The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 4, 2008 -A5 Stor rob ed a gu point Cocaine case in court next week Storerobb d at u[fTe te of- aupet in Hton aftr h trukwas pulfel ve Fine [oods at f)crrs andt Trudeau roacis early Wednesday morning. Police said the suspect entered the store ai about 5 a.m. armed witb a long gun. File demanded cash, and the maIe employee co-operated, handing over an undisclosed amiouni- The suspect fled on foot, pos- sîblv into an awaiting vehîcle, which mas' have heen a dark van. Hes dcscrihed as white and fix',c-foot-eight to ftve-foot-10. Hîs face was covered withi a scarf and be was wearîng dark pancLs and boots. Men beaten and robbed Two young men were vio- lenîly robbed on tbeir way borne from a local restaurant early Saturdax tioring. Police saîd the îwo Milton nien, aged 22 and 24, fu Ned Devines ai Derrs Roacf andc O.ntario Steet at about 2 ain. and werc neair tfîe peclestiati walkwsay between Oerrs Road andf Commercial Street ss hen ihes were junopeclb:s lotri aIes and beaten. The attackers iook a cfuantit of cash and a BlackBerrv before runnling norih ioward a Commercial Street tosvnhouse comnplex. Police arrived aînd recos'ered the Blackberr-y; but the suspects were nowbere to be found. Boîb victims were treated at Milton District Hospital and released. The 24-year-old vîcîim suffered several broken bonies to bis nose and bead area, while the younger mari suffered bruts- es and swelling to bis head. The suspects are described as white maies. One of them was described as being between 18 and 22, ai leasi six feet, wearing a tan jacket wiib fur and a base- baIl bat. Anyone wiîb informaiion is asked to caîl (905) 825-4777, ext. 2415. Trailers stolen Two irailers were stolen from SMOKING wht's the point? Somedîy etou'Il be offered a cigartt or ct ternptedt o moke. lettre you star. trnk abut it every drag etu take screas up your body Smoking car caue permirent damage to yotrbody Once a pison strs it tecomes txremely rougit t quit And drid aumention ailthtOt cash you Il e tlowing n theprces St, ifyou e temptedt sart îtk yturelf. 'Wha'î the point?' TMs ne sage DOugni tO etc se nicmoabLm etîmaut a transportation coifpatty Mcsnday afiernoon. Police saîd two van-type trailers carrying cans of' paint wcre stolen by unknown sus- pects frotin Morrice Transxportation on Liwson Roacf ai about 330 p.m. Thbe trailers antniîtir loads are s'aI tid at $1 60000ý I fe ScîspeetS C citthe power to thte fac lity tb avotdf hcîîg cap- iurcd on sidco survetllance, police saîd. Wire swiped C opper wîre ssas stolen front the I lycîro Otteproperiv oit lames Snow Parkwav strînctîtue betwecn Decetnher j and 27. Police saîcl unkttown sus- pects eut thrtsugh the gatcd barhcd wîrc fence to gain eniry andf mnade offwiih 50 îbree to four foot lcngtihs of wi re cîxec to giound transifotinet s. Iflic icx ie i,, s'aI tic tt S, d 00 Stilen vehicle evades police A s chic le stoIcns rom a local rexidctt was pullecf oser cfuritig a triffic' stop nisPeel Regiots, but fled Mcocre the cdrver coulel be apprehendecl. Police saîcl tIe sîls ci, four- dotir 1999 Utîncla (ivîtc was stonfriin ail f zat c rescent dris'eway ovcriniti Saturday hs an unknown scîspect. fi was pulled over hs Peel police shorily afier 3 a. Sunday when it flcd, îî hasni't yeî been recovered. Home broken into Thousands of dollars wisrih of hcome eleccronics and coin- puier equipment were stofen duning a break-in to a rural home soneîiîne heîwcen December 16 and 27. Police said an unknown sus- pect forced open the sîde door of the No. 5 Sideroad home to gain entry and proceeded to taRe property wortb $4,000. Vehicle stolen A vebicle was recenîly siolcn from a Beaver Court dniveway was stofets hctwccen o p n. lfst Frtcfay and noon Saturclay. IUs vafued at $2,500. Rash of vehicles broken imm Pofice arc rcrnincfing resi- dents to fock their car doors after a nunober of unfocked vehic fes werc broken ito os'criiigi nonday [fie ,ix vefotcfcs htoken into wecparked nsin cwa,ts son \Vaters Boufevard, ['lits C rescent, Pantn Iratf and H artis Boufevard. Stofen proper- ts tîsludes foose change and three <Sirus satellite radios val- uecf ai $100 each. In aticfasi tlsree incidents, pofice found hike tracks in the snow fcading up to, the vehicles that were eniteredf Window smasbed AfThotosas Street resident wcitnessed a suspect titow wfsat appcatcd to he a rock through tce wittcosv of a s'efiîtfc. I hcitincidetnt tooR pfacc f-csdas' ai absotut f a.m Thfe sus- Pcc t cx as wtth a groctp of ahout f10 pceopfl ets enthse c%,indowv of a sîfs'cr Mtzda wvas srna,,hcf, and thev ffcd. -liecfainage is,,valuccd at $400. 1 fol sspc i dcxc rthcd as a cx ite mafe, 18 tes 20 s cars old, about six fcet tafl wîth a sîtîn hutfd. Hc was wearing a hfack ac ket wîth fur arounef the col- lar. Graffiti discovered; teens arrested icvi local tccns were recenils' arrestcd after a plainclothes police offtcer caught a couple of youngsters sprayîng graffiti on the sîde of a building in dlown- townNMil ton. The building that was target- ed was Dermiagraphics by Paul, a tattoo sbop. Two i 3-year-old boys were arresîed and released to ibeir parents. No charges wîll be laid. The teens will enter a yotith diversion program. Brampton resident Avtar Sanditu, 39, was charged witb possession of' cocaîne for the purpose of trafficking CORR ECTION NOTICE ,oscLl I .40. fIts aflcged that more than 200 kg 0f cocaine with a street vafue of up to $20 miflfion was discovered inside. Seating Sofa in Today's New Year's Madness flyer was incorrectly priced at 399.97. The correct price should have been We apologize for any inconvenience. Lo fr urIleril. .0'sper (nyi nslce raj The real gift is the time you'iI spend together. Tim Hortons invites >'ou co enfoy some time with your family and friends and skate for free at your local arena. Its our way of saying thank you and happy holidays. Visit your local Milton Tim Hortons for a schedule of tee times and locations. OO WO-her, WAith You, Making Good Things Happen. %ýx --L.R8à- L! EVERY SATURDAY ATr THE 7 & IOPM SESSIONS Minimum Payment Games at both sessions! Equla rimneu t ffc Fo eal o ujackpotsanprmtos or cail on Holle:90 2a-c8kporsardhprodtifs check out: 22M Battioford Road, Mississauga 1, Meedowvaie Sponsors Assoc. ic. #3-004 & M5757