The Canadian Champion, Friday January 04, 2008 - 23 Daj 3hZi - ricea Care Triin ae rinig cacr aer rnnezz E IHIp Geri Hep LEATHER! 3 piece ItlaeI FOLLAJ Bert Peacetslly at home on setSoa oa'ss,îand AJUNTANT'I iiargeiy, iis sOIrs lui0 Ie,LsC. avid (Linde) and Peler ISierlenel: grendcbîl- dren, Jason, Micheal, Kelly, Chrixiopher, Siecy and Nichotax; nieces, nepbews and greai-grandbilîdren. He will etxo be missed by "he gang ai usuel suspects". Friendu were received et the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Si., Miton (905) 878-2669 an Sunday Decem- ber 30, 2007 rom 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. The fuseral service iook place ai 8:00 p.m. in the chepel. If dexired, memoriel donetioans ta The War Amps would be apprecieied by the family. J. SCOTT{WMîY Gisela (ien) Dea Roches Pasxed eway December 22, 2007 due ta cancer Deepesi xympaihy 10 her temity, irom ber sier Brigie Selibe and family "Gone but not torgotte , and some day we wili be together again " in memoriam riam (,raci, Yoaisda Rita Flîîo do e, 'express, huw es ssealtptferl Aichaugit ie ycrsave epasseed itii titl hard te deal The pai«i "x>c. asbad As he da u ne fi Oucrbeome Witlioui peu hcc wiîh us WC fet seoatone We've leanerd hat crying everyday- We'î change he fact ye'r gene Wr Cry,mwecry, WCcry Irapeidully yoce Mom Wc hope somneday ce answec A questioan or two Weec itili a ltde p7zerd.. Wbhy did ct happro ta yeuf Wr wendec how yeu'd look Turnine 30 tcular Wr lnew yea d br murer bracifid Thun whrn yec werer tant brrr Would yoc bc marrird hy new, Wicbh a child cf your uwnf Tbrsr arr qucoions withoucannwrrs For Ccd ceek yoc ce is hume Ylaada wr pray ce you As wr teck cp ce the sky Wr love yoc and wr mini you Ansd wr cry and ce>' and cry! Foreveremîeoed, almae'e loed aidneeo, EVER forgetîene tLeve Mom, Dad, Charlîr & Angela Bonne Lynne Prior anay61993 ta l ise ln ife',sea. Quit enrbrdevery day' No o grii ri ie ii skare. Buti o.ecat li' lwavîrdice. Ailor oe, S ott Dbbu Stvnand familiee. DacDacr Wat.îMWWne Aller scbool cors requîred îmmedîetely for derlîng boy wîlhhbeerîsg impoîrment/ estiom. You are a carîng, patient, team ployer mllîng to leerri basic ASL. Yu wîll murk under parents' direction to help implement cognitive & lite okllîs progremo. You heove Fîrot Aid for îsfanto/toddlero. Prevîcus esperience mît/r special needs chldîenr efeîîed bit miii trais the rîgnt persos Studonto wth mature attitude aie meicome 10 apply. Appros 15 -20 hours per week.Rate of puy wîll match leei f vopoience. Application deadlile: danuary 7, 20M8 Cail Michelle @ 905-864-2432. POOLlTabie, Brand New, stl i ox.5eîoim ooa. r 'Oreale OuAccesoires, Cool $6.7n0. seii $1,950 905-304-9994 SNOWBOAO, ued le, 24iSeven, 152 cm. Boots si85.$30v. Caii 905- 878-vars eave a mes- cm Arices Wned WANTED 2hp otoara mol2 stoke. useort lafti eieciîcoitael, good conda- ton Reasonabîy prced Cou Noahl 019-803-18t7 BESI Cash$ Paid- Ait Jeweiiery, GuiS. Sucver, Diamonds, China, Crys- tei, Suver, Fig rises. Rayai1 Douion,Scaroe ski, Ait antique tamnish- ings, Art, Coitectibies, etc. Estate Specialis, Top Cash. Cati John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 WANTE5: LageDosg !j bo As gym setr Ire ,ds M1 cre aasl rross Mi- chelle 90F,693 90>33 Cars fer Sale 2003 1i M~rage Remevat i-877-JUNK-TWO-t50 t- 877-586-5a9e 5ame day lunk rrnmeeai evc Senior dscount. Cati get it denef LM Papet Ceaning SANTOS Carpel Caoe Grea services GreaI raIes Saisactioenearae 1005 Oyeiai Ol75005oom 905821-e4re Rave yeu huidthek news? 8aatfiod new ham ornai rlauffiedoe m8acs'iaeiaasn CmoymOave nd Bourslingn 905-333-3499, ext. 104 Cali in Milton and Georgetown: 905-702-7311, ext. 101 or 1-866-260-1175, ext. 101 [5U.5MNI Ths Eepeymew i O,,ieeproeqeee ONTARIO f..dcd fi peei by thc e ee, f Can.d.. (The centre Oes'opreeri nt a & TeI.I, www. thecentre. on. ca »The Centre 47 SkIiIs DevIc.pnieet aTailnng E ýem -reers Freîght Operations Manager ),iia /î,,a -5- il ye.irs eC\iece linra-US! 'ituidiitriins bo ier, international tieighit & related custoins preices% * 'jus Cf1îai. tl-Iectîrd uC.'t e lttCr ser\ ice & irterpeisonal sk-ils. 1 ie ililitiS lu titititisOOL.itiCCi dca1dli1ncs & %s utk in a iart paiced en\ irutit ii rtsconriidenice. i\ A pssion tur os ai ý ou do & "a desire lu cuîtributc lu the strategic direction uf the comnpati>. We offer a waork enuirarincnt that tvilt bath challenge &/b rewvard yau. A highly coînpetitiue compen sation package based on experi'erice éï .inlu.stry qualificationsq. Appiy in confidence: Hiamilton Web Peintîng a division of Metroland West Media Croup as seeking an experîenced, PRINTING PLANT SHIFT LEADER The qualîfied canddate sutl poxso a eolîd leadersbip background in offset seb prîning, strong interpereonul, costumer servce, and organîzutoal ekîllîsxnd pouxessex the abiliiy 10 sork hande on iv axoîst shen necessary. You silI hune svlîd tîme management skls and be capable of workîng wtbin a fax-paced, deudlîne focused envrooment. ln Iis mIle, pou wîlI be lead, coacb, and assîxt sîtb the duîly functions of our Team Bxxed Web Offset Printing Operution, csvering the affernoon and nîgbt shift. You wîlI be responsîble for conrdînuting the production nf the web offset prîntîng operative, implementing satety rules and traning, ensurîng quality con- trol standards are'ie place, and maîntaînîng a consistent relatîvnxhîp sîth cas- tomer contacts in order to meet business obectives. le addition, you sîlI also avoînt staff wth profeevional develvpment and make productivn and shîppîng echedule decîsiono Eoperîevce wth Goso Communîty Presses, indery, and Pre-preoses are ai defînte ossets. If pou would like 10 work for a leader in the mediax îndustry Ihîo opportanîty may be thernrght coie foi pou. We offer a competîtîve compensation package aos wiI as pvssîbîlîtîeo for future cameer growth. Ail interested applicanis sbould submit their resume ta: We apprvcrarv the îîterest of ai applicaors hoîovver 35lîîotriosesleced for an intersvww mîl 0vccrfacted No phone -aill or agvnîvs pIeuse, sure lax Compliance & interace w/clients on ana- lyzng & understanding Accauntîng/Compliance is- sues, Requîtes 3îcl yr CGA (or equivalent) +2 yre exp. in Accounting/Bookkeeping (uccouniting firm). Quickbooks, personul tue prepuratlon, smail busi- ness exp. preeed, geod verbal/wri*en communi calion skIes Please email resume: padgett@cogeca ca WIL e Drierspem qjj~Canattian * MILTON CANADIAN CHAMPION CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lu currentty 100king for a Contruct Driver 10 deliver papers ta cusiomners in he Milion Ruret urea on Tesduys & Frdeys, Must ha telieble wi1h own vehîcle and valîd drivers license. Please contact: kmossman@ mitoncanadianchampîoncom Fax: 905-876-2364 Phone: 905-878-2341 ext #245 MiDuoe and Neogeow IC eaini 5 96 -îge tf ohove fhodsa y and areme th copn fcmpldees Brmontusa Uis-tiutor wilI ar o The c and itsmutb avaistibetlepurne day.toie Formoreesinorap toanal Geog 8twn6M88o,1-0490 ile (Ref-7904) Okvile D~iHelp IHeIpl sar o VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR PART-TIMEI Wîllow Purk Ecslegy Centre is looking fsr unoit- going, frîendly, creutive, and eriironmentully committed perssn for part-lime employment re- cruiting volunteers and orgunizing a siewxrdsbîp program. Applicants should be able to work inde- pendently under the direction of the Stewardsbîp Csmmîttee and hune use transportation. The suc- cessful candidate sbould bave a college or university degree, gond organîzationul, oral and wrtten communication skîlts, and esperience wnrk- îng with volanteers. Esperience in fund-ruîsîng and with computer progrumo such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint is requîred. This position is for xp- prosimutely 20 hie per week for 6 monthesu/r ha flexible sorkweek possible. For information on Wllow Park Ecology Centre vîsît www.willowparkecologycom or phone 905-702-9055 Deadlîne for applications: January t8th, 2008 Send resumes to: Tonde ut wpscô - $13-$15/lir. Minimum 1 year exp. -General Labour -Abîlity t10lift Up 10 OIbs - All shifis. Please visit us ai: Spherion Staifing Solutions 350 Rutherford Road South Plaza 2, Suite 110, Brampton 905-452-7110 Ifedaibsvnga edul espi a ndieil doen meet eu tcad nupy ixjein au ta prdo iha sigcd nrenmeillrsuf ix n eerage agdinepi $/h i $6/r.Co ernel andhes neilswefcan crsieawork shdule had works eryeu. rkekdeiern .. iiusMlo pbii. Io exlre..-. onatBo t ToAssemble Producis , Stuffing Envelapes, Mail- ng/P rncexsing Circulars, Ontine Computer Werk bu lk a rn * anailable. Up Te $1,500/Week. No Experience Join Canadas Ne w.Jabs-WorkConniection.csm #1 BuIk Food Retailer Reerence: 3-113 We a0 re lsoking fsr msiivaied, frîendly, cunscienlîsus people 10, staff sur nes store al 0 800 Main St. East, M ilton E OELas P O Fu and part-Uime staff required fsr i ergtw telo psw tos;îek in i~dualfor SitSPervsoI FULL TIME and PARTTIME POSITIONS Cashiers and Stock Clerks xnd/s seeendsldl otappliin at:IIIIII O Shiffs ieclude dapo, evenings www.beautif uîiats.conMfobs Plexse emnailysa esume ta: s15 erenumes@hulkhx sr seed fao A RER W NE 0905-886-3717 For Toronto Sun Youth and Adults ST/rose s hbe cuesidered wil0 e cuntocted GEORGETOWN, ACTON hter Jonuary 8th. and MILTON AVAILABLE No phone calla please. DataTest Eveni Services Inc. CUSTOMER SERVICE Pari Tie COpporîco fies Trade Shovw Regrotratuor Cor-iute' exporience 1lOces55dt Toosporltîonroruornd Phorîe Fan 905-877-3044 0+11 905-703-1967 Errai! fn(ootlfuot unt or For m ore information Cati Peter: 1-888-552-7624 - Jsr.* UrPpor Cred! Humano Socinfy KENSEL ATTENDANT p.'rr,. xmIus gour adI rjj,~~ :lÇ,oj £J131JI a~1ChflçIoI'LcI a »»M..i 1