A6 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 2, 2008 Stili something to be proud of Itfs understandable that one nght feel disappoint- ed that the local Salvation Armv's 2007 holiday fundraîsing drive didn't quite meet its $170,000 goal. As reported elsewhere iin this newspapcr, the annual f undraiser topped out at a lttîlc over $155,658, markmng the first time in at leasi i ive years that t felI short. Luckily kettIe contribu- tions were tip agnifcantly rom 2006, which helpedi offset the drastic drop n waik-mn donations. We're lefi scratching our heads, try'îng to under- stand the reason for tIhe decline in giving, especial- ly consîtfcring the towns booming population. Hiowever, the thousands that wcrc raisu'd - thankis to privatecî tizens, coin- munity groups and husi- nesses - iin stch a rIa- tîvclN, short period of lime s stîlf a gî cat fcat and oîrc to be protid of. The finaI tafl is a Siîg nîficant amount and will do xvcll ta hielp the Salvation Arniy contintue its hurnanitanian work for families over the holida\ s and througliout the year. Readers Write E-mail your lettera ta mrultoned@haltonoearch oem, Banning book big mistake DEAR EDITOR: 1 have to take issue wth the Haton Cathaiic District Sebool Boards ban on the book'The Golden Campass.' While this decision was certainly within the trustees purview as a demo- cratically eîected body, 1 feel the board bas made a dramatic mistake in flot allowmng their students ta be exposed ta tissnovel. Books such as The Golden Compass present 'teachable moments' for stu- dents. The book provdes readers with the apportunity to cnitically analyze what the author is saying about their faith. To limit access to tbese types of books lessens the ability of students to develop the skills neu.essaryr to broaden their understandîng about whaî it means to be Latbolîc and explain those beliefs to others. Good debaters always know tbe otber point of view, sa tbey can develop their own arguments. By instituting a ban, the board bas sbown that critical analysis tant an important skil for their students ta, develap. Moreaver, the real absence of any opposition rom tbe cburcb bierarcby other scbool boards and even tbe hoards own book commîttee 1 think shows Ibis decision was mnade in baste, and was ikefy politically motivated. 1 would hope the board re-considers thîs ban as expeditiously as posssible. JQE HENRY LANCASTER BOULEVARD Animal shelter indeed needed in Milton DEAR EDITOR: That was a gîcat article the ClIairiion did recently on the nccd for a Milton Humrane Society 1 couldn't agree more. I adopted one of my cats at the (lakirille andl District Humane Society another one at tbe Mississauga Humane Society, and my dog roin the Toronto Humaîse Socety Eacb expeni ence was joyfuf but aIso saddening, knowng that st many animais necil homes. 1 wish I coul d help them al My sister had ber cat go inissing foi two mionthis. And for those mionths she called andl went ta the Oakville and District Humane Society over and over again, hoping that ber cat was brought in. They were gleat there and two înonths aft er lict went miussng îî \vas found. A kînilgentlemnan bad fotînil er and drus e her to tbe Oakvîlle aînd Districit ittinane Society. \Vhat would have happcned if he cotldn't drive oui of town or didn't knwwhere the Oakville shclter was? \V uld mx sil-ters rat nevser have been brsîtght tsi a shelter? Maybe if anvonc cIsc found liei tbeyd have Ilef i er, since theres unobtîmane souîety here. \Ve dont want to think about that but nsteail we thnk about what if Mlon had a shelter. Maybc she would have been brought n sooner andl mayhe the reunion would have been earlier than îwo mnonths. ANN-MARIE WALTZ MILTON Donation to our family such a surprise blessing DEAR EDflOR: We'd ike to tbank everyone wbo was involved witb the l2th aimual Leslie Wells Slo-Pitch Tournament, especially iluose people who were kind enough ta nom- mnate and choose our family. We were very shocked when we were presented witb a wonderful donation [rom them December 18. We were pleasantly surprised to find out tbat there are so many gaod people out there who really do care and were will- ing ta help us tbrough a difficuit time. Our son Kristapher is 14 mantbs aid and bas bad ta deal with many beaîth issues during the first year of life. linfartunately this wiIl be an ongamng process for us. Kristopher hasn't been diagnosed yet and we are still in the testing stages, but we do know he bas special needs. This donation wiIi be used ta help with the costs that occur on a regular basis, such as gas and parking for our many visits ta MeMaster Chilcirens Hospital. physio- therapy, ta get prescriptions, diapers and fornrula, etc. Were extremely touched by the kindness andl gen- erosily that bas been sbowiî ta us and wouId like la let those people involved know how mutch wc truiy appre- ciate it. The best part is that we can use this wonderiui gif t as a lesson ta teach aur ebuîdren about how impor- tant it is ta give ta people wben they truIy necd it. You guys gave us more than a donation, vou gave us hope and encouragement ta keep on truckîn'. NWc hope ta one day start aur own chaîity foi- other faînilies iin aur commiunity who are going through the waiting, wandering and testing that we are now. We want ta be able ta heip athers the way youve helped us. If anyane is interested in learning mare about aur son Kristopber or aur family, you can visit us at http://kbrownandbmoore.spaces.live.com/ as we are cantinually updating aur blag. KRISTA BROWN, BRAD. ERIKA AND KRISTOPHER MOORE MILTON lZbe Qaîabian Qjjampioîî Mir' otrmi ity tewspiF)fr Swce 1860 555 tndustial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.m-iltoncanad.ianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Generai Manager Dav'!1lHaivo, Editor in Chief jýDavis Managing Editor Kcie.. Mic(rh Advertising Director W/enricy Mr'Nor Production Manager Fn p.Crles Circulation Manager Ch i cee iu,1 Office Manager Sdndy Pare Thse Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Fniday, ls a division of Meiroland Media Group Lid. - Group Pubither Ian Oliver Adersing is accepted onethe condition Ilhatnhe evn fa ypogtaphical ersoc riat portion of the adver 1.9 q pare occupied by tireoeronsens rtogeer i wh a easonable arlonance foresignature, wili roi se sharged for, btthe balane ofhe adetisemnent illhe paidfor as thre appicsable rateTise psblishler reerves thee eght Io categonuze adsesrtsenents or dednse CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by Ontario Communty ocI1a Newspapers Assciaton Canadias Communty iC A ewspapersAssociation Suie ban Newspapers S m of America Th t 0ý,î, îsll *1aiyOJu a 'cH5oH h "', ý;ýýý) o UNRTD WAY OF M ILTON TV AUCTION MILTON S ANTA C LAU S PARADE VYMUA Showcase itn O ~ 5