The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 7, 2007 - Ai19 COM M RCE onthy Ne sleiere Graphic Design & TpesettingII Ca New Members 'W nv *Deno ANITA TAYLOR, BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Milon, ON Contact: Anita Taylor, Tel: 905-878-8282 Fao: 905-319-8295 Real Estaie and Civil Litigation CAMBRIDGE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. IMississauga) 405-2000 Argentia Rd, Plaza V Mississauga, ON LSN 2R7 Contact: Rakent (Rockof Patel, Personal Lînes Sales Executive Tel: 905-820-1234 1-877-820-1234 Fao: 905-820-6264 We prouide insurance services for auto. home, tenants. condo, business, liabiiity. travel lite and financial services. Also providing quîck. reliable dlaims services 24 houes a day, seven days a iseek. INVESTORS GROUP - JOHN-PAUL. DESY Mlton, ON Tel: 905-864-6083 I undertand the importance of family ad in provîding security for tooed ones. My mission is tsi build long lasting relationshipn wilh my clients and lu provide tem snCb a comprehensive financial plan bo help tem build te financiai secuily they desîre and deserve. LUCIENS ACCOLINTING & INCOME TAX SERVICES Milton, ON Contact: Lucien Williams, twner Manager Tel: 905-878-0192 Fao: 905-878-2050 My services include hinancial statements, T-2 corporate tax retumos, T-I personat returos, bookkeeping and gosernment reporting. l am a professional advisor ut Quicictooksanad am able 10 set-up new clients. LCOME ta the following Milton and area-based businesses as new Chamber members. vite vou 10 partîcipate in our monthly event and encourage you 10 take part in one or more of the Chamber commîttees. tes Escarpment Country l'm Tnurîsm Partner MILTON TOASTMASTERS Royal Canadian Legion, Upper Hall 21 Charles SI. Miton. ON Contact: Diana Pastore. Vi'. Membersbip Tel: 905-693-îlot Mlton Toasîmasters is a non-profil organîzation which giors its members the upportunity lu deoelop and improoe their public speaking and leadership abilîlies througtî tocal club meetings, leadership rotes, training workshops and speech conlests. il is done in a mutoaily supportîne and positive tearning enironment, which foslers self-confidence and personal growth. MILTONSEARCH.COM Milton, ON Contact: David Brown, Owner Tel/Fax: 905-693-8652 Milton, Ontarios homepage, fealuring Mton News, sports, weather, commumlty information, communily calendar. free ctassified, btogs. forums, photo gallery. business direclory and more. STUD1-O HAIRDESICN 0F MILTON 153 Main St. E. Miton, ON L9T 1N7 Contact: Omid Ahi, Stylistiowner Tel: 905-203-0404 Studi-O Hairdesign of Milton in a fuît service har stodio in downtown Miton. URS INSURANCE BROKERS 62 Main St. E, Suite 201, Milton, ON LOT 1N3 Contact: Chris Healy, President Tel: 1-888-747-2646ent 2 Fan, I-866-801-7774 An Independent Insurance tîrokerage, we serve Milton and the surrounding communities. We offer a full range of innurance products that prooide protection for our clients' homes, automobiles and businesses. We. represent the highest rated insurance companies and as brokers are able 10 shop the market and offer our clients the best price and cooerage avalabie. WE DO WINDOW CLEANING Mlton, ON Contact: Greg Bell, OwnerOperator Tel: 416-258-9785 Founded in Milton in October 2003, We Do Window Cleaning bas steadiiy buil a tong andloyaI cientele. The quality of our work is second to 0ne - our commilment to encellence is evident in our sork. Serving residential aid business needs in tte Miton/Halton areas. WEB NODES - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Milton. ON Contact: Ricardo Covo, Preident Tel: 647-838-2686 Web Nodes isa technology enatter. a software prooider and implementer. We do custom application development, helping oue cients bo find solutions for their unique needs. LOOKING TO CUT FUEL COSTS? Cali Anchea Boyle at the Mifton Chambe of Commerce 905478-0581 for more information R en ew al M em b ersh ips -Ileoes EscarpmentCuTuri s at A special thanks to the foilowing businesses for their continued support. Sungelika Keih lY Fimilo Cari Llirooiit, 0011 I. nada Oua Pakagug T'he Birî.n Comipn Coelnr Sklls Deveiopmeni& Training t onilete Audio i suluenc Duatos fSo, onii & Toi uO ECC'il.,1-oP Enoh or i su eilS i. oî Fi'o'gen Cemtoiu FU hMI tui n,1oi 71 TO lh, ,Ioou iuih Tiiuner'Il l.encsis iubiu doc, ic.ii Gorrudosuoo up HubrMa luinoouri Omioru Lii Hauokin AimaliOoiriiul Phono:Jlia.î l,"lllî nil,0oal lUëroiio,"înoilor u l ord nd Lvme Ennic i',i incr iiiSoliii dO SoudioihconfÀt7 DnO.oe 'Oý.- 1 ,.114t d w A mk hi, oc,,.uln,n K luuuad t,,Balîuc,o Mumau ou iliaie, (Liii, >1ilz' lii.1mh, 101,01. i d Miiltou n uiih ýhpi. ni,r MlinHmeu lundoorc Buidingi(entre >ltni n Milton 5inofftutSin,itu u, ràaou onTadi Pe Etno,îMainnneI loi rumuna 'Slnk ,ou,sIn Riuld Flannâgau 'ai. Thr hioioii o Kn.ouniio 'nniliLosîLr u ad RutCheck Cenre '.11:m o T rhnigrahic Ltnm«,nsLumlingu mdh,.a, Iloinoce aas-Mpe» 'muhoî Sudo',h,s ,'oids24 Hour,'MaretProe loin, Loubrcani ,ltd Oi, IRE.,, ,isof, - August Business After Hours Color Your World was the venue for the Milton Chamber of Commerce August Business After Hours also co-hosted by Subway Sandwiches & Satads on Market Drive. Michael and Julia Vertolli from Color Your World and Leanne Krane from Subway on Market Street welcomed over 60 guests to the beautiful paint and home décor shop located at 327 Bronte Street South for the August Business After Hours. Guests of the Business After Hours enjoyed delicious Subway Sandwiches and drinks while they netxvorked throughout the evening. Soils, Mulch & Aggregates Flowers Shrubs & Trees LGairden Decor - Design & Maintenance * Full Colour Laser Copier 100 Nipissing Road, eWd omtCpe Unit 9 Tel: 905-876-4647 Milton, Ontarioa1L9T 5132 Fax: 905-876-1 100 (Behind Mîfton Mail) FREE PICKUP & DELIVER ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Lft - Dk*Ul111y - IiuuUU - - LW* - 1111112e- Mhd" ~Fud. M.JL - PuR Cdsâuiq 32 4 4 oTau uê 32ob '"Pie" Lee Kim Mitchell â î 245 Commercial St. Milton L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 Collision & point MIL TON'S FULL SERVICE COLLISION CENTRE Cai Steve Boers 706 Main Sftet, East Milton, ON wi»eca 11110 We iliexcedyour axpoctatlons OPE SA TUDA S :t â- 12' CMPANY 375 Wheelabrator Way, Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 1INSURANCE AENCY INC. workingfo u HEALTH, DENTAL AND DISABILITY INSURANCE Avalabte for as few as one person on Group Rates Featuring - "Assure" Prescription Card Group Life & Health Specialuat PO. Box 152, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Roger Lauzon 905-878-1633 Fax 905-878-1671 7ff/4Asw Ï<c4Aw S'~c5//KeS 1860&,, 555 Industrial Drive 905-878-23,41 www. miltoncanadianchampion .com - ynqfooMuhfo, e rnc' MILTON CHAMIBER OF COMMERCE NIFîBtRs \t)THEIR Emp[,i (VsI- Save lip to 55% oli Auito aiid Home Insu rance! 24 Hr CIaims Assistance Open until Bpm on Thursdays 1A-775 Main St E. Pioic 905-876-4607 NÂNOE - ~~or Fax 90.5-876-1001 tG~ OE I'm 13100min ;