Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2008, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday Janaary 25, 2008 - 27 iCi ~ Im _____Place____an___Ad__________905___878-2341____ Index: Real Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 B -* Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampioncom e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57t Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com: * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad submission hy mail or in persan: The Canadiar Champion, 555 Industrial Drive, Side Door, 2nd Floor, Mlton, ON t91 SEl Deadlines: Mon.,il1a.m.,tor Tues. publication, Thors, il arn., fon Fni publication. Special Featuro & Holiday deadloos may vary. Paymeni: We accepi cash, choque, lnterac, Visa, MaterCard, Amercan Eopresso Ail ads placed are non-relendable and ne credit wsut be issued. Business accouais cao ho opeood with ao approued credit appli , ation availablo tramt your Salon Consultant. CHECKC YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to onsore the intormation as correct. Cotact your Salon Consultant mithîn 24-Hours tfan error appears. An error in a Fri. publication mut bo eported nos later thon Mon.,il a.m. BIRTHDAY Tire rhîldren of Fred Henrerson ,r former owner and founder of Higîhand Evergreerr Sîppîy Ltd.. nte aroîly anrd firends to celebrare traerr ater s neBIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE i Sunday January 27, 2008, 2-4 p.m. at 14725 Crecitview Rd. Cheltenham, Ont (north of King St) lIent Wishea Ontg BIRTHDAY ILove fwaU kW§se s or Sale Hse ssFr Sae Mlton Beautîtal Qaîncy Corner hurît hy Mattamy This stannrng 2-stvry home, al Brick, douable garage, 4-hedrooms and 2n hathrvvmu is cvmplemented wth thausanda n upgradeo lIncladîng, 9 foot celînga, partîally trnrohed hasement, gos freplace, hardwood floors in diningflivîng rvom, yak taircaue aptaîrsibaoement, and many more. A muat 0001 593 Laughren Cres. 905-876-2583. Appointmeelts Only - No agents please. Offers avec $40000000 ANNOUNCEMENT Congratuftions to &r new Dermal Therapy Graduates Book an appointmont wth a grad and reçoive 201/ off your service. ELECTROLYSIS COLLEGE 0F CANADA INC. Medical Arts Building Suite 6, I 69 Main Street East, Milton, ON 905-864-0000 Judith E. Finn CME, CCE, Intl, ROT Director ANNIVERSARY Hapy 55th Hope ou h Ve mn more à / gour cehi/dre,, * a,,d fm4 Proe E e ssFr Sale Hses For Sale *ZERO DOWN** Free lot0of homes with pictarev avaîlable with no down payment www.ZeroDownMiIton.com or Free recorded message 1-800-590-3636 ID # 1825 RF/MAC Perioranaice Rearty Inn Brukerage DîSTRESS Sale - Bank Foreclosures Free liai of Bank awned praperflea. Recerve a Free Compuferîzed prnnoal. Pre-recorded measage 1-888 412-9651 eut 1042. OR www.GTADisrmsSalelist.com i,.u ,, lr.-, c icrvu, ,u.- ~E~sF~ Franchisejj chieoZ Eies ~ie MITN,%Serun. pince Sa1S.411.1proc mmHOnusesj OPEN HOUSE 566 Surieal 0,es. Mlton Sunda Jaeaary 27 tPM - 5 PM D0!/,ihei 2 S,/ n D/baih Fîrcac iCen/rul Ae ccc, aienrsive Hue yarvd rn/c 20 >r2Grdcr Priraie Sa ne Phone 905-878-2019 Pnre $349,900ý OPEN HOUSE 602 Eliat res,, Milon Sanday Januarp 27, 12 pm- 4pm Raiseil bungalowa vrai ed ir scugici afer Corser Pare Haidw huelora i5rvughout the main ievei abrana nea kichee oi new appiîaercesý Tara prvnerty ils on a large lotreasarieg 56"x 57" Amuai see, No agenets please. For inquirses ptease cati (905) 699-0627 MILTON Dorset Park. Large stunrea 2-story home, ail Brck, 4-boa- mot.4-bathrvoma, 2-ire- p/oves, large tnshed base- ment. livng ronm, dînîng rvom, tamiy raomHuge yard, arap around euh. arge gaazeiso.Musi e1 827 Ceuirbrae Avene.e 905-8786803. Appoint- meets Cniy No agents please. 047$5,00.00 " teSae le CAMBRIDGE #8 & 40-t, 22 minutes iv Mîlron Ena unit treehvid townhouse, Reno- vatea. new rooi, ne a rt ytîng. nea fliors, ftrinsSed basemeer t013,900. No Agents 900-454-1901 anter hym, Comm. Specal RETAIL spore for sus- iease aiin Surllitnecuvier, availabie Mar rat 560 aq i Greaitur amalil home Sased business Io expand 905-693-c542 Mchle Oppunuites JOB ai home, $407 68 Weekiy Asemble Fîo unis. Mai or Comyuter Work Free eiais ww TpJobReview o arîte CHRJobs 372 Ri- deau SIte916At5 Ottauwa ON, KIN 07 1t800-351- 5t120 s . .0 * e S Sior(êl» Noiv available! RioCan Centre Burloak, Oakvillé"" Cominjg soon! RioCan Centre Milton t S)I iii ric 1i n,ýiciii tor iils ,t ic cii ilcliiig Cu gicctE crsici. andîcforr raiiti M u i i i5itirrr - vSr. 5vl1irkr tri c iUtrioliiViO vvw.secondcupcoeni triti ýtjSIii01-IIlic ititii r iLc c-, LcIii gil] tîrc.1-800-569-6318i imi tpatricio a isecondcup.coni mr" Second Curp. Indu-pendeertiy Owned. Usiqueey Canadian. Professiecal Apariments & DiretoryFiais For Reni ERASE YTr.,, irial MILTON Cinan &O pacivus Record We succeeu r Sbeurorr asarneni aSere orcoimsipetiiîn 000incluivîe aith r park- can' i We gîve freSon-m ing saae Avaianie Feb sultations Ou.r csi rust rar Cvii 905-875-2940 $475 Appiy un lne w guornenciar C, place your ad in duns ca Cal Ovbyn r onu rîîr inabiai iClanipier 298-5520 rcail 905.878.2341 GIVE YOURSELF A GIFT! Stop payîng hîgh Credif crid rtes, personral voans or finance cnmpany hîgh intereat rates. Gnod or had credit. 1001,' financîng avaîlable inclades oel employed. tost & 2nd mortgages avaîlable. Bankrapt and Consumer Propaaala. Cali Joanne today @ 905-332-2098 Real Martgage Associates $560001 SOLti DAT E Sagabad redît, ravi mort- gage arrears, sel-em- pioped 100%, Mangages, dont pop iyrt Fragrami Ce- tario-h9îde Fînancrai Cor- pration -000 307 7799 CAMPBELLVILLE Bache- Ian apavameni south of 401. Rural seting, near amenîtres. Iflludes Priage, sivve, introoar eotîng, C/A, nesîte iaundry taclties, auitabie fot onie indîvîdual. $7800 imih. Siîitesin cluded irsidasi reguirea. Freter no smoking/pers. Avalabie îmmedraieiy 905-699-2090 DOWNTOWN MLTON MilsideTowers 82 Mitiside Drive, Attractive quiet Sur/dîng Spacîvus brîgai dlean 10&2 Sedrvvm unira oral launary iaciiiy ana cocia' rvvm un site Rnaular resîdeni nuenis Open 7 daps & enenings Cati 905-876-1249 www.reaistar.ca CAMPBELLOILLE, up- scale. 2nd fleur 2-Sdrm apt Cownerirance, C/A park- ing, riage/sovue, avlaSin Aprr/ 1 ti S 1lcOOmiS utilirlîns, Cal 019-822- 8331 DOWNTOWN Mloguiet amailisecond tiser Sachelor unît in eriate buiding, Avoulable Pnb tli $610 mvnthly. preler noupets. Cvii 905-854-5742 for rter- vewng deraîrs, Apariments& MILTON eryJames Onva Pkay 000 t uaem bsmt api OSeperate on- rance, parking, preler no petsismoking. Cari Clga @ 416-231-4756 MAIN tiobungalow 2- bedeavm, cose t l wn towe Mton. large prvpenty, $000 pus utiltes. îmmedi- aie. 9058751110, CAMPBELLVILLE 2-bitrm opi. Freler nv amoli- ilgipeis, ne iaaedry-la- ilties Separate entranee close tiv401r 9500irtS 905-004-t 733ý DOWNTOWN Georgeton, lage t1-edrSvm, $Otaimonra plus avare n rinCes vppliaves/yvrlrîng Ne smoking/pets prelnrnu coredraceckfirsti/asi/reier- ecena Avaiabie Pebruary lti Cou 905-077-4427 GEORGETOWN Coi Iole t bedruve aparleeni AailaSie Pebruary lt iCCoi 905-073-0207 GEORGETOWN vIvge 2- beuruvrrrapalileeni. cear GO 0750/munis pics near/hyripreMarc t Cuaiîiîed Tenant unir Cafl Peler 9ua-077-5S1ri NIAGARA Palls acheivr basemreni ver sîve en- rance, parking, iavleiy, sais siegle Cvii 289292- 3167 topaea dcl 90.88.34 PIATE country ayari- ment, lvue/ 2-beurvum, Pv/i kirhen 4-prere batS. aasner/uryer Privateen rance ana gareen. Ne pers or cOidren prelerredi $1 .200/mania roc/una ti/itîns Cai 905-873-0660 RELISTEDt Georgetown Country Aparmeer 2-bea rom mmacu/aie condi- Appiances, avecr, park- ing iuiiy cuntirned $1r 1 00/muetS Ca/i 5t9- 853-95 SOtS apinA-a- iteeaebs.comigrownvyt ROCKWOOO t -bedroom basement aparimeet in neuser home, separare on- tranre. Freter no smok- ing/pers. Ailincluusive $575/monith. Avaiable Fnb- rvary 1 tiCol[ 519-856- 9854. ROCKWOOD Newiy Reno- vated, Avaiabie immedîie- y Large t,200 sqPft 2 plus hedrooms aparrmeni an second level. Cose t il amenîties and Conserva- ion Para. $900imonih plus Sydro. Cari 519-856-9854. MILTON 3-bdrm dniached bungalowafor rent non hase- ment. SteeiesiCntaro, $950imih ail incuivîe. hvai immediaieiy. 905 462-2047 MILTON, Timberlea 3- harm, t1.5 bath, iis/oea bsmi 4-appi ovuble drive- way, garage, Ornai deck and yard. preler nu poissamoking, auaiabin PeS 4trS 0t500/mihc ut/lt/ns. 416-72802v1ta 3-BDRM hnme in Mi/iva i piece bath, quiet area cloe oacheuis, enaur O c & air cenuitirier, arge uriveway. $t300/mia e uriies. Caii90S-467- 80804. CAMPBELLVILLE. im- mac/laie 4-mun idce-sp/il. 3-Sedîuom Sume, eaurîrci countryu roi 30 mni.tes West ai Pearson airpor Easy ligaaay acces or cammuters. itOSO mu evriiieîs. Preler non-smok- ersvn pets Relererices. 905-659-3076. GEORGETOWN rnewiy renouated 3-Sedroam, main livor bruangaiva, Appliî ances/iaundry//ange para. Walk iv shops/school, ai,2501 manth plus utîltes. 905-873-7724. I DOWNTOWN Ceorgeton, 3-Sndrvom. Avaîlvole Pnb- luarp lti 0925/mueanthii cluarve, 2-var parkieg. No dogs/smvkîng. relerences Aduvts viy by applîcarl 2- bedrvum SOOOimvnth plus Sydro, t Sedrvam base- tet. 1 car parking, $7800mvriiS inclusive. Cari 905-077-7461 GOoRGETOWN 3-boa- raam. Ail appliances, Close iv schoais/shapping. Or 400imoeth plus utiîites, Cail 416-55406277. MILTON 2 Stand new ex- ecutive , 2 siorep, 3-bdrm, townhauses, S appi - $1350lmth e otîlîtros.Anai. îmmedîateiy Cvii 416-877- 3047. MILTON News 3-bedroom townhouse, lînshed base- ment. 5-appliances, ArC. $1,500imth + utltres. Avalabie rmmedîateiy Contact Paul 416-230- 1862. MILTON brand new neyer liîed in tawnhome in Matta- mys tamous Hawthorne Vilage! 3-bedroom open concept, 5-appliances, $1395, Fnb 1 ti www.georgetownrental.net Oreg 416-625-3668. GEORGETOWN 3-bed- rovm townhouse fonr rent. Ot ,300imonih plus utîlties. Pînîohed hasemerit.Cali Elzabeth 0001, Salies Rep. Johnson Assaciaies Hatan Lia. 905-877-5165. OAKOILLE- 2&3 Sedrvamn ieanSvouse avaîrableie medîieiy rarvuaa Marra lti 4 appirances, Hope- Ovin Mai area. Lakeshore Management 905-876- 333h MILTON 3 SeOrvuma up- civilssaaînlklchen & bara i1 parking spurtoly Cail AOî/ 416-529-9691. LARGE ruom, nea carper- îng, country home, Sharea ktchen and SviSrvom Maie prelerred 40ut/Guelph Liceý $45imtriO2/week 905- 854-0359. MILTON Pourra Lneinerry 2 ooma for renti n de- tvotled hause. Parkingý Avalabie PeS 1ti $5001mth alirnulusîve. t stasi 0647-298-8675. -1q 1 in uaKvine ô[ iviliton SECOND 5u:ýp 1 il 1

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