The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 28, 2007 - Bi 'for lSxd ar" event go to ART - ACappella Showcase invites you to sing along Prospective members j can drop into groupý Tuesday night praictices By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF "We're living the drearn." Those are the words Judy Comeau used to convey just how passionately she feels about the award-vinming womens chorus she directs, A Cappella Showcase. Sure, the accolades are nice. For the sev'- enth year in a row, the group has netted gold medals in regional competition, and six con- secutive silvers in international competition. But what Comeau said she treasures most is the camaraderie. "There's the most wonderful sisterhood you'll ever encounter," she said. The 70-women chorus sings without accompaniment in four-part harmony. Although it practîces in Milton - every Tuesday night at the Masonic Hall on Regional Road 25 - and bas local members, it draws members [rom as far away as IN PERFECT HARMONY Members of A Cappella Showcase perform in Halifax. Hamilton, Kitchener, and Ancaster. lncredibly, theres even one member who flues in for practice each week from Montreal. The varied musical selection - which includes evervthing from Broadway num- bers to rock 'n' roll tunes - keeps the audi- ence involved. .'l try to keep our repertoire as audience- fniendlv as possible," Comeau explained, adding, 'l like to keep it light, happy and upheat." Although A Cappella Showcase is just il years old, the competitive choruss accom- pltshments are many, represented aptly by its gold and sîlver dynasties. It's part of an organization called Harmnony lncorporated, which holds compe- tîtions twice each year. A Cappella Showcase presîdent Lynne Crellîn said the group is unique for a num- ber of reasons, including that the doors open to, anyone who can carry a tune. "You do not have to be able to read music or have a trained voîce to stand and sing with us," she explaîned. 'We will teach you how to sing and perform and we warn you that once you step into our midst and hear the music around you, it will grab you." Those intcrested ini cliecking out A Cappella Showcase are invited to drop in on any practîce. The coming year will hold many adven- tures for the women, including a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia, where tbey've been invit- ed to give a week-long series of summer con- certs. "We're the first womens chorus [rom Canada to go," Comeau said, adding, "Its a tremendous honour to do this." Resîdents can support the upcoming trip to Russia by sponsoring the chorus or mndi- vidual members, Crellhn said. Charitable receipts will be issued. They can also partic- ipate in numerous fundraising events the chorus will hold in the new year. For more tnformation, visit www.acap- Stephanie Hounsell can be reached at sthiessenEý Corne Bowling with family &friends!