-Grant awarded for rural highmspeed internet access, By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Town has been awarded a provincial grant 10 help bring high-speed Internet access to rural Miton. The Ontario governrnent announced late last week that Milton is among 18 communi- ties that will get funds to cover up to one-third of the costs (to a maximum of $1 million) associ- ated with putting high-speed Internet in the rural area. The rernainder of the money will corne from the rnunicipality and its project partners. "Tbis funding will allow municipalities 10 provide broad- band access to their residents and businesscs, which will ben- efit the entire community," said Ontario Minister of Government Services Gerry Phillips. The news was applauded by the Nassagaweya Broadband Comrnittee, which worked in partnership with the Town on the funding application. "We're thnilled rural Milton has received public funding rom the Province," said the committee's Toni Ritchie. "lîs a critical first step to bringing web-based communication and services taken for granted in cities to the rural homes and businesses in Multons wards 1 and 3. " But, Ritchie said the group is also concemned that when it cornes tirne 10 vote on the Town's portion of funding for the project, some of the urban councillors rnight oppose the motion. While council did vote unan- imously in June to apply for the provincial funds, apprehension bas previously been expressed around the council table about putting taxpayers' dollars toward something thats jusi for the rural area. "We hope these councillors will reconsidrer their change~ of heart and see tbat investing in infrastructure that equalizes services and opportunities for A our residents can only make Milton a better place to lîve, grow and prosper botb now and in the future," Ritchie noted. During.Monday night's coun- cil meeting, Ward 3 Councillor Jan Mowbray tbanked staff for ILS bard work so far on the ini- tiative and council f'or its sup- port. 'l'm looking forward to the next step," Mowbray rernarked. The Town will now issue a request for proposaIs 10 seek an appropriate Internet service provider te, parîner witb on the project. Results of the process will be brought before town council at ils next meeting September 24. The broadband cornmittee is asking everyone wbo wants high-speed Internet access in rural Milton to attend the meet- ing as a spectator or pre-regixter as a delegate to show council the level of conîmunity support for the project. Delegates must sign up by 10 arn. the day of the council meeting by eîther calling the [own Clerk's department at (905) 878-7252 or visiting www.milton.ca. The provincial dollars corne tbrougb 'Rural Connections ... The Ontanio and Municipal Rural Broadband Partnership Program' - a one- rime, $l0-million initiative designed to reduce broadband infrastructure gaps in Ontanio. Mclanie Henncsscy can bc reached at mhïmnesséýcy@milroýn- ctadîanchampioti.com. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 31 2007 - A9 for better job searchile",,,, The Milton Empioyment Resource Centre s now open longer to help you get to the technology, resources, and job search assistance you need to succeed! TECHNOLOGY Free faxîng, phatacapying, lntern et, printing V RESOURCES Books, videas, magazines, tip sheets PROFESSIONAL STAFF Career Information Specialists ta assist with yaur resumes, caver letters, and job search New hours starting Septembier 5: Manday 8:30-4:30 (caaching sessions avoUlable 9-4,) Tuesday 8:30-4:30 (caaching sessions avoUlable 9-4) Wednesday 8:30-7:30 (coaching sessions available 4-7) Thursday 8:30-4:30 (coaching sessions avoulable 9-4) Friday 830-4:30 (no caaching sessions) Drap in at 5 50 Ontario Street South, Suite 204. Services are FREE and open ta everyane. For more into, cafi 905-693-8458, ext. 107 or visit www.thecentre.an.ca The Centre àSkilis Deveiopment & Training m'THE MISSISSAUGA CHILOREN MONTSSRI & ELEMENTARY PRIVATE SCHOOL ENROLL NOW! SPACE 1$ LIMITED! eHait Day & Full Day Programs Elementary Program NO ETRACOS FO BEOR & AF: R SCHIl P"GR' CROSSCURRENT CAMPUS 2980 Crosscurrent Drive (401 & Winston Churchill) 10 Minutes From Milton Tel: (905) 785-0144 Heurs: 7:3Oam -6:tiOpm CREDIT VALLEY CAMPUS 2250 Credit Valley Road (Hwy 403 & Erin Milis) Tel: (905) 607-8999 Heurs: 7:308M - 6:OOpm Visit us animne: wwwtmcnmontessori.com omail: info@tmcnmontssorl.com