The Canadian Champion, Frîday, January 18, 2008 - A3 Quarry opposition shown in mass exodus from meeting opportunity'for public input By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION A St. Marys Cernent officiai called it "a lost opportunity- for public input, while a Flamborough councillor described it as a "total disregard of democratic process." A planned workshop on potenîfal haul routes for the pro- posed St. Marys Flamborough quarry didn'i get off the ground last week, as close to 200 area resdents took part in a mass exodus fromt the meeting hall in the Carlisle Arena. Councillor Margaret McCarthy, wbio represents Flamborough Ward 15 in Hamlton, urged resdents to show their -unified opposition" îo the quarry by lcavmng the meec- ing without participating in the two-and-a-hal-bour pro- gram planned by the aggregate company St. Marys Cernent wanis tb establisbi a large quarry on 11lth Concession Road East in northeasi Flamborougb and the Milburougb Line, the boundary that separaies Milon and Flamborough. 1.ast weeks worksbop was the third in a sertes of lotir meietings bosted by St. Marys as part of uts bauil toute stock. McCarthy, wbo had pubýlicîx urgcd aiea rcsicleuts to tomi out for the Carlisle meeting, turrued the tables on organizet s. commiandeci mg the microphone aithei outsct of the Session to xxarn resdents of the danger of partic îpatiug n i te ce\e cisc. fThe councillor wxas opculy crtical of the meeietinigs ,for- mat, wbîcb resîrîr ted partic ipation to ahout qo reitdcttts vxho were asked to pre-register. AIl participants vwcie gis en xork- hooks listing evaluation criteria. înrlorling aquatic environ- ment andi land uses as the\, relaie btb e proposec baril routes. and were asker tri provide their feerlback Process not inclusive: councillor McCarthy argued that the process ,Nasn't inclrusive enough and said,.. it is mvy advice, my warning tbat ibese workbooks, and the programmied responses that îbey are designed 10 elîcît, will neyer serve any benefîcial prirpose to us. They wvill, mrîst rerîaînly, be used to r)ur disad\,anîagc.* Envronmental consultant Don Ricbardson urged area residenis to stay and provýide f eedback on tbe evaluation cri- tenia for the haul routes, but tci no avaîf. The maîririty of res- tdents, inclurling most of the 90 xvbo bad pic regîsîcerl, lcft tbe hall. Les', ibat a drîzen remnaînerl to sîudy atdrfifll out the woi kboriks. St. Marys %ic-presidenî john Moroz expicssed rlîsap- poinîmentn ibe trrttî of eveuts. "be prorcss lbas kînd of been shorîchangerl. Vvedîdu t gel a chanre to îalk to people and inîrorîtce the workboriks. f-ad tibex been given that opportunitn. Mrroz saîd everyv tbîng in ibe xx rrkbook xx uld bave br coputt mi persp ect ie. AUTO BODY i (ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. complete collision repair and refrrnshimq iservices 155 Nipissing Rd., Milton (905) 878-272 1 lkcici cii.c foi ilic itacîl 1 )i dote sdr(iC\rirs c(l h c 1 (Combined Aggregaie Review leam),' be said."Ilicy al specificalîx relate to the haul route." CARI was formed by the City of Hamilton to ensure ibat vartous stakebolders and agencies gel an rîpporîuniy tb bave inpuîtoto tbe quarry proposal. One of the functions of the group was to establisb a Terms of Relerence for the baul route study process. Among tbe handful of resîdents wbo remained to study tbe worksbop and prrîvîde commenis was a Moffat resideni wbo owns and rents commercial properties in Campbellville. Requcsttng anonymiy, be said, lI'm interested in getîing more informnaton on ibis. f dont wanî to sec a baul route on tbe main sîreet of Campbellville." He suggested tbat St. Mary's look at greener" ways (il ,.Cým iICIII îpiitiit .isa w rc(l o 01 i1, port product from the quarry by rail to Toronto and beyrînd, including American destinations sucb as Baltimore. A Burlington cyclist, wbo enjoys tbe scenery and vzooded landscape of MlburoughbrLie, said shes opposed to the quarry but, if it does get approval, sbe would want the haul route to be as sbort as possible. According to maps provided by St. Marys for the study, that route would see trucks travel from the site, up Mlburough Line 10 Campbellville Road and then onto Reid Sideroad before connecîîng wtth Higbway 401. While admitîing tbat the worksbop didnt get the com- muniîy input it was designed tu gel, Moroz said the aggre- gaie companys nexi step w&ill be t0 meet with CARI mem- bers and -lay out our patb forward." MILTON(.9 OYT 2008 COROLLA5 SE M $1000 REBATE _ IGBLE 2008 MATRIX 2008 YARIS $1000 RL1 1BLE £.ýà NO SECURITY DEPOSIT ON ALL 2007 AND 2008 LEASES. For the entire Toyota ineup go to... START SMARTl www- MYToYOTAPLACE - COM -inIma 400 STEELES AVENUE, MILTON Toil Free: 1-800-617-4025 flIUTOYOA~L~E -Fax: (905) 875-1516 intoe-iltontoyota.comn --- --- --- --- ---... .. ... ....- - ..- ... .. 1