Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2008, p. 10

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A10 - The Canadien Champion, Frday, January 25, 2008 n/I., Business targeted by thieves HALTON HILLS MINOR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION 2008 REGISTRATION Saturay Fbruay 9t an eu da s es- I e e e * House League: (10- 12 yrs)- $340 Rep: PeeWee (13-14 yrs) JV (15-17 yrs) $380. Core and lay Football PHOTOCOPY 0F BIRTH CERTIFICATE REQUIRED! I www.haltonhillsfootball.coml HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SOHOOL BOARD FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM REGISTRATION for September, 2008 Regstration for those familes who wish to, enrol their child in the French Immersion Pragram in the Catholic Eementary Schools in Burlington, Oakville, Mltori and Haton His wîII be heid af ail designated schools as isted below on. TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2008 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2008 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION INFORMATION " student must be enterng grade 5 in September, 2008 in a Haton Catholic Schoai; " in person oniy - parent, guardian or other aduit mii h a letter indicating they are acting an the parents behaif; " regstration is an a first-come, first-serve basis and is to, take place at the French Immersion school designated for your affendance ares; " enroiment for the French Immersion Program is liied; " transportation is flot provided; " cick an the foiiowng lnk ta, access the lsi rf feeder schools and dates for Parent Information Sessions in your respective area. bflpn/w-wwhcdsb.orgLfreflChtirn ifOl/ DESIGNATED FRENCH IMMERSION SOHOOLS Area Schools Burington St. Gabriel Catholie Eementary Schooi Georgetown/Acton Haiy Cross Cthalie Elemeniary School Mlton Guardian Angels Cathliîc Eemeniary Schoal North Cakvilie St. Matthew, St. Bernadette & St. Marguerite d'Youvîlle Catholîc Elementary Schools South Oakvilie St. Joseph Catholir. Elementary Suhool Alce Anne LeMay Lau Piovesan Chair of the Board\& ! 9 Directar of Educaf ion Poice tt',aidt) ib oicitiic iuwîii 1? Wd1.11. saiuid.îy ,Iid rut'l is ctýIi patioct iia stîr'iagu ara aitir th )Iiiiiss. i,)icu itisicir. urusstoir lvii toeotiu ibuits sviîî di a totiitri $ 360u. Pt(iiicr saiti tirrý v rie inost liiisry stoicl101 Illi c s iap limi.u; Chlîrrlladaiîzud wa i ,iit aidi siiiiiuiiiiiu ie sp spiîtdibsuîî ii ols ;on igbrlict lcais at ou id tire ( lic cdaîrra9e s pugged ut $ 3,50 t1 ,ie 01 aan i ru i .i rtc i (ak1 l rt alter 2 atri. nwo imales wecuîbu ocvcd ai tbe rear iii[tire \liaiir..tRiad store aI dru load- îîîg bayý Police viec caliud and wbien drey ai rived druy discovered a rear door had been forced in, but entry badn't been gained. 1 bu suspectslirad fled. House ransacked for electronics Hlaltin Regioîral Police are aîry otlter niatter yau may bc e di investîgating a resîdentiai break- <'RiblE gbefor a ravir rewarei. ayYoir wiii tever Irave ta give Strînetiire dciiing the dry O PE ýo p our iarne tir esify in court. Deceinirer 17, sucslrc I c0iolBallon(Crie Stirppets of Halitoir cmti opîenr a dîîîr iii a homîîe mît PuIgtv' ai) cairra Son\r, catîrtrrder anrd a sids (brti i cI ispiay+ \ iii i- tutus vicru stolenirgiiiciring v atiijiadci tnre Caîii1i800- 2TIIIS (8477) îîîttîtî up a isu îr.î -1 i I (r i av ii ( 1Nii r tîr rîfî i lîîrîi i 01 v rsi n îîiîîttrtri 1 (il)-1 i \ siiprs15di& g il ih i i l 11illsm p ls( Recruits sought for Citizen Police Academy ýibu ti s rîti arlitrcýýir unirt 01i i1c \\i t iitiîitiiii )ii tririr iii l ru vs ira , ru aiii u p vaile n ltut c s l Session euttt' i iiu i ain R ',îriia P 10t h lahitî esîdeitrs 18 y'uars tri agu anrd nicer virî are interester] in Icring abo ut ralzc inritsiii uit' pîrlcu srvI cr. 1Fic it' .izenr Poiit rc.\tadciii1, ciuigirielin pritntira irtici- cîîduî siaidiii ntrd kirîrvi ccigu iii sarirus p rlissusptliitte andc pi tgraitis tirai support itire ernîîîîrîîîts services irrovider] bs\ FiaitirtiRegionriiPolicue. [lireatadeiiiv is a i 2-vieis pi tgrarî tlitra uirs Ttiusday s utîliAprii i15. C lasses arelireid JUNIOR 1 SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for September, 2008 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Advanced Registration for thase chîldren who wiii be attendîng Junior Kndergarten or Senior Kindergarten in Haton Cathliîc Schaais in Buringtan, Cakville, Mlton, and Hatan Hilis (Geargetawn/Actan) miii be heid at ail schools an: TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2008 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2008 9:00 a.m. ta 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. r AGE 0F ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS Junior KiderareD Senior Kinderarten Chldren are required ta be 4 years of Chidren are requîred ta be 5 years of age on or before tiecember 31, 2008. age on or befare December 31, 2008. *Raman or Eastern Rite Catholic Baptismal Certîficate is required. *Proof oi age is requîred. *Before regstration iv fînalîzed, a chîld iii have completed the prescribed program of immunîzation for dphtheria, tetunus, poliomyelîtîs, measies, mumps and rubeila. Parent(s) must provîde evîdence of immunizatian record. *For further information or lternate regisration date, pieuse contact the principal of your nearest CatholijuSehool. Pleuve Note: Chldeen rurrentiy registered in their Catholie uchools Junior Kndergarren program are flot requîred ta regisrer for the Senior Kndergarten program. Placement in rhe Senior Kindergarten program wiil be proceused by the school uniess othermise notihied by the parent (s)/guardian<s). Alice Anne LeMay Chair of the Board au tire lilirtiRegiritai Porlicu liraIqot ters -,;an ii51iBroute Rd., itSaki îiiTieresutî (our 7 tri id p.tr [irîsu viirîîarecrîteresier] anrd %vou îci -c mo trin îftrrmratrîn cati LAi Patricia \ ides an (9d5) 825-4747, ext. 5d42. Tirloin, vîsît tbe Militon picte station at 490 Cirilds Dr. tir oiiaîran applicatîton fori r i sisi t vi'viwbrps tînea and cliek tit vcrunteer programs.- MLAS Lau Piavesan Directar af Educatian

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