi- ranment. ts not that Canadians dont tare about the enviroament; its saiely that ta many, the thought ai xanning" is a xeicamed one and they dont ltnk the cat- astraphic effects writis suds a pleasant thauglît. M>' proposition s this: chsange the isame ofi global xarîning ta a lesir invting and more intîînidating naine. A possibîlity - "global calannity'" oir "global destruction." Ifxve look atixvisat ather naines have heen given out in tise xorid - (HIV/AIDS) gob- ai epîdeinît, (terrrnsin) global terrorîsm, and (SARS) Severe Acute Respiratar>' Syndroine - ail tisese naines are uîiavit- ing and itnipletssent a certainî level aifear, unlike that ai global xvarmimsg." Its s i>' Lancera tisat siîouid xve continue tel use the tertn gtobal warnnng, inan>' aitisose in thexvrid xvho lise iin irigid clmates xiii contiatue ta not be able ta ful> process tise couse- quences of tins planetary cner- gcncy, as tise atiags xiii con- tînue ta be biurked b>' tie pleasant and xeicîsning thoughts associated xvth xarming. ANDREW SCARFFE. GRADE1ilSTUDENT MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL /V~~/~ l!Ilw Qfanabîan ~fMampiou Mitor' Comunity Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.miltoncanadianchampian.com Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief loi] Davis Managing Editor Karen Micehl Advertising Director Wcncly McNab Production Manager Tom Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare rTe Canadian Champioin, published every Tuesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Lt. - Group Publisher an Oliver Advertising o accepted on tirecondtintirai, in tire event of a typographical flair, that portonoth ie adver- trorrif pae ocupred Sp rire erroneous item, togetirer wth a reasotable alloaance for sinature, wrill ot Se ofarted for, but the balance of the advertsement wiii ire pard for ai the appficable rate.Tire pubisoier reseevet the riht ta categorite advertioereeato or rdire. . CCAB Audited Ontiario Cimmoflrty 2cà(CM a Newspapers Asociatron Caeadraî Cimmuniris C CNA Newopapenos sociation iurboian Newspapero BK%~ of America TheCankioianCharrmpîcat o Haltn Hakhaf on rT o W JigleBel ud CANADA DA Blood donations are appreciated DEAR EDITOR: On behali ai Canadian Blaad Services, I wauld like tatank every- one whoa auended the Miltan biaad donar clinics January 12 and 17, where we collected 175 uni is. Since every unit ai blaod can be used ta help save or imprave the lives ai Up ta three people, yaur donationsý could help as many as 525 peaple in need. The winter manths are aiten tise most chaIieîîging for the blaad pro- gram, wtnxany regular danors sick with iliness or away on vacation, try- ing ta escape the coid weather. Snow and ice-covered roads ean also be dangerous, causing donors ta cancel teir appainussents. Whiie biaad donations tradition- ally decrease at this time ai year, thse demand for blood usually increases, due in part ta an increase in trauma cases such as car accidents and win- ter sparts-reiated injuries. The next cinic xiii be heid at the Milton Sparts Centre, 605 Santa Maria Blvd., Thursday, Pcb. 21 from 1:30 ta 8 p.m. Thank yau for yaur continued support ai the bload program. We look farward ta seeing yau at aur next cammunity ciinic. MARISSA D'ONOFRIO. RECRUITMENT CO-ORDINATOR CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES UNITED WAY OF MILTON TV AUCTION 'CAlA ~Awards MILTON CLAUS PARADE