Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Sep 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September il, 2007 Apolitca1crrot Okay, hands up everyone who wouldn'î like a holiday in Fcbruary. Fine, tbais seîîled. Most of us want a holiday in the mid- dle of the winter. Now maybe if everv Ontanian c oiplained loud and long enougb for an end îo major snowstorms, Dalton McGuinty and bis Liberal pals could make ihat happen - if, of course, they're re-elected. While Progressive (onservaîive leader John Tory called Finance Minister Greg Sorbaras Labour Day announcement of a Februarv holiday -cynical,- we îbînk he was being îoo kind. On the eve of a provincial election, the Lîbetals said, il re-electcd, îbcv would create a new staiuiory holiday and caîl it Familv Davy This was nothîng more iban blatant pandering for votes. Sorbara acknowledged the idea of a 1ehniary holiday bas hen ikîcked around l'or years ai Quenrs Park and tha i ifs prohably someting thai should have heen donc somne Urne ago. lIf 5, why wasn't it? \Vhly was ibis announce- mneni made jusi days hefore an clection campaign hegan? Why if this was such a press- ing maîter, didn't the Liherals push for the holiday during their four years runrng the province? There imas definiitelv ,bc meriî in having a I cbruarv holiday (bopefully something dubbed beiter than I amilv Day), but the impact sucb a decision %vould have on the business comniuniiv and oîb- ers sbould be well-researchedl and ibougbi oui - uo ossed oui casualîx nina slîameless VOte-buving bîd. Readers Write E-mail youR letters to m Donerl@hatcinsearch oem Lack of help for those in car crash hard to believe DEAR EDITOR: On August 301I was on mv svay avte' a s olunteer meeting around 7 p.m. 1 was travelling dlown Tbumpson Road ioward Main Street and arnived bebînd a fine of sluw.-moving vebîcles, su 1 could not sec -wbat the bold up Ihn got close enough 1 could sec a major accident bad jusi bappened. tTwo cars bad collided, with senouns damage tu both. 1 looked around and could not believe that no one bad stopped to help. 1Iîmmediaîely pulled over in front of the une vebicle, put my flashers on and got oui to sece if everyune was okav. There was a small chîld in tbe van in bis grandmothers arms crIng and wtî ber looking lîke she had bangcd ber bead wbile îring îu miake sense of it aIl. The daeigbter, wbo was dniving, was alsu emuotionalîs pbvsically fine, as %%et ufthie oiber vslcîtle ti 1 called '91I1Iand the patcbcd.I bankfulls ii ousls înjured, but bui defînîîclv damagedtc une of'them mav bave Arc people really simply' keep driving by ans' suri of assistance busy ibai îbcy hasei uthers? What if îî svas( ones - would you n( to stop and bclp? What burus me thi that tbose wbu first wi dcint jusi kepi ut] drivi Wh lai a sad world peuple stop caring. Theft of son's bike just shi DEAR EDITOR: I arn writiiîg tu thatîk ibe people vvbo broke intu utir garage and stule mvN soin s dirt biLe. h bhas reminded niiut tu trust an\v- une, and that disgusts me. This Hotîda crfl100 vas a Christmnas arnd birthday gift for niy son last year. He also bad îo work bard tu earn tlîîs special gift, doing extra chures and grass cutîing, sînce it was a much Iarg- er than normal gift. It was used very carefully and gently, su îîccdlcss tu say the i tics biLeý My ssunis beartbrtil hope it turus up. but I tît it vun't. \\e are and ssýon't he able tu r une kiiusss about tht'. bike back wiib nu quiý I would lîke to, sti]l there is somne good i Milton and C ampbellv Wireless phone industry is committed to safety tîpset. but wvas DEAR EDITOR: re ble occupanits This is in response to the August 31 letter entitled tlie accident. Story about Turner meeting was misleading.' ctpolice wcrc dis- The wireless industry in Canada, as well as around no one \vas sert- the world, is 100 per cent committed to a completely )th vebîcles were open process in the sîudy of healîli and safety issues oihe point ibat related to wireless technologies. Ail research is mnade been a wnte off. public and fully open to scientific and public scrutiny. thai ignorant tu The overwhelming evidence in the scîentific commu- witbout offertng nity as determined and published in numerous studies e? Arc îbcy ibat worldwide supports the conclusion that there are no no tîme to bcelp demonstrated adverse healtb effects associated witb onc of your loved wireless phone usage. lot expeci peuple Govemment agencies responsible for esiablishing safe limits for signal levels of radio devices also support emostiîs the fact that wireless telephones and antennas are not a health îîtnessed the acci- risk. The signal levels from alI wireless devices are well îng byý below the safety limits established by Healili Canada and we lîe inwhen other international govemnmental departmenis. M Health Catiadas Safety Code 6 sets the limits for safe CHRIS SCHIRM exposure to radio-îrequency (RF) fields at home or at MILTON work. The code also oudlines safety requirerents for the SIinstallation and operation of devýices that emit radio-fre- amr eiul quency fields, such as mobile phones and base station antennas. This code is based on current, accepted scien- tibieves gotianeai tîfic data and is among the most stringent in the world. The health and safety of otîr customers and the pub- ,keti over thîs. 'Ne lic in general is, and always lias been, of utmost concern suppose realttv istet the Canadian wireless telecommunications industry nou ricb peuple Not only do we supply Canadians with world class rcplace it. If any- communication service, we ourselves are major users of splease give the wireless phones. Wireless companies in Canada and the esions asked. manufacturers of wireless phones and network infra- Il bave hope that structure ensure our products are safe for everyone. in the people of PETER BARNES, PRESIDENT AND REO %ille. AAINRLS CLAIRE LEWIS TIEO M NCAINAIAN IAELSN CAMPBELLVILLE TLCM UIAlN SOIlO lZb>e Qanatakn Cbampion A rjtýo, p p r 'iri r- 1860 555 tndustnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Editoniai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wjww.nuiütoncanadianchamnpion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Editor in Chief J1)) Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Advertising Director Wendy McNab Production Manager nTm Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champon, published every Tuesday and Friday, as a division of Metroland Media Grosîp Lid. - Group Publisher lan Oliver Advetrrrtir isarîepted on thre conition that. in te a n po raphicar error tSar potiron ofthe adver tsrg Spare ocrrpred iy the erroneos tem, togerSei wrtS a reasrrrable arrowri orsir gnatrer, mil not be carged f.ort te alan- rf thiadorrtirr-entrr'Ii e pad fr at tire appiratrfrarr- The OreS1 sher reeres- the rrghtto ategorrre arvileretmeor crâtne CCAB Audited le ooir r- r rln y On Gtario Cor-r-nrly A c a Newspapers Association. Carairae Co irr rty CCNA Newspaperrs soiratron j~~Soburban Newspaper - o f Amerrca rTe Cr-.nadiai Chamtpion is apo id u dasponsor for- HalionHealtS ar ige BellFand MILTiON SANTA UNITED WAY 0 ~rCLAUS 0F MILTON TV AUCTION PARADE YMCA T iHI. 1 k etr W ShoweaseMî e - GAI-A Awardti -'p Kb . -- 1 dmi

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