Awfully convenient timing The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 4, 2008-A7 Analysis shows water from hole DEAR EDITOR: i was cltsrnay cd se reaci about the i-lton C asiseiic ichla Boarcis rec cnt cccisian te ban Phiiip Pilmiianis awarcl 'cinniîsg books rans ctheir scîsoall ibrarv, sheives. Whiic i'm sure tlsccbaci tise best ai- intentions, lui :an- cerned shat by rying te protcc their studcnts leris atlicit indactrinatian, they niay bc inadvertentiy pramating saine- anc ciscs agenda. 1 find it biard ta bcficve ittca coincidence thas ithe board receiveti its single camplains about Pollmans books at pre- ciseix' the same time that the righs-wing Cathalic i cagocin thse US. began its e-mail bas catt cainpatgn againss shcîn. These are the saine people who have targetcd cverythmng i rani'Soutih Park' so Raie t) f)nneii s e tise iaisteex cbcaielesxux xcualpinure beiisg at- tei i woi.ldit bc at ail surpi isci il thfic cenpains erigintsaecl roi citficr thfic aiholic Lcagoc ai frin ;n eoinencwbe liad reccivcd an c-mai iruin iicîsi. i cveuic bave heped tisai toast C anadiars t atflaIic s wcre capable ai xeetng tflrogli sis kinci oil reactieiiar5 isec-ccînser- catîsîn, butî apparensîs nat. At ieast not in Hlaiton. i was aica shocked ta reaci tisat tfie bosarc i iade iL-s decixiais n direct oppcositioin ta tise rec- ainmendatians of tfletr cswi boak rcvicw camimttcc. Wisat cxactic ix tise paint nts bac îng sxîîîaiîos i îîstîte if t boit recîsrinendatsiit arc sîsnpiv gaing ta bc igisarci? 1 toitncliiii îîccî1 aîIllei c-iiissiiitee nicinsîfcixwere ail rc'ciiretc'siai ciaily oaci sfi book i. [ici al of tise îî uxcex deosfic saisiecîr wcrc tlicy stitpiy reaci- îîsg te wiîaîtiiey isad flearci abcuct sfic auîhîîr andsî i scews? iriiiicaiiy, its prcciscey tiiis kind ai xuppressin of i cncîîîss iiirtabie andc cntîvcrxtaiidcs tisa fias icci Pullmnis bcis fe crittc ai ai religioîn ii tise irsi place. By bannîîsg bis booaks, tbcy haetîrciven hisspoint. i wîincer wisat ciinhspire nsore iltîsaCathoiic sîcîdenîs se cinestian thifai a-sread- ing 'Tise Golden Ccimpass' cr bcing iîîrbicisiii reac it JENNIFER SMITH COMMERCIAL STREET HeIp with safety issue appreciated DEAR EDITOR: i wanstii ccsîvec toc xscere tbankx ici Varci 2 Concilicir Greg Nelxcon fcr bis effoîrts i nsprcîv iîsg tbc rafiic saiets cocncitioîns at thisesectissn at Ontarios Street Sosuthsancd thcejîalcitrance, ni tbe area of tise 40 Ontario 'it. S. senioîrs' apari- mTents. i wrote ta Nelsons back in miv cof ibisycear. detaiîng tbe cînsafe crcssing consditionsssbat exîst- cd at shat particolar intersectioîn, wbicis pucîsnsais senior cisîzens in danger ai beiîsg bis bv [ast-rnsv- ing traffic. Furthermaore, i suggesed toi iso xssrnenax- ores ta rcduce the danger. lîke înssaling a tmner on pedestnian crascing igbts and iesgtbening the crcssing urnese xi iai enioirs cati crossx wîîflîut rîskîîsg ificir lices. iii sfnice ail. i nîîtîcced sat tise ciuissts0îunie ccax icngcîencci andd oct reccîsIN, tuners cccre addeci icitise peciesraiscrisixx iignîgsi. Ciici'tiir Ncsîî 1 wii aisrtbute ifle chsanges te s>,ci ansd >scirai dscac:s on tu blisaii. itfs greas wlisn a public iofficial acis in îliser cosn- stissientsxisesî iiitercstx ii ucb an enrergcticniais ruer iKeep op sfic gîsîd wark. CAREY DEPASS SYDNEY STREET Leash-free dog park should be opened now DEAR EDITOR: My dogs and i1ihave become very frustrated. We dnive ta the ieash-free dog park weekiy, hoping far the gaie to be unlocked. The park looks greas and my dogs are ready to mn and play witb their felow Milton dog buddies. Whv does there need te be so much bureaucracy ta da any- tbing ta the io'eiv sîswn cf Miltcsn? Wbat tais ce de as dog owners and iax-paysng resîdents se speed up tbe process? We have been waîsîng ftir thîs park ta apen since the spring and nîsw sbeyre icîaking as pushîng the openîng back ta shis coming spring, accerding ta information pasted on tise Towi's webcite. Troly this isnt acceptable, and i'm sure îsany ailier dîîg awncrs feci the saine way Pleace, apen the Ieash-free park nîsw. Figure aut the bureaucracy whie aur dags mun and play. Maybe a pesîion wîsh shou- sands af paw prnnss wiil get the gaie uniacked, but that înîght just give council comnething else se debate. TONY SASSO CLARK BOULEVARD 'ime itpsuicc' are gems ol inf<a- miation exitcied fram psrst issues of the Chatupion aind l asr publications in aider ta prwvîd'e window inio MiltonS past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pravided to place the situa- tion in context. December 1910 A sample of thse water [rom the hole drilleci in rear of tise town hall at ain expense of more than $100 was sent te 'Toronto for analysis. News has been received by a member of the town council tisas it has been foond to bc onfit for ose for domes- tic purposes and that it bas a large percentage of saIs in it. Cooncillor Syer is repontet to dlaim that be is the father of tise drilling sciseme. Thse electors will no doubt take that fact into considerasion next Monday wisen marking tiseir ballots. The council held a speciai meet- ing on Thursday at which it was resolved ta engage Ribey Ellis as electrician at a salary of $65 a montis, somewbat more than he received prior to bis resignation last year. Perbaps the most enl .oyabie at home ever given in Milton was tisat given at tise town hall on Tuesday evenîng on the iiévitation of thse ladies ef Milton, who made al arrangements and provided the refresisments, Mr. R. Bowlby paying ail expenses. The decorations were elaborate and beautiful. The music, by thse Lomas Orchestra of Hamilton, was pronounced thse best ever heard at a Milton assembly The attendance [rom Milton was very large. Before dancing began thse lady patronesses held a reception and before thse close a circle was formeti arounil the bost, Mr. Bowlby and "Hes a jolly good fellow" was sung. On Monday the freeholders of tise town will be called upon to vote on a proposaI to establisis a Carnegie free public library Explanation bas mot been thoroogis, and a lissie will mot be out of place bere. Mr. Carnegie has agreed to expend $5,000 for the erection of a library building here, on condition t.hat a site be provided, Capsules that the library be free and that the corporation guarantee the annual expenditure of 10 pet cent of his donation [or maintenance. Ail the expenditures for attendance, heaning, lighting, for books, newspapers, peri- odicals, etc. will count as mainte- nance. Electric lighting from thse cor- poration plant can be credited to the corporation at metre rates, on the maintenance account. So can heatmng by steam from thse power house if t.he library building be erected, as pro- posed, close to, the power house. The same pninciple wili apply to, any services by corporation employ- ees. Money for books etc. can be raised by entertainments as at present and the provincial government xiii give grants, as it does now, according to the amount expended for books, newspapers and periodicals. It is impossible that, witb the corporation heating and lighting provided, thse library will be self sustaining as far as thse balance of tbe $500 is concemned, but in any case the proposed guaran- tee xvilot be burdensomne. In demanding guarantees Mr. Carnegie pots corporations on their honour. That is ail on which he has to depenti for fulfillment. 0f thse advantages of a free public ibrary is is hardly neces- sary to speak bere. A meeting of thse Halton share- bolders of thse suspended Farmers Bank was held in Milton yesterday We are informeil shat they favour thse winding up of affairs by a govemn- ment commission. t is feared that the sisareholders will have to, pay thse full amount of their double liability and that thse depositors will mot be paid in fu. This matenial is assembled on behlf of the Milton Historical Society. by Jim Dills, who cati be reached through the histonicai society at (905) 875-4156. RODAH Aj Next Course: January 31, February 1, 2, 3 Thurs-Sun 4 days 9:3Oam ta 4:l5pm February 23, 24 March 1, 2 2 weekends 9:3Oam ta 4:l5pm 905.875.0480 ______ DRIVERS®