Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 2007, p. 6

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A6- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 4, 2007 As voit drive along our town roads and higbways this week, please remeni- ber no matter how mnucb you may not want 10 go back 10 scbool or work, you wouldn'î wanî 10 viol make il back alive. Wiîh vacations over and the kids back aI school, Halton Regional Police and the OPP are cauîioning molorisîs 10 take il easy; drive carefuIly and stay sale. Exîremely hîgb volumes of traffie are expected Ibis week as people return from their hoiidays and bead back to sebool. Addîîional police offi- cers will be out and focus- ing on aggressive and impaîred dniving. and seal belt infractions. Traffic snarls are expeci- ed to be in ful ibroîlle, bnigbî and carlys îoday for the stant of yeî anoîber scbool vcav. Motorisîs sbould ibink of iberuselves or Iheir lovcd one, wbcn Ibey' decide 10 speed or drive aggressiveiv. Ouîspoken OPP Higbway Safeîy' Division Sgt. Cam Woolley said it basn'î been a good summer for the OPP - îheyve seen 300 die on provincial bîgb- ways. Wooliev predîcîs chaos in Milton Ibis week îbanks 10 back-îo-scbool iraffît combîned wiîb population gvowîb. He cails it a sbock of îraffic- îbaî no one ever expects. That sets off a danger- ous cy cie of aggressive dniving îbaî not onlv slows down drivers, but can lead 10 tragie consequences. Dnive safe. Il-s beîîer îo arnive laIe than not aI al Readers Write E-mail your letters te milltovi@haltorisearchom GrecjenCart is indeed a real solution to waste problem DEAR EDITOR: Tbis leîîer is in response 10 lasi Tuesday's leîîer by Gord Baies enîitled ' Real solutions needed for managing Halions wasle.' The implemenîaîion cf îbe GreenCari program in Halton and nts local municipalities is greaî news for the region and for the life of our landfill. Tbiis program wili increase the rate of wasîe diversion îo our goal of 60 per cent and exîend tbe life of HalIons land- fi site 10 approximaîely 2031. We bave made a large invesîmeni in our landfill over tbe years, and il s important îbaî we exîend the lsfe of it 1(0 maximize ils use and polentiai, wbîle nol burdening Halîon residenls Aith the cosi of an Energy-From-Wasîe faciy ai a ime wben il s not needed. Regional councîl bas decided t0 look aI ibis option in anoîber five years. In Mr. Bates' citter, be stales tha thie GreenC art dtd viol bave an overal acceptance bv a large percenlage of the poptîlous. h îs important that he is aware îhaî Halton staff coviducîed exten- sive public conisultatiovi regardîng the Green( art prograru iv Apvil, including four public information centres (PIC), an ivdependent telephone survey as well as direcî feedback from our ressdenîs vh o compleîed a survey on our websiîe. t Al îhree formis of consultation jrevealed positive support for the Green( an program. The îelephone survey indicated Ihai 86 per cent of ail residenî.s in Hialton support a regson-wîde GreenCari pro- gram, wbsle onlys eîghî per cent opposed it. Sevenlys-five per cevii of rural hamlet residenis and 88 pcv cent of rural resi- dents surveyed supporîed a region-wuide GreenCart program. Of tbe 390 residents who compieted the survey on our websiîe - www.hal- lon.ca - 91 per cent support the expan- sion of the GreenCari program and 93 per ccvii of the PIC atiendees supporîed i. AI a meeting on May 30, regional couincîl, by a isole of 17-4, approved the inmplementaîîon of a region-wide GreenCart program wiîb weeklys pick- ('p. Durig ihe eleciion campaigvi, Ii- cated that I stîpporîed the GreenCarî program and said I1isisould work îoward implementing îî region-wmý,de, and i baise donc Ibis. The Greevi(art bas proven îo be an excellent tool i wasîe diversion îbrotighotioîber region.s ini the GTA, and I belseve iî isl prove t0 be the same in Halton. GARY CARR. HALTON REGIONAL CHAIR WARN LBL Made-in-China tag sols 'green' initiative (Thtfoiiowing ietter was addressed to Lobiaws' cus- tomer serices dépaîimeot, ad a copy wasfiied with the chSwpem), DEAR LOSLAWS- I recentiy received on my doorstep a free 'green bag' front Loblaw Superstore with ail the promotional literature regarding how enviromnentally-frienly il is to use these bags instead of the more traditional plastic bags.. As 1Ilive near Milton - where the new supersiore opened iast week ,wbich will flot even offer plastic bags aitishe checkout - 1 was bappy to receive tbis present and I arn already 'signed Up' to the idea. But oh dear, you bave nmade such a big inisiake in ibis promotion. On the back of tise label it states 'Canadas Greenesi Shopping Bag.' The blurb goes on to point out ail tise advantages of the green hag - using less virgin polyester; using up to 85 per cent of recycled plastic, which would otherwise end up in a Iand-fil site; being able to recycle tbis bag ai lise end of is use- kil life, etc., etc. And tisen there are three words tbat negate the wbole issue - 'Product of China'. So bow rnany car- bon credits are we 'saving,' having ibis bag made on dise other side of the world and shipped back to us? Are you using Canadian recycied plastic, and if so is it flrsî being sbipped over to China? Corne on, if you really wanî 10 postray yotir coni- pany as being environmentally-sound, then for good- ness sake ai least make sure your environinental prod- ucts are acîually made in this country. UZ LAMBRICK CAMPBELLVILLE Better to arrive late than neyer UNITED WAY YMCA Showcase M lion li GALA A Aads M ILON SANTA C LAUS 555 Industriaj Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Edtonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vwwW.Titoncanadiarchrnponcom Publisher Neil Oliver Editor in Chief JiII Davis Managing Editor Kareri Miceli Advertîsing Director Wendy McNab Production Manager Tîm Coles Circulation Manager Charlerne Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Group Publisher ian Oliver Adsensing s assepied oon tie condiion Ihat, ontise event o a lypograpial error tht portion of thse adves tissso space occupsed by tise erroneousitemn, toqeliser wstls a seasonabie allowance forsisgnaturse, wll flot be sisasged fosbut thse balance of thte adweestoement will se pasi or ai tihe appicable rate lise soisisises seýservs e gt tis îo categoise alseossseentoro declioe CCAB Audited Rscognized foi excellence by SOniario Commuosry A o'c'IIINesespapers Assocsatison Canadian Comsoststy N A Newspapers Asoasotio ~ Sotiosian Nesespapers __ sslof Aesica The Canadian Chsampion is a proud media sponsor for: - rb Halton Healiscar N1 Jngle llFod Citt'M.A DA LAM AE 1 i

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