Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 2007, p. 6

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i A6 - The Canadian Champion, Fnday, September 14, 2007 Ontario voters need something solid to chew on The Ontario election campaign is now officially underway and its difficult to remember a campaign in whicb the elec- torate appears to be as conflicted as it is. For the past four years, under Dalton McGuinty's Liberals, Ontarios economy has, for the most part, per- formed solidly There has been labour peace among tbe pub- lic sector workers. There bas been a relative calm restored to Queens Park compared to the latter days of the Mike Harris/Ernie Eves Conservative-led years. Yet, virtually every poli to date indicates McGuinty would do well to win only a minority government. Why, one won- ders, bas tbe electorate flot embraced him and his party? Perhaps its because, ater bis election in 2003, McGuinty quickly broke his vow flot to impose a bealtb tax - a bro- ken promise that bas dogged him ever since. In recent weeks the Liberala have been promiaing the sun and moon wvitb daily announcements of funding for a wide variety of proj- ectsalal with one caveat attacbed - tbey must be re-elected. Perbapa votera find tbis electoral blackmail distasteful? Or perbaps tbey are unwilling to give their trust to a politician wocallously abuaed it the last time around? Since tise NDP appears to bave little hope to Form the next government or even attain Opposition statua, it remains wtb the Conservatives and leaderjohn Tory to convince tbe elec- torate there is an alternative to the McGuinty Liberals. However, Tory bas flot yet abown to be thse dynamic count- terbalance to McGuinty's blandness. He bas, cuniously, creat- ed a hot-button issue with bis calfor faitb-based achool Funding - something moat Ontarians do not appear to sup- port. Thse Conservative leader bas also outlined a apending plan that mirrora tbat of tbe Liberala - both intend to apend more than $14 billion for programs over the next four yeara - but be bringa up a dreaded Mike Harris-era phrase, "find- ing eFFiciencies," when asked how be wiIl pay for those pro- grams. Like McGuinty tise votera bave flot warmed to Tory at this point. Tise parties now bave a montis to give the electorate some- thing aolid to chew on and, isopefulîy, improve the bitter taste they bave obvioualy so far leFt in tise votera' moutbs. Readers Write E-mail your letteRs te mtnerio@haltonsech. oem Thanks to ail for DEAR EDITOR: This letter goes out to aIl of the isard-working individuals responsible for the Milton District High Scbool Reunion event held tbis past weekend. What a wonderful weekend-long party it was, and wbat a Fantastic way to re-connect with friends by 'Coming Home' and celebrating tbe Town of Milton'a l5Oth anniveraary, too. Tbank you to the following individ- uals and groupa for making the aplen- did reunion possible: -the Reunion Planning Committee: a great reunion Mark Brewer, Stuart Chartes, John DAleasandro, Miriam (Uliana) DaSilva, Pauline (Lendvay) Fries, Aima (LaMarsh) Gildes, Brian Gildea, Chris Heath, Shirley (Coulson) Heath, Kendra johnson, current MDHS princi- pal Ian Jones, Robin May, Jeff Ruigrok, Gary Whaley and Suzanne (Figg) WVhaley; - the other individuals who pitched in later in the planning process; - the current Milton high school students who volunteered to help; asee MDHS on page A7 Pr e Qanamiian Campio Milton s Community Newspaper Sirnue 1860 555 Industnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiamng Fax: 905-876-2364 Clasfied905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mrùltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Editor in Chief JIlI Davis Managlng Editor Karen Mîcehi Advertîsing Director Wendy McNab Production Manager Tim Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare lheCaiad mipn, pihhed emy Tuesday and Fidey. isea divii of Mebufad Media Gmtçq Ltd. - Grap Pfflherlai Olvef Adets nauwd one 8We unM~on tat i e entniofia t5w# eroc nne55p- eof5 te a-is- cocnwie by Ste mem snim Sqe f wS a mà Aanor esia- tise sn r àwgedfnn Settrebiwrofttwadwçsewef be paid for at Se apOK" re mibe pMedw nerm en t a caegma aivertse rde CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by Ontanio Community &Oa'a Neespapers Association Canadian Cammunity C*CN Newspapern Association IK 'Suburban Nenespapers mmiofAmerica MyView It was like Urne stood stîli exccpt for afew iaugh uines The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: Would 1 recognize lm after ail these years? Would lie recognize me? I think 1lmay have changed a bit since 1IIsat saw hum. Let me see, it was 29 yea rs ago when 1 last walked through the doors of Burington's Nelson High School. Mr. Phillips was the principal then and just his mere presence ini the hallway kept al the students on the straiglit and narrow There was Mr. Siater (l stili cant cail hlm AI) who made geography so interesting that I actually excelled in it. Ms. Baker, who later became Mis. Tuinhuil (l sdll cantl catI lier Wendy), mntroduced me to the worîd of the- atre arts. She took a shy girl (yes, me) and flfled lier with confidence. There was Mis Dick who taught EngLh. Peachey who drilled into us that our fingera sbould neyer stray from the home row on the typewriter. A typewriter? I havent seen one of those in years. There was Misa Day the art teacher, who politely thouglit ni still life of geraniums had poten- tiaI. She was very wrong, but ver mice. There was Mr. Wernick the history teacher, John Cole a won- derful English/drama teacher... the list goes on. Then dhere waa Mr. Boichuk (1 * still can'î call hlm Ken). He was (and stii la I presume) au out- standing teacher. I remeniber 1 cou1dn't watt wo attend his clas on 'thse media and w<rld issues.' Hie opened oui eyes tt> global events, byoud thesafé bordler oftheçblassroouL Mr. fioichtlk wus one of thosee cW teschers who made you think, made you reacb for the sky and, more importantly, prepared you for life after high school. So when 1 made my way to thse Burlington Posts front recep- lion desk, I wondered if Mr, Boschuk would remember me. Would he remember that a 'r buddy and I would often stay behind afier class just to discuss events of thse day? 1 am certainly not that fresh- faced teenager who graduated frori Nelspn in 1978. The years hmveslipped by adding more than afair share of wrindesand some srnds of grey har But wbesi I gnsped Mi. Bolchukes baud, it seesued as if ùmce had ludeed stood stii. Hie hadltardly changedat all. Some streas of sfl- e$s.goffA7 ngle Bel Fund CANADA CL UNITED WAY T UTO MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYMCA w ATHEVA IbOaS 8e Mdion W Showcase Milton The MùtrneCanadmanChampion a8R-cclbe Podur m

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