The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 7, 2007 - 83 Water restrictions, bees and nth~rpnrlof-çîumm~ mi #ânme Fin OuI htY rHm i ' I'* 1 lklui I g To ur vloud cuulomaior u a pologfro for say hwaoomene coused by en efforIla ou, flyer dalaE: Augesl31-8$pW . Product: INCASE CANVAS VERTICAL SLING QOU I/F On pane 4 of the Auotusi 31st flyer we 1leres jusi sorte tandom thoughts for thse end of surrmmer. Why? Weil, because it's the end of summer. -With the alternatng satening days program, theoretically. odid-numbered biouses should have greener grass because when a montb ends on an odd day, such as August, they get consecutive watering days. But the greeniest lawns in town are those ai some of the new parks with built-in sprin- kler systems. I walked througb one at nigisi recently after it was watered and almost sank to mv knees. , 'm ail for the new brancb of the libraryM espe- cîally since l'Il he able to xalk to a îin about two minutes, but I'm surpri-sed theres no uproar over the proposed tax increase to support it. Obiously more monev is needed, but wbvat about tbe tax money from the zllions of new bouses? Just won- dering. - Ive been telling you about my granddaugbi- ter for vears. weil, since site\vas bo1rn. and nexi week sh&s starttng school. Tîme passes quickly. but vont dont ieeci me 10 IeIl "ou diat. t used to love the fîrsi day of sclbool. Iss'as ail the davs sfoi- lowing it tbat I'dîdln*t lke so iuucb. at leasti miti the last day e NIv sîster bias taken a post wsvîthie Ontario and C anadian oi en nsin \ev, Delhi. Inia for two s-cars. Sbtelbas ant arnied guard -taîîo(ned ouîsîde ber bouse. and a pantic mont inside %vttb a radio plione NYoud thtnk uttould nisake s ou w rr ess. but ienvoit liavce 10 ssonderwlîv itls ncsrsto bave tbem n ibte irst place Sits casv 10 crîtîcîze local g,cmiernentlitIs lot so caso' to ive themi credit for good îbîngs because iben îî just ineans tibe\re doing ibeir job. 4* On the b loose For one thîng, I like tbe job tbey do disseminating information through tbe Town websîte and with the Talk of tbe Town newsletter. - Is it just me, or is there an inordinate amount of bees around ibis year? My favourite comedian, Dane Cook, isn'î worried about tbem. lie says be would puncb becs in tbe face. - September is my favounite montb of the vear. Tbe weatber is great, and hockey and football are getng started while basebal a becoming more meanîngful. People I know [rom out of town rave about the Milton Farmers' Market in Sepiember. as if we bhave some type of secret fruits and veg- etables soîtetv ibat makes evers'îbing taste so mucb better than answ-,%here else. *Theres a niew wav to help you quît smoking. Nou can read about it ai wvsoptdc Basicalîs; s ou f111 oui a surs-es; and thes prostide tise smoking cessation maierial-s for free ibrougis a paruicipaiing pharmiacs. Carrnage sýquare Shoppers Drug Mari and Campiselîtille Pharmacy are the pharmacies nibis area. 1 knov, a couple people wbo are trvtng îî now but let me knowv if it works foîr von. G~wuLiee~ towes1- Neel Golden Panmassus Holiday Vilg Golden Puerto Plata Village Tryp Cayo Coco Taxs Txe5Taxes $I77Taxes $1 9 $277 s s?$318 $0 . 3. I77 $0 1 eeI- Alfcusve 1week -Alinclusive 1week -Attinctusive 1week -AJtinclusioe tanuay 5,12/con Speie 5o December 21 /nol etme 5fo Gran CIé Santa [aida Allegro Ponte Caa Grand OeSIS pente Cane viveWde M Snsa Taxes axesI TaxesTaxes $LJt-Taxes $3 3$1093' 18r$2931 $290 1 wee -AHk n" e-Auinclusive 1 week - AMI huiee t Ok - AUiIflClJsi Septmber12/oi Spt il, 2, 2/nol December2e/n Oc1 , 6o £A%'oAoeG i4Ot6Jî C- i4UTJLC F111 -Up our Freézer." X MM 07KTTCémIN IVIN STO rMFOR DETM& ECIAL BONUS OFFER cnaSe 2egble ipoor k ich~ c-,a- eS- - ihase of 3or more eltg D/ )Nhm/oor k/'cren a1p r/ýicnces cdditionci $150 in M&M Meal t acs GM Cards' - cE ff Nicirs MAYTAO mex m îcuoe vuoTIiMIIU CLEARANCE CF 0IRE111 mm3TE m Uma a CIEMMC E 4U0 k'YMU m, wy 481 à&ky 24 U CV 544 hRkM SI, Iss3.w Pkwy &4a (59> -oi MiE (M ils-i(9M5) 884-1298 (1)Hf SPE WVrt,', the pur recerve Oan receivecan c ý - -l'il- -"w