Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 2007, p. 20

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A20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Date1N Dateline is a fi-ce listing (j roming eeti oil y The column is available tb local eommuniiy groiîps tb assisti n promoting theii fiutuire events. Notices -for Dateline shoiuld be e-niailed to rniltoiîed@halion- search.com. Thte final dearlfme îs iioori Fi ria for 1Tuesday'seditioii and iioon Wednesday foi Fi iday s edifion. Daieline items arint ar repicd hi telepltote. Wednesday Dec. 19 Milton Meals on Wheels holds ais Wheels ta Meaf s lunch program for seniors ai Il:30 atm ai ibe aparîment ai 80 Ontario Si. For more informna- tion. caîl (905) 878-6699, The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance). invites hîgb scbool stîdenîs to drop bxý betîxveen 230 and 6 p.m. tr plax a gainte of pool or jusi hang oui. Milton DistricitfHospital holcîs a one-on-enc hreasîfeed- îng clinic xiith a certif ccl lac ta- tion censcultant intem I30 lii 3 p.n. For iore infor matioin or te m1aks n peiCcn a ll t1II Illcks ,aî '90 ý878-1383,r'\i. 1610. Ille ic lton 'ilnu 1ts \ iiii c entre, 00 F.hilci-r, )hblcis cantraci bridge ai 9 13 a. n. Mexican train doîninocs froinî I 30 le 4 p iii ancl dants and bil- liards rom cý) a ni te 9 )p.iii. 1lise cosifi frt ach actii\i ,S 2 foi rnenîbcrs and S4 fortnîn-inin- heis. fis VckvLunch Counter fciiuîiioiga fiot'nical is also belcl ai a c isi of 'Sb Sign up In adi ance hi calliîig 905) 875 Fun Vol leybaf I takes place froIn 30 to 2130 p.tu. ai tbe \Milto cîsLisureC (entre on ',tain Street foi men andcf xi )cmn of al ages and skiff fevels. For more information, caîl (905) 878- 7946. Wednesday Dec. 19 - 24 The Milton Disînit Hospital auxifiarv holds uts Christmas wrapping service ai Milton Mail, wîîb aIl monex raised goîng tri the auxiliarys pledge îo raise $500,000 for the CT sean- ner campaîgn. Thursday Dec. 20 Tbe Milton Fistonical Society holds is annuaf Christmas potluck dinner ai 630 p.m. ai the Vialdie Bfacksmîîh Shrîp. 16 James St. Please brîng your owni plates and utensîfs, as well as you rinmemonies )f Christmas 10 show and telf The Deck youth centre. 200 Main Si. (rear entrance). ms-%tics studenîsi Grades 6 id 8 tri dlrop bi bciwccn 330 andcl6:15 p.11i.iii plax a gaine if pooîl île cîsi bangoudt. fli'gh scbîîiîistu- dent-, are xiclciinie froi î ii1I0 \lilîiîri )isîric i f Iiispiial biîlcl'. a use lin onc brcasîfeed- ing efînic ,xiti ba c ertîfcc l acta- lienýniîsslîani firn 7 iii Qp.ns f or luuîrc' infourmiatioîn or ici iialse in appîlinîmeni cýall lîfI fîcks ai 905) i878-2383. i?\i 7610ý 1 lie flalton \\ ensCl centre, sîlitc 229 11 iiioedale \lall. 113 ýRebcca St. in c)aki ille. holds ils Irce Spanish Women's Social Group from 12 30 iii 2130 pirn.h fin so lds iusgrief clînie (in Spanisb) frîîm 10 a. ni te tnson ancd tbe Caring and Sharing Cirefe from I to 3 p.m. Fcor more infornmation, cal 905) 84 7-5 520 or itîti The Milton Seniors' Actiiti, Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds contract bridge at 130 p.m. and dans and billiards from 9 ar. iii 9 p.m. Tbe cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-memi bers. Its Thursday Alternoon Movie is held at 1:30 p.m. fea- turing Santa Claus 3. The cost is $2. And bid euchre takes place at 130 p.m. at a cost of $250 for members and $450 for non- members. For more informa- tion, eall (905) 875-1681. Fiday Dec. 21 The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites students in Grades 6 to 8 ta drop by between 3.30 and 615 p.m. to play a game of pool or jusi bang out. Hîgh schoof stu- dents are wefcome from 7 to il p.M. Milton District Hospital bolds a drop-in breastfeeding group \wiib a cerîified lactation consultant fromi 10 tb 11I30 a.ni ai (Dur Lads of \ icior Sccieol, 540 Commuiercial Si. xx ith inlormanion sharecl and babies xxeîgboled, For xîomen ancd babie-, onl%. For more informa- tion, calJilI Ficks ,ai(905) 878- 2383,.ecxi 7610ý The Mitlon Seniors Actix i% Cecuire, 500 C bîlds Dr.. bolds bingo and contract bridge ai 9 30) a.m.,ois Cvber Cafe from 1 to 3 p. ni. and darts and billiards fromn 9 a.mni b 4 p.m. The cosi foi eacb acti\ves is $2 for mnem- bers and S4 for non-members. Euehre is beld ai 1:30 p.m. ai a cosi of S2.50 for members and S4.50 for non-members. And Evening Euchre takes place ai the Campbellville Lions Hall ai 7 30 p.m. Tbe cosi is S2.50. For more information, cal(905) 8715-1681. FULL «AIR & fE V E ~ ?'Main & Wilson* 17 Wilson Drive, Milton \ We are "pen Monday Decemibe 24th, 9am - 3pm (905) 693-0878 Tues 9-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 10-9, Fn 9-7, Sat 9-3, Sun Closed NEIGHBOURS* A F2eilt alternative! Retailers wanted for new locations in the Greater Toronto Area Freshly-browed coffee & deficieus bot breakbst sandwiches, avaitable ail day! For lunch, how about a grilleil panîni with fresh basîl herbes de provence? Add a brîght, state-of-the-art store and fuel facility and yeu have a sure fire recipe fer success. Now ail we need is you! a 3-5 years Retail or Food Service Industry management experience a Ability to inspire, lead and manage 20+ employees a Expertence in labour schoduling, inventory management recencili"on. food ordefing and recolvin - Working capital required. Amount varie$ hy location $end your roitume to nelghboursi&pe&o-canada.cai' Qualifled emididates wili be contacted NEIGHBOURS Ar>

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