Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 2007, p. 7

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Letter about Iack of activities r 7rîdi W i a> The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 31, 2007-A7 \Proposed stream diversion to 1 1-'.Iic L ~ y ~ i ~ Si d DEAR EDITOR: saine urne. If Tbis is in reply to last Fniday's unhappy, crea letter by Serge Tremblay entitled opportunities, Lack of activities for teens n Tang did when town will lead to big problemns own compari> in future.' nightclub event It is very difficult to take a the August 24 comment "that there's nothing BI. for teenagers to do in Milton" To say that1 very seriously If Tremblay had for teens is taken the time to look at pages Milton has to of 45 to 48 in the Community WVhen we nr Services Guide, he would have 11 years ago, found an abundance of 'non- were that 'Mi athletic' activities geared to 'There is nothi teens. dont have a mn If none of these are appeal- 'jobs are scarce1 ing, there are part-time job ail of this wl l opportunities everywhere in in cnime. Nowi town. Ton young to be working? growtb is going Go out and volunteer; what a er crime rates. ( great way 10 keep busy and do Its strange something rewarding at the always someor Misconceptions si DEAR EDITOR: Regarding the last two Friday letters to the edi- tor entitled 'Thoughts on guns tough to swallow' and 'Gun registry just a big waste,' I firid both these wniters do not have any idea what the situa- tion really is. Both these writers erroneously believe the gun registry has been killed off by the federal govero- ment. This cannot be further from the truth. The feds reneged on their election promise and did not kilI the long gun registry as promised. They neyer did promise to scrap the hand gun reg- istry, which we have had since 1934 and still do have. This hand gun registry efiectively hans hand guns to anyone who doesn't belong to a shootîng Ifyou are stîli tatc your own just as Priscilla nshe started ber ythat sets up US for teens; see Champion, page there is nothing ignoring what ffer. moved to Milton 1the complaints ilton is small,' ing to do,' 'We iovie theatre' and for teens' - and ead to an increase in 2007, Miltons g to Iead to high- Gofigure. Show there is ne or something to blame. No one takes respon- sibility Its not up to the Town of Milton to find activities for your teenagers. It 15 cîp to them to take the initiative. Nor is it Up to a bigger police force to monitor and discipline your wayward kids. That's your job as a parent. lî's mind-buggling tu hear the whining and complaining that goes on in this town. Yet wben it was time to effect change at the municipal level, the vast majori- ty of citizens could not hother to go out and vote. Milton is a beautiful town. It is up to us as citizens to make sure it stays that way Is Milton perfect? No, but then again even Eden had its detractor. M.A. GRIST HOLLY AVENUE Lrround gun issue club, pass the safety course, gel a federal permît to boy any gun (long or short) or gel screened by the police. They must have no known mental prnb- lems and give tbree references wbo also bave to have dlean records. These references will be contacted by those wîth the registry and the applicant bas to have no problems with bis or ber spouse or ex-spouse tu be able to legally acquire any type of gun or ammo in this country. lt's tîme these letter writers checked on the reality ni' the situation before mouthing off on something tbey obviously know nothing about. ROBERT SMIRLE MILTON Story about Turner meeting was misleading DEAR EDITOR: t am writing regarding ynur article last Friday on Halton MP Garth Turners town hall meet- ing. I think both the headline and the article were snmewhat mis- Ieading to readers. While it is true that many Brookville resi- dents wouîd like better cel phone service, the issue with the tnwer bas neyer been 'if' but Iwhere'. There are currentîy more than 500 names on a petition to stop the prnposed location of the tnwer iu the mnst populated area of Brookville, rigbî acrnss from Brookville Sehool. There is nverwbelming sci- entifie data to suggest that chil- dren living and attending sebool so close t0 this type of tower have many serinus health nisks. There are altemnate sites that are flot close to residents or sehools that will provide the imprnved ceIl service. By simply having Bell locate the tower up the rnad we can proteet residents from possible risks and give tbem the phone service they desire. This is one of those rare opportunities wben there is an easy solution that will make everynne happy SANDRA STEWART BROOKVILLE Time Capsules' am gemts of infor- mation extracted from past issues of the Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Milton!ç past. Expianatoiy comment is someti mes provided to place the situa- tion in context. May 1910 Tht couricil met on Monday evtning. Tht uuly niatter 0f inpor- tance broughtuUp w tht proposed diverting of the smallstréasufront the roati opposite the property of PL Robertson Co. westward, pat the olti cemttery and into the Sixteen Mile Creek. To do this a dttp drain wii be ntcessary. Until the water is diverted the proposed lage two- storey screw factory builditng, 300 by 50 feet, cannot be ertcted, -andi as long as it takes Uts preseut course t south endi of tht town will suifer froni freshets such as that of a këw wteks ago, which floodtd many cel- lars ami did other damage. Messrs PL. Robertson and R. Bowlby, of the screw factory appeareti before the couricil andi offéed to assume a large share of the expense of tht drain, the town, tht G.T.R. and other parties interestedt t assume tht remainder. Their propos- ais were favourably rtceived by tht Reeve and ail the memnbers of the counicil except Mr. Martin, through whose properuy the ditch would mun for a short distance. Ht. refustd his consent. As long as ha dots so tht progress of a most important indus- try andi with àu that 0f the town wil be blocked. It Is to be hopeti thar ha xnay be inducet to change his mind. Tht bylaw for the issuef deben- tures to the amount of $30,000 for tht erection of a new school biul4ng in NMilonwsswamrped (deféatetP) lut Thursday by a majoriy of 127. The generalféebug was duutbythe could be remodled soasto affSual the accommodation necessaty for many year to coe, properly heat- ed, ventlaed and made santary; and that tht proposed extra expeutilture would be largtly for improveti achi tectural appearance. Tht prospect of the secession of tht Trafalgar portion maton of the union school section in the eveut of the carrylig of tht bylaw the ratepayers was itot presente.' fratsis tthe t need forimproben thay wlllhe s i e doTerdus ya nmtng of the boiad on Mouday eveming, but it adj<iurned without any proposai for future action. Thouglithe town councilhbas author- ity to pass a bylaw to appropriate money for reparung.or remodeling tht school building without subutit- ting it to the ratepayers, lu s flot like- ly to take action of anyltindwitout Though the submLisson of tht $30,00schoolbylaw was provedby the rtsukt, to have been a mistake, lu was one for which al the membets of the boand wert responsibke. Though three 0f thte mtesers werm oppoitti to tht spendlng of so much tnoncy, they agred wth the other du-e to let the voters settle the question. Nov, apparenly the six do not agret on aVtils ,aaey dwuldasse**LonetizT and suraMI o thle owc*t ounletybjm mort s, wotjdlUsemt d- te c= imoatmreuie For more information please cal! 905-o878-o2303 18 new greens Family oriented e Great practice facilities b No capital assessments the reminder of 2007 for FREE m OM"

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