Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Nov 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 27, 2007 flPiNI What's up, doc? Ne more Band-Aid solu- tiens. The Province needs a comprehensive plan te ensure Ontarie residents have access te a family physician. A iengthy investigation by Metroland West Media Group (see Part 2 inside today's Chamipion) reveals the Province is spending iess money and allocating fewer resources on programs designed te find and kcep famiiy doctors here. "Ferecasting the current or future need for any health profession is very diffisculs," the Mimisîry of Heaiîb said in answer te questions pesed by Metrolanil. We poiiteiy snggcst to the ministry that its ansv0er sim- ply snt good enough. The GTA - su particular Haiten - is experiencing unprecedented growth. The shortage of doctors and the serions issue of generai prac- tîtioners net wanting te work in hospitais are among the many problemoi plaguing the heaith-care system. liaison Region had the foresight te hire a ful ltime lamily, physîcian co-ordina- tor. it is Angela Sugtien Praysners job te entîce gen- erai practitioners te set rip shop iin Haltons four munie- spalities. Over the past fivc years, she bas recruited 60 doctors. Whîiie that numbcr sounids imprcsstve, the area still requires 30 doctoors. Faîniiy doctors represent the glue that binds the labric of corrsnunilîes. \ihout these dedicated men and wonocn pros sding day -t> day patient care, our elecced officiais wil ne longer bc able te brag about the quali- ty of life here in Haiton. DNI PMIE ON A CELLPBONE,, Readers Write E-maal your letters te miltonnai@haltctnsearch.oem. Parade issue an embarrassment DEREDITOR: The Milton Santa Claus Parade was very nice and weli organized, and i want te thank the committee for their bard work. i just bave te say, though, that this whole huliabaioo about Garth Turner is completely ridiculons, net te mention embarrassing. i cant believe that Milton is front and centre in the major uewspapers for, of al things, 'politicizing' cour parade. 0f ail the issues this town is facing, we gel neîsced for ban- nîng politicians frem a parade. 1 canst believe that the com- miîtee feit it fine for several reai estate agents te drive their cars in the parade, yet they didn't feel it was apprepriate for our deme- cratically-elected officiais se show their support for the event and the community Apparently, they feit that it was more important fer my chul- dren te see real estate agents than te be exposed te Canadian democracy Net thal i have any- thing against reai estale agents, but thcre were a lot oft While 1 appreciate effort thai gees into o such an event, 1 bave shake my head thal Il mittee ceuld be se minded and in se demn rass our cemmunîty so If yen need te k parade short, perha should've started wi come, first-served ir resorîing te censorshipç J.HE BRONTE Politicians should have been part of para DEAR DTR 1 cant help bul wonder if this whele situation wth the Milton Sauta Clans Parade cenid have been avoîded with a littie commen sense. Did Garth Turner apply for and pay the fee fer a spot in the parade? if hc did, then he shonld have been allowed te participate. r If he dîdn'î pay the fee, then he shouidn'î have been allowed in. Dees il have îo be more cempli- cated than that? 1, for one, always enjoy seeîng our dul' politîcians parîîcipating iii the parade, didn't vole for îhem. It shows they have nity spirit. I cant heip but wonder if Turner h& handediy wipcd ouitue GST, lowcîed the income taxes - and had the gov removed the gasolîne tax - would bisr tion iii the parade hasve been censidered? M.1 There's no place for politicians in Santa Claus pari DEREDITOR: Money talks, apparenîiy According te the November 24 edition of the Hamilton Spectator, the reason Mayor Gord Krantz was allowed te par- ticipate lu the Milton Santa Clans Parade was becanuse of the donation of nearly $ 10,000 frem the Milton Cemmuniîy Fond, as weii as some barricades. Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr said he thinks that young- sters are iuterested lu knowing who the politicians are riding in the parade. That bin ldicrons. If politiciaus wish to îhem vounteer their tin de net already do se, noteriety. The MiIto Clans Parade is for chil their famîlses. AGOSTINO G, them. eail the .rganizing Housing project support terrific ,e te jusI DEAR EDITOR: bhis cem- On behaîf of Regenesis and the narrow- Milton Affordable Housing ig, embar- Coalition (MAHC), 1 would like te 3badly thanlc Champion reporter Melanie keep the Hennessey for ber excellent article iaps yen on thse affordable bousing project ith first- planned for Nintis Line is Milton. istead of We believe that this innovative, i. environmesttally-responsible proj- :WITSON ect - which combines 100 sup- E STREET portive andi geareti-to-income de rentai units, with 50 Habitat for id Humnanity homes - is a wonder- fui way te begin te, address thse iy-elected great need for afferdable housing even if 1 in this area. commu- i would aIse like te thank the many people whe contacteti Derk ad single- Maat, president of Regenesis, te cPST and volunteer te help with thse preject. .'ernment Maat is very pleasedtot have bati participa- sncb a positive respense. He bas Di? suggested that il ih e epu MAITO for people se aise have a Milton MITN contact, as MAHC is werkfng with a e Regenesis te belp make tisis excel- -a e lent proposai a reality. o help, iet Anyone interesteti in helping ne if they eut and who bas net already calleti ýwithont Derk, please contact me at eitber on Sauta (905) 878-3216 or idren and wendy@schauhaus.ca. WEND SCAUCHAIR MITNAFFORDABLE MILTN HOSINGCOAUTION zbr c(~anabîan (&»anpion Mihn' omrn Nevvpaper Sin 180 555 Industnial Dr. Mlton, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.nj.ütoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Editor in Chief .1l11Davis Managing Editor Kaia-n Micel, Advertising Director VJa-osly Mctlab Production Manager Tir Colc-s< Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager S'andy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Fniday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Lsd. - Group Publisher Ian Olive' Adverttsirtg n aooepted on the condition that, in the eveot of a typographical entor thia porton of the advet tisinq pace occupied by the enoneous itett, togethen aoth a easooable altowance forsignature, wilI flot be chatged tor. but the balance of the advertisetneoîniti e tatd for at the appl cable rate. The publitoer resenues the ttght to categorize adoertisemento or delne CCAB Audited Ree-eguszed for exceliesoee loy Ontaro Commuonit ocna Newspapenn Asoction Canadrao Commuorty C CNA Newspapers Association S K uburbao Newspapenn - U' of Aterica The a diai hamipioru n a rtdii ifii fi orfor Halton Oealthar ige BellFond A MILTON UMTV WAYC SANTA 0F MILTON TV AUCTION PRD ~ THENVA Th, Oak ilMttn Showcase Milton e 't GALA #zAwards

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