24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 15, 2008 màGnm ep 6 eea ep kMI eelp el Hp GanIIP HellppmHeP j~HI Tecirnical HeIp - ~ r 2 rL ~Lakeside Loqtîcs is seeking an aggressive. L,ýea njccessfujlson are company requireS a worid .1 ass manuoaciorer and distributor ut motion contru i systensand components. currenttg requires an iodîidual in sur Milton faciltyt as.. communication skills, Vou will verify that quantifies andi weîghts mach packing sips and costoner orders and move products 10 the'designateit area. A sett motivaied eans player, Vou have a hîgti uchoot iipionîa/GED, a torktîti operator icenc.e. aird are abli t read pnrciase orders snd pack'rîg stips. Knowedge ot computers, Lotus Noies and niairrarie sysierrîs s requîred. Certticationri iti crares/stingsis art asset We otter a coeîpeuitve salary/benefits package and a wvorkplace muiewve encourage people 10 ake rînks and niake change. Pieuse apytr iic.onitdencîe by January 18, 2008, ruý Sophia Fania, Humnan Rasourcaa Administrator, Parkaer Hannitîn Canada Fax: (905) 876-9039 a-mail: hrnfocanadat4parkar.com Motion & Control B/S/Hi/ BSH Home Appliances Ltd., a subsidiary of the world's thîrd-largeur manufacturer of home appliances, wîoh leading-edge brands lîke Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau & Thermador han immedrate rrmployment opportunîties ocated n emerging new Mississauga and Montreal offices. We seek dedîcated entrepreneurial candidates înterested in îoining our growîng company Merchandising Representative Wîll be responsible for provîdîng product traning to, retaîl floor sales personnel, motîvate sales personnel to encourage sale of products, and handle POP materrals and product displays. Requires 75% travel. Auto allowance provîded. Bilingual French/English requîred in Montreal. We offer competîtive salary, full benefîts and reirement programs and auto allowance. lnterested candidates should e-mail their cover leter, renume, including salary requirements indîcatîng whîch job they are applying for, ta bahcareers@bshg.com for immediate consîderation. Only qualîfîed applîcants wll be contacted. Chlrnow D a Cap, ldrn ApITenns apseTny ots & Skgacterd fonstnsitionalintprogramenAqts o emreteieSHrbur&orCulture, Prs&Oe SercesUrFret, Engineering &Cntuto n ensgCmsn,ionods &kWeords A ftuîttn pstion rgs, requieis, appicmn, atio înrtnesa n trmn of www.oaile. a/epou mefriltUtm Dufe airv fo apictin nubmnnn seric y, anuaory 2, E200erin Experienceti Cleanng Staf with xwn car reqoiredt ta ean os) fices, restaurants & pubs in Oufevlle. Bringtsn, Mlton & Missssauga. Excelent oppsrtenity te work part/full imeý Call: 416-877-1928 for an appt. BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUcTORS 5 maes & 5 females Neetietiimmetitely! - No expanence tac. Will traint - Ms) be pamsonehee Hamilton: 905-522-3237 Oakille: 905-815-3237 (Cali: M-F 12-Spm) www.frdastair.ca Rens Pets Depot requîtes energettu permanent FIT & P/T Staff. Mas) ba able f0 lit 5Obs, have customer service skills, ha asailable waakanis. Pal store expaience an assaI. Compatitiva wagel banetits. Rasumes 10 slave@ranispafs.com or fax 905-257-4614 WAL*MART Oakville Location n Neati o: e Please Drsp Off Pesume Anti Application To: 234 HysBivd. S& RECEl VERI Rqdfor Mf.plan. Fax resumre: [(153-075 (Oakville area) Haie yeu herd tenewt? clasildMW hW e" claualed Ini w pé til Sý D B di 0 a a SA6WÀF&LICE Wa ara ana a) the leading manufacturera of conceated furntura hinges and ralated producta in the world and we are seeking for aur Cenadian aparatian an enargetic customer Service Representative Bilingual Englishf French tan our office in Missiasauga (Hwy 403/ Winstan Churchill ares). The ouccestul candidate will be rasponaible tor ordar pracessing, custom- er service calta, general office dutias and systam maintenance. Sha! Ha should have exparence in MS Office and IBMV AS 400. French language okilîs would be raquired. Please apply in wniting ta: The Manager Email: info.salice@saicecalSda.comT Fax: 905-820-7226 When hrdy January 17, noon-8pmn Where: Burlington Public Library 2331 NeW Street, Holland Room Ail Positions Required F/Tima & P/ime DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY CARRIERS if you have a rliabla vahicle, are truly Frsponaibla and conscientiaus,& enjay working outdoars wilh a significant lavai ridaYs & Saturda y wrkwaakdaliver- To explorePleasecontac Bbat: 95-378795. Pool Construction/Service Technicians Iterested in an appranlîceshîp? Na lay-offs. Ve offer banef ifs, bonus programs, overtima taf, great team. Pool plumbing, plasterinig, iling, or pool sersice arpanianca raquîred. Salary commansurate on eoperîenca. Internai Operations Coordinator )utîes include: AîP, A/R, Bank Daposits. 3ank Recs. Billings, General office admît juties us requirad. $40,000 fa $45,000 Logistics Off icer/ Service & Proleots Dutias Includle: new construction project admit.; rastoration and servîcalproîect admin; daily & long-ferm schedluling; team & client support; Vendonîng;, Purchasing; Service Dapt dispatch & logîstics. $40.000 ta $45,000 For office positions must hase Pouf Sec. Ed., MS Office, AccPac aspeniance an asset. For ail positions: Mos) be bondabla & hase dlean drisaf's abstract. Fax: 905-569-6160 or email resumne to tclarke@serviceplusaquatics.com Radta i irna1 a Production assistant, up ta Su1/hr. Day shift, Burfingtan. Long tarm positions. " Light assembly, $1 1/hr Day sfift, Qakvilla. " Sarting 1 packing, ¶10/fr. Day & nigft shifts, Burlington. " Car). torklift Operatars, up ta ¶14/fr. Day and night sfifts, Burlington f Oakvilla. a Warefouse assistant, $16/fr. Nigft shift, Milton. Haavy Lifting invalved. Drap by anti ask for Lita, or email your resumae to burlington.industrial@randstadca Ph. 905.637.3575 85BadS.# Fa. 90.3.96 Bant and Fairuiewl iýr randstad Brigo iQE PHENIXn HIRINU For work ta Oaknille and Toronto areas Autonsotive QC Inspector for ail shifts Safexy boots/glasses required Fax:905 743-9921 Entait: inewhire@phoenixquality.com Th uc flewcanedideLoilitic t Om ot New s a'cStorne eice- nius ng 'ina ed exeriece i notreqireasmc asad ir Lak Mana L gits fers rmu copnatobeiSpnpaymetateio F ax erwr resume t e 059310 lEm@al mnfo@hses.cam ha Soealopening for Ge eurLborr Th Muceou andaes uahv grade 12 eduain neceln FaHeumn alesources3100 Emezler AuootiePfle ystems, 514 outh Se rvieRd r 2e-mi:dnnatimapn ecllen ity nenetd for and internie e t ontaceti tices consitiereti. Excellent wagea anti benetit package. Contact Haton Lift Truck tnc. Tel: 905-849-5855 Fax: 905-849-3515 Email: glendon @halton-lift.comn Lead-Hand Dock Person & Forklift Operator Raquired tor a busy trucking company in Milton. Please fax resume fa: 905-875-1838 or e-mail ' ulacea maestra @blue lined.cm TRUCKfl Manaer Taines * arkeing licence to operate roll - Cutome Sericeoff track ix tieliner MLIS be Wildblenim diatIv.forflifts. Dock anti M III.. groanti tevel CailUnivrsaiEnery Cop. 1 deliveries. Fal-Timne, Pat 16-49 -026Monday to Fidlay. 1 Excellent wages anti inutil 1 KIDS! KIDS! benefit package. PstosKIDSI Contact Halton Litt -Agas 2+-- Truck lnc. FRIerWldars Wanfed for TV & Tel: 905-849-5855 Machanical Assembly Mavie Jobs! Fax: 905-849-3515 Lght Industrialan No Feest Met! Email: glendon Electricians with 442A Wamen 16-65 yrs. @f1 o-lf.o Shipping & Racelving Needed for samne! with Scannar Expariença No atres > I IParents cali: I-,--r-l sphe7iBon. (416)221-3829 tassîfied "Ours 905) 331 -1550Mndyt Fia Sïiled & Silled & 1 m o 51 Frda Techncal Help Tjj nicaHelp 9ato p I I 1 LICENCED MECHANIC 1 MWehaMvean immedîate requtrMement for a "Licensed nAnnrpnti, r Merhani - Triuk ond (Croach.M This is a ful-time position that offers a competitive compensation package including benefits and a good working environment. Send resumne to: ATTRIDGE TRANSPORTATION INC. 5439 Harvester Road Burlington, ON L7L 5J7 or Fax: 905-533-3866 Email: ayoung@attridge.com 1 Muthave gooti talephona mannar IHoarly wage + Benetits No Stutiants Cal) for interview 905- 855-0856 Ref# 70 Ass't Manager NOW HIRING RýApidly Expaiidiiig Company Tilýitig Apphcýitions for the following positions: Ass't ManaQeir - Manaper .netISQL software deveboper f0 support web application for Fortune 100 client. Emaîl your resume to: proqrammer4@ hitaroaca We Need You! Welder/ffabricators Experience wsrkîng for an etfrical, progresaive com- paoy in a new facility in S.E. Saskatchewan!tWere lookng for Appretîces thra Jooroeymen, with a working knowedge o steel types, welding proceaa- es & initerpretation or fabrication blue prits. We're offerîng a wage range of $19.-$25./hr (depeodiog on enperence) os seit as Heafth antd RSP benetits + Profit Sharîng, in a great workiog envirooment. Please send resume with references to: Roberta by fax: 306 483 2503 or Email roberta@sasklrc.com Class A Truck Mechanic Required for aternoon shift)et a mdimsiefle Excellent wageo & benefîts. Please cail: 905-858-9038 mehanic orT atp p i