\Big issues ahead as Halton council back in session The Canadian Champion, Tuexday, September 11, 2007-A GrcenCart, Sustainable Halton among pniority initiatives scheduled By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Regional courscil and its commsnttees arc gettsng back to business after a scir- mer break and will be dix tng smto somec major ssues over the coming months. Among the items expected to be on the agenda shortly is a 2008 wasse mai- agement conrracr that, it- approved, will implement the much-discussed GreenCart program. The initiative will see GreenCarts - lîke Blue Boxes but lor kitchen scraps - collected weeklv for composting, thus diverting the waste lrom the land- filI. Regional Chair Cary Carr said the Sustainable Halton process will also be forging ahead. The Region is developing the Sustainable Halton plan te, help guide the extensive population growtb called for in the Provinces Places to Grow plan while preserving and protecting rhings lîke greenspace. Carr said staff will soon report to coîsiittee and counicil on the outornse of the public consultation tbat's beets held on the ropie. It will be interesting to sec what the public bas to say," he noted. "Tben we'Il start to look ar some of the decîsions that need to be made for Sustainable Halton." The 2008 budget proccss wîll also continue later tîsîs tal ,sand culmninating in1 tecember. Council clrectcd staff ibis sumrnier to prepare the budget wîth a tax increase that doesnt exceed 2.9 per cent, or $2454 based on a $300,000 assessment. Regional council also deals with the police budget, whîch could tack an extra $2516 onto the tax bill for a potential overaîl Halton tax increase of $4970. The Regions health and social serv- ices commîttee will meet today fol- lowed by the planning and public works commîttee and administration and finance committee tomorrow. Regional council's fîrst meeting of the season will cake place Wednesday, Sept. 19. To obtain copies of upcomîng meet- ing agendas visît \ w-wwhaltoni.ca. Mcklaie s'Hsnnssi-v tan bc ,s'ucled si mhs'rîinssscs(JDiltouriudiarichamtpion.com. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION AFTERMATH: Milton public works employees cut up and remove a 30-foot tree that came crashing dlown onto Syer Drive - partially blocking the street - when ils trunk was split by hîgh wînds Frday afternoon. Public works and hydro workers were kept busy throughout the afternoon, responding ta reports cf downed trees and power lines. GIVE U ATY! Main Streot Supersiore Wsmsn's Club (loccted Inside Loblaw Supersiore) 820 Main Street East goodlifefitness.com PROU D Y CANADIAN t5TABLISHED 1979 *You will be required to puy S20- applicable taxes duriog your finit club visit. Must be 18 yeors of cge or eider. Offer expires September 30tls, 2007. Otlser restrictions may apply, sue club for details. Our new branch opens Thursday, September 13. Our staff will be ready to help you achieve your financial goals. Heres what youll find at the new Branch: " Extended hours and open on Saturdays " Drive tlrough ABM, 24 hour banking " Financial Planning and Wealth Management Expertise e Mortgage Specialist e Small Business Banking Specialists e Wheel chair accessibility e Staff can also speak English. Spanish and Italian Please join us as we celebrate our openmng. Main & Thompson 880 Main St East Milton, ON a 905-878-3020 R%-e agses deaarkof ne BaM A Nova Sosie Full cootes rmies availabe apon reqaest ai Our MinrP.ThoNpson Branch. Mihon. m -zn-= 1 /ýOý ý-q -*13EýT) --NIANAGED COMPAMFý