Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jan 2008, p. 22

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22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 15, 2008 Articles Painting & Caer _ _aer 1 rn rez z FrSale Deoting - aor -crer -aer POOL table, protessional KLM Protessional Painters. - IIj series wirO every pqgrade 2hgaoS rflsoa o~À. seli $,500.519t-7224077 SNOWBOARD, ased ta, 24/Seven, 152 cm. Boots size 8.5. $300 Colt 905- 878-0410 beave a mes- sage A Kirg or Oseen Orthope- dc mattress set. Newmi plastic. Wartanty. Cost $1600. Sacrifice kng $550. Oseen $295. 905-567- 9459. BEOROOM Cherrywoosd. Bed, dresser, mrtor, chest, nightstand, n0w, in boxes. Dovefail constraction. Cost $7000, el $1500. Oning- room 11 piece Cherry New. Cost $8000. Self $1900 905-567-4042. CARPET 1 have several rsoo yards o nom Stars Master & 100% nylon car- pet Wll do living room & hall for $389lîcludles car- pet pad & insfallation (30 yards) Sfevn, 905-633- 81 92 HOT Tub lSa) Covers Ovof yprcn 8v-f qualrfy Al shap05 & colurs Cal f 866-585-0056 mmm heco- vrgyca HOT Tub/ Spa- Bravo ea 2007 model w/lI opions and cover tOi n iwrapvr Cool b$f150" Sacrifice $4250. Caîl 905-97f-r777 LEATHER! 3 yece Italian soi. Sofa. loveseaf and chair Noc. in plasfic Cosf $6900. el $2500, 905304-4873, POOL Table, Band Nvw, stl in box. Soîrd Wood, l"Slafe. Al Accssories. Cosf $6.700, eil $1.950. 9053049994 M Arices Wanted BEST Cash$ Pad- Att Jeweltery, Gotd, Siteer, Diamoods, China, Crpn- tlt, Siteer, Figurines, Royal Doulion, Swroe- ski, Att astique iarnisb- sgts, Art, Cetlseiibtes, etc. EsaaisSpeciaists, Top Cans CatI Johs/ Tracy 905-331-2477 jWICastor Sale 1998 Ford Escori ZX2 $30001080 t 62,OOkms. autolblack, AC, keylss, CDply, cdean von-sivoker. Comp n000 rt rales. Caîl 905-699-Sf50. 0 sWanted COOKSVLLE Auto Wrevli e rs, scrap cars, truck re- rooval, cash, flt bed ser- vice, 1 -800-433-7359. Ocnershrps procssed prvyefly M ruksfr Sale QUIJCK Sale $9,999-00. 2000 Ford F150XL, mini covdifion. Black, 54 Litre engîve, custom cheels 8 rmv, custom box cver Ca John 905-5h74683. .e auCeng ALA cleavers eoefercef & attordab e resîdentral oe avîvg service. CafI 64-7 892-4770. .evc.luCOOd HOUSEKEEPER/ Cook- Clean reliable. non smok- r Ail hosekeeyîng anc launderîng dufes as weil s cookîng mealv Ms have soîrd Driver lcese. lCampbellOillO. Guelph LîelaSil 905-854-6315 le77-aUNK-TWO-GO. 1- 877-586-5896 Sans day 00nk romosai service Senior discount . Caii gelit dons! a eCaieaning SANTOS Carpet Cave. Great services. Great ates. Satistacto guaran- teed. Special $1750lroom. 905821-848 -s 'TMEOPRTNTE Our Client located in Miton has ful-time opportusities for the tollowing. . Certi$ed Forklift Operators . Geseral Labour 0 Order Piclers . Shipper/Receivers 0 lerical/Administrative Work in3 this brasd new state of tfhe art facility . Competitioe salaries from $30,000/annually . Progressive increases and iflçentives . Fu medical and dental beneftt and pension plas . Opportunities for growth and deoelopment wth ongoîng training . Work in your bock yurd and aeoid the traffic rush!! Apply drectly t: Milton Loblaws Supercentre 820 Mats Street, East from 4:00 pm - 10:ý00 pm Georgetown Alcot Arena at 221 Guelph Street from 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm "'ln rder to qoa$îfy for these positions y00 must possess laS pîecesof identification, one year of prevîous wArehos0eoperîence, OSA approoed safety boots and two oerfiable work references'* For more informaton cal): 905-631-3333 or 905-567-9990 At Hatton, wo valse osreompioyees, as il is onIy ihrôvgh their efforts that me are abie ta ment the evoing neec ofatour cussomers BSe recogoîzed for yoîîe contributiov to Haltonv s ocessos. Providing services te public heath, social and cvmmsehty servrces, and panning and public wor*o, Haton Regîoeî o a dynamrc orgavîzatron in an evee- chavgrng and growrog community ocated in the wete v Grnoter Torveto Arenu MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANICS COMPMAE SERVICES This vodrunity milI 080 705 yertorming vcheduted anovat inspections, preoevtîoe mantevance and regarrs 1v ait Public Workv, Haton Police and Haf ton Ambulance vehîcles, încivdîvg off-road and small equlymeni Yvr background inctudes at (hast 7 years ot consecutîve Class A eoerence, nvoloîng the mantenance of a diverse Slent of vehîcles. You hoid valîd 310OT Trvck and Coach and 31 OS Atomotîse Service Techoîcian certiicates, an Air CvndîtronîOg Certificate (Ontario Ozove Depletiont avd a class DZ driver s licence Knowledge of on-board vehîcle cvmyterized systems. electical vystems, heavy oqulyment, air and hydravlîc brakes and hydravîro sysienîs )yvmyslcyinders) is esseotîil as are ablties wt h electronie monitoringt and diagnostic equigment, cv0îng torches, electric arc and MiG wetders, and in metal fabrication For fvdther information, please vst vur websie Peuse ayly orline or forcard your current coser leter and reoume, quoting Competition #CS-17-08, by January 25, 2008, f0 Human Resource Services. Applicants wii) be constdered based ovîthe information rooîded We thank ail canddates for their rterest However, on/y those seiected for an interview wrlI Se confacted Halton. - 5egi: Canadian Societe, Cancer canadienne Society du cancer I co s Make Cancer Illstcury f rvo7igi il ii i/i /iv-er ,n 51 i i!îtîivl i ri- n uicvT //tai r lrurlic 111 ri pi dlogereiii ui îvkv ) i fri j(nru îtrleant r vlai-/ti/iîenrîîo /Io ll/ iarch u-lvtrc yaii Rclay For Life Fundraising Coordinator Cîostder this îtppîirtity to appty vîtur 2 tr mitre seuestf fsndraisîsg expericoce, specctfcalv ssîîh fssdraisiog escoir antI caoipaigns, îreferabty îtt a mutti-lcsct trgaizatiio mitlin a diverse cotmntntsty Ttt'is dyatic nule vill sec voti wîrkittg sstts sîltaiteerrusntce Oakville and tlurtington Unit teans, atod planninîg and impleenîting loica ReIn>' For 1)/e eveob, tii enhaoce dic profile oti Utc itety.. 'nts reltid pit-nsecîitdary educatitit, tic cojialent, is cîîîplemeoted by tce abiliiy tir make preseotat <ti. Proficiein j MS Office aodd laases is retjuircd, as are. a valtd drisers licence, accers tii a reliable sehicle and te ahilîttiio wîk es'ersîîgs and wcekctsd.s. itt rettîro ffor itîtr conitributtionvs, roc tîffer a ser atractive copetnsation package, vhch ettctopasses a salars is the ltivs -uK cange, excellent benecOts, inclodittg a pensiont plan, 3 wecks iif vacationt, fies urne, adsaocemeni itppilrtsnitics, iod the chanice tir ssrk sn a stlpplirsihe, curing eirîtnent. Qualificd nîîttsmitkers are inviicd tii send their rssees, hy January 18, 2008, to: Manager, Buringlon Unit, Cuanadion Cancere Society, 1251 Norside Road, Burtînglon. ON L7M 1H7. Fax: 905 332-0104. E-mail: sburns@ontario.cancer.ca. Wc thank al applcaots for their interect and advis tat osîs' tbsc seeteid Itîr an interviewo l be citacted Nil phîoe catis, pIeuse. 71)e Canadias Cantcer Society proeideo eqial opportmnoity ci eotp/o!reit/actd encourages applications frocs ail qualified persots STORE MANAGER , 511 Mapît ( rove Dr Oakvllîe ai Ctîtvstanve Dr n the Mupi ( r ve Village) Fax: 905-946-1860 WHAT YOU GET: 0 Monogement troiniog * Poduct knswledge e Employee dscsots a Compefitive woges e Poid beoefifs * Poid peîsoool doys a Pet-oriented coreer-botlding envrooment WHAT YOU DO: 0 Gow the business by focusing on performance ond resoifs a Buîld sfore feom, plos stro01 csstomer ond commoontly îelstîonshîps WHAT YOU DRING: e 2gyeors of retoil ond coofomet service eoperience 0 Enthosiosm fot eoiog ond gtowth in the pet cre îsdostry FULL*TIME & PART*TIME SALES ASSOCIATES - 11 NI1111.Il ,(% I )1. ( Il il inidcI i li( iuilli ( îîî inIonMîtll is 'II i f(l,12112 Il 18) li, ~Rd. I-. . lîtili ittîiiî 'lrît\\Ihirle ( )i, DIt. irnNlîîîi li )k-, PIiil ,î l ll)liï r1 1 *1luIt10 (rîil l.îîîîlitr- Nîvsiu WHAT YOU GET: e Ernployee dscounts e fefoi tîritîf * Corîpefîtîse o ges e Psîd besefîîs fulki-rrîe, onipi -Pht cure kSswledge - Flexible schedu)îsng Poîd persooîol doys (Pu lime, onigi WHAT YOU DO:e Heip phfs, cuss)îois, hîooder pet commuoîl * Woik with pot loSeis WHAT YOU DRING: a Enthusiouîn for eornîog und growth in the pet cote îndoty e Flexibîlîly PET VALU is a leading pet speciality remuier PEvnT VA LU ' seul, 350 loations in Canada & USA Better Pet Nutrition Weir Canada, hic., a Weir Group Cocnpan;: libas been serving the Canadian industriat sectorftar more than a centurjy.Success is cnarked 6ýv steadv, grou'tb that mnakes Wir Canada, finc, a national organization i'ith. an international repntatiofl for qjnalitg ILts 7"5 emplovees are einplovedl at 13i facilities across Canada, uvit/r? sales approac/îing $200 mnllion per I'ear Wir Canada, mc., Pnnp Division, offers heaîv-diaty and specialt), puimping unîits and systemns for mcan ) of t/te nost decnanding industrial applications. T/w Division utilizes exprlerience gaineel b 1,Wir in snpiving puînping systemis worldnvide and is part of one of t/he top 6 pnmp manfacturers ini f/e u'orld Principal markets served incînde powver generation. oil/gas, nater and sewage, mining and mninera/s processing, and pnlp & paper We are presenttv seeking t/te c g/t candidate to < mplement our Mississauga teamn INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE This is a great oppotonit to use Niour inside sales experience and strong multi-tasking abilities tct provide excellent customer service in process- ing inquiries and vrders. A strong cotmnncator and self-starter, you will prttvide pricing, delivery and shipping information and prepare literature requests. Proficiency in MS Office and solid writing skills are essential for success ini tiis role. Wcr Canada, Inc. ttffers a competitive base salary and bonus programt, and a full range of betiefits. If ',on are interestedl in joining rînr expert, custivmer-focused sales tearn. and have the str<tng organizational and selling skills required to succeed in a dytsamiùc, gretwtb-vriented company, please fyrward yonr resume, with salary expectahitîns, in confidence, to: Excellent Engineering Solutions Weir Canada, Inc., Pump Division 2360 Milla-ace Court Mississanga, ON L5N 1W2 Fax: 905-813-8170 E-maik lmend1gori@weiramcericas.com Alil reefocsess ii be vcsidered, but oný,ti irrse sciccied for ictertiewvsîO lbe contau.ted Nvo phone aiti/y p/case. Wir Canada, Inou is an equai ooplbvitscity ctnp/eos r www.weirservices.com mmmumumamami m ir ddHalton where teamwork succeeds

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