The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aùuust 31, 2007 .- Aý9 The Canadman Champion, Friday August 31, 2007 - 29 lep SldlIa Sild & Sldll d & SkllIo SIld & insiii Salesllad & Sales M 8er HTeclmical HeIp Teciical HeIp I Tec l Help. M I~~eHI Teclinical HeIp sULNTN Profit of $7504+ Guaranteed Monthly EARLY MORNING DOOR To DOOR DELIVERY 0F THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR & TORONTO STAR MunI Hune Reliable Vehicle, 7 Dayo A Week For complete detaila on the route neareut you, Please cail 905-526-3377 or slmply f111 out the animie application and a Hamlton Spectator representative wIIi contact you Would you like ta get paid ta hravai??? Tra yor vacaionsa mb payvacationa ... HOW??? or email your namne, phono and omail addreaa to lu find oui how yoa cao hacome a referring traval agent and make 600/ commissions and raap the tan benefito of owning your own homebaaed buinens. An part nf my enpansion programme, a smal co.npany la looking for Part-Time work frua home SALES REPRESENTATiVES Il pays $3000 a month plan benefn and taken only litie oi your ime. Pleane contact as for more dtaila. Rqirements- Should ha a computer Litrata. 2-3 hourn accean 10 the internat weekly. Munt be over 20 years of age. Muat ha Effiient and Dedicated. If you ara inferested and need more information, pleane nend e-mail l: Johnnyventuros0l Part-Time Receptionist The naccevatul applicant wilt ha an effective muti-lanker witI snuperior phone manner, organization- aI akits & attention 10 datai. Fax: 905 M5 2994 wcartar@ Atn: Wayne Carter ~Dudds' Avg $2»/r 10 Now Openinga $500 fTranng Incontîvo Enumarationatype work. Piecawork compensation No Exp. needed Training pruided To scheduio an inlerlw catil 14866-421-2727 GENERAL LABOURERS Raquireil for lighf pacling t pastics company (Mitoi/CampbelMlte area) Staady Day, Affernoon or Night shifts availahia $1 1.00l1r + beveitu FAX: 905-854-0813 Email: Hm. yw hoNlthenam? BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTORS 5 maie & 5 femalea Naeded immedataly - No exparience nec. WAili train! - Muat ha pernonable Hamîlton 905-522-3237 Oakvi le 905-815-3237 (Omî: M-F 12-Spm) LicesedHatp Busy Salon & Spa, Milton requires: F/T RECEPTIONIST Excellent communication skills; tamiliarity wiih Sams software. For further info please cali Vince or Toni: 905-878-5751 "We Salve Manufacturing Chalenges At G D Control me are cammitted la providing ALL of aur cutameru with innovation, automation and satisfaction. We trangly believe ail manufucluring facilitien; large and vmall nhoutd have the priviege la quality automation which in turnm iii anit aur cutamerv in achieving Iheir manutacturing goals. We are veeking an experienced CONTROLS SYSTEM SOLUTION PROVIDER for a fulil ime Hauriy pavitlon. They nili be revponnible for day ta day challengev ai nupparting the Automation cantrain activitien nithin aur cutameras locations, which inctude high vpaed, high tach manufacturing faciiliev. w Candidates nhould have a generat underntanding ai haw mechanical and electrical nytemn, inctuding PLC, HMI and Servons work, wilh experience in praviding support ta the engineering teama and pravide technical assistance an production equipment. You nili be invalved in projectn that will include the design, implementatian and management ai procenv improvementa for new launch programv and exiting nytemv. or E-mail:, Attention: Douglas F. Burgesa, Senior Technicai Adviaor grnechaîcsa s okil n b, andnap osrivne ,aa cnmaardeinan up. tv ha h lrate and enafita acage are proVIda Ye ollreai adsai I OS ain u se. Yoma ri nwirmdg o c o aintenacepocrs dabis.. i ty R.aaume tchic rm s an A~ n rte n eef L cae are rnid F o Idem- im ý l - I i»* eu dst EXPRI .CE R SOS Certiflad rspondars ivlthe oltowing disciplinas: " Confined upaca antry " Confinad spaca reacue " High angle / rope " Ha-mat rsponsa (Oprations or ahana> Part-fima I Fuîlt-ime positons wilh Echlon Rsponso andTraining availaie Pleane amail rsumas 1: Or fax1: 905-643-3106 The fastent growing astomaker in the wodd. Due to huge growth, wa raquire immnediataly EXERECE DIL E Ara you raady for tie vet levaI? Please fax your rsma to: 9054877-3401 Attenion: Jewesn, Service Manager Or apply in perses to: 314 Guelph Street Georgetown, ON Ail uppicurls WIIi e ceruidered regrdiaus of ennerence Orawing Miltan-baved Plumhing Cantraclar Liceise Pluber- Gan licenve assaI *4th or Sth Vear tprentie - Custom reidenliat & commercial ptumbîng exp. Seaking highly motivated indîvîduain wvith excellent mechanicat vkittv able la mark in a high-paced enviranment and do a suie, efficient job. Cail: 905-699-1473 for interview Restore Receiving Coordinator - FT Habitat for Humanity Halton Revporoible for the orgunîzalion & coordination of receining & warehoune rea. Candidate mot ha willing lu proide initiative, train, guide, supervive volunîsers & staff, ha wiling 10 uvvîsl rn al facelu f relaîl opernlion. Ablity 10 work w/olhems and in- dependently in a at puce ennrorment essentiel. The ident candidate will ha knowledgeable of Heafth and Safaty legîlation and povvasv n nalid drivers licanse. Currenl iork llcense iv an assel. Work weak- Tuen.-Sat.; $1 54-16.80Oltr; 40hrslwk Forward rasume by September 101th 1: Oporatons and Administrative Coordinator 1800 Apploby Un, U. 10, Banllngon LL AI Fax: 905-67-1540 SHINGLERS A leading Ontario Highway Maintenance Company han an immediate requirement for Fulltlime, experienceoi MECHANICS with a Trucki and Coach License lu do repaira maintenance on TWO owned equipment (plowa, apreaders, loaders Q3 ton etc.) located at varoun ý ardn in the Hamilton, Burlington, Mimico areas. esignated Headquarter can be negolialed. n order to be conidered, you muni hune a clean driveea record. Normal work hours are ina days a week Moaday throngh Friday, however an incumbent will be reqnired lu work overime and weekendn when necenuary due lu mectianical failurea. TWO ns an equal opportaniy employer. Applicanta întereted in joining our tearntahould tan a carrent renumne in confidence lu: 416-233-5689 Attention: Mary McGrattan NETWORK CABLING APPREN11CES Naylor Group Inc. has immadiate f/t openinga for Network Cahlîng ApptanticavfPta-Apptenlicev. The suilahln candidaes wiII hava a keen wllng- TRANSMISSION witing t0 work shifts & weekends. Ptevious esperi- RE & RE ence in a service or construction anviroament is an PERSON aval. A nalid drivers licence, tatI ima accava lu manled for an automobile & basic hand toots raquitail. Naytor Miton location. sets the induvlry sandards for sagan, hanaf is& F-T Posîitin qualily workmunship. Fiday Ploase forward rosumo ta laplrsOngica Il:or fan 10 905-138«39 905-8788156 or Fax:OfieelOfieep 905-878-0836 i i I Fast paced campres- sot service dupa. re- qiran management calihar leam player with mech knowl- edge, Word, Osicti Books, ACT, Excel. Own Transportation esantial. airadminO arsoletonahamllton us About... Cli 90978.2341 B ook your Recruitmenr ad roday & receie 2 wneeks on Workopolis for only L$125.0 RECEPTIONIST POSTON Hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Must have excellent tala- phone andt communication sklas. Computer lileacy an assee. Opporlunity for adnsncemanl. $lSlIsour. I Please cai 905-568-8900 Extension 0279 NO AGENCIES PLEASE. 1 BRN;TH\VEN HOMES a Buringlon based homa-buildar ia seaking an: Accounts Payable Associato The qualified candidate will have an accounting badkground wâh a minimum 2 ym ANP enperience. Slrong tim-managemenl akills, attention lu datait and shiity f0 wnrk under prannureindependantly in s leam setting are ensenial. Knowtedga of New- star and Excel an avet. Responisibilities inctude matching innoices lu back- up & procesning for paymanl, coding for lot/ prjact allocations, obtuining appruval for paymenl, main- tenance ut A/P fiing vyufem, rasponding to nendor inquirian, othar dutiav as aseignad. Please send resumes to: or Fax 905-333-1720 (Reterenca position ln ublecitine & inctude saiary eapectatiovs.) Leadîng Ford deanernhip iv currenlly sekng applîcunlo for tIse followîng positior: PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Dulîev includa: Swtchbourd opeation & some mi- nor office dutien. Abla 10 work the following houro: Mondsy lu Thorvday from 4pm unlil 9pm Salurday f rom 8:3Oam until fpm This posiion a yaar round & vlodants are preferrad. Submit rosumne by fax: Cathy Sanci Office Manager 570 Trfaltgar Roail Oaknilla, ON, L6J 1,12 pyyd U»I ,, ~FAX: 905-844-4472 or emaîl: Fuil-Time Order Desk/ Sales ponition. The nucceanful candidate wilI ha reoponnible for pricing, quoling and coordinaling work with unr plant. This ponition will have the potential to ead lu an outida nales placement, which wilI tart hy aniting current ouside nalen staff. Previoun order deati experience and machanical aptitude would be a definite annal. Pleane forward yosr renamne to: MWE Bolting Company 3300 Mainway, Burlinq1on, Ontario, L7M 1 A7 FAX: 905-336-7832 or o-malt: Georgetown Volkswagen Our growing deolership requires euperenced Sales Professionals to serve aur eepanding customer base. You are reaidy for action and willing la accommodate the octive scisedutes of your customners. In western Torontos newent Voikswagen denlership, we provide qualitied candidates a lully computerized workploce, protessional Voikwagen certitsed training ond a comprehensve compensation package thut includes a fllu benetît plan. Please ireply in confidence fa Marlk Hughes: Fox -905.873 1914 EOvi1-,naki@gengeoi, iano C'Parent, a division of Metroland Media nl u tdi eeking an experienced Display Adivertising Sales Representative The ident candidatensnili pannean a minimum otf 2 yearn print advertising salen exparience, vilh an imprenvive nene buinens develapment record. Agency experience and warking knawledge of PMB iv an annet. The valectad candidate wilI have an entrepreneurial npirit, the ability ta wark both an part af a leam and independentty, and witi ponnenn excellent organizational akitin. Wa are looking for a nelf-ntarter neha iv highly motivated and han excellent communication akitin, bath wvritlen and oral. Previaun internat sales experience an avet. n this rote, you miii ba cutamer focunad and wilt bud trang relaianahipa wvith new clients by ennuring that their advertining needa are met. Yu witl be gaal-oriented and capable of meeting regular manthly budgets within a deadline focuved environment. f you wouid like ta wark for a leader in the media induntry thin appartunity may ba the right ana for yau. We aller a campetilive compensation package and banefilînan watt an ponnibiltien for future career grawth. If interented pleane formard your renume, no ater than Septembar 7th, 2007 ta; Fax: (905)337-5571 W. appreciate the intereat of ail appli- cants however only those aelected for an interview wili b. contacted. No phone celse or agenclea plase. TEEHN AE If you enjoy telaphone sales, than this position nhovld interent you. Safelycara prodacan and dia- tribalea a wide man ge of Safety Training videon, DVDv and Training Course booksinn the area of Workplace Heallh & Safely. We deal wilh a wide range of cianta actons Canada. Anyone applying for thin posiior munI ha a naît starer who ns interevlad in enrniag un ahaneavanr- age income working under the ambralla of a suc- ceovîvli nerrational company. This positior in- volves velling t0 an exinling client hase plan denal- oping new clients in order t0 lake the sales up la the sent levai. There are cnrrenlly lwo positions uaalable. For more information on these two positions, pteane caI Ed Aasman at SafetyCare Inc. 905-631-5070 TELECOM Solutions Provider needs onthusiastic, moivatod Inside Reps. Positior reoponvible for velling/ vernicing bolfi an- ivling ard new clients. Excellent communication, organizalion and computer akilin reqaired. An apti- tude for lechnology, eagernesn t0 learn iv a must. Minisauga. Forward resumes to: JOB FAIR WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29TH TIM HORTONS 4000 Mainway 2pm-6pm ALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Baker. Counter, Manager,