The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 28, 2007 A5 Champion Country WaV;tershed property owners-read this Did you know that private Iandowners withtn Conservation Hahtons watershed are eligîble for free con- sultations with a watershed stewardship technicîan? The cnitenia are simple: you must own property that has a woodland, wetland, meadow creek or stream with- in the Halton conservation authoiy watershed. Since 1994, the Hamilton-Halton Watershed Stewardship Program (HHWSP) has been a resource for landowners, providing land management advice and assistance. The purpose of the programn is to encourage protection and enhancement of natural areas, including creeks and streams. For more information or to book a consultation, cali one of Conservation Haltons watershed sîewardsbip tech- nicians ai (905) 336-1158, ext. 263. rime M2gazne's EAS RDES:May ad ar Re arkthirHale Sfitîlatih Mhaw In olowngLItSA KORTMANN/ SPECIAL TO THt CHAMPION "Best- Selling REALTOR®I" EASY IDERS Maryand Crl Ry parktheirHarle Softail a the ohhwksixthlloannuahesi ErhnoakKidsinak CharChtytyRun recently hosted by the Milton chapter of the Harley Owners' Group (HOG). Roughly 200 riders participated in the 130-k9m run. Naines Milton Real Estate Broker InstaIl"An Industry Leader" MILTON - There's no question, it is S io I an honor ro be recognized by your peers and even more so to, gain recog- nition fropi "the best-selling REAL- AlapmsTOR@ in America" by Time maga- It' Te aw Dmcs Roberts asks ydu ro take part in a high Broker profile indusîry event, the distinction is certainly notable. Domenie Mancbisi, a broker witb Prudential Town Centre Reakty, in Milton, Ontario, bas been inviîed to ston a panel of other industry leaders to discuss the potentiai benefits and tbe growing popularity of agent teams for an education session called, A New Main Street Sh roommeW een's Club Gpportuity? How Brokers Can Succeed with Agent (Loiated Inside Loblaw Supersiore) Conference on September 5-6, 2007, at the Roosevelt Hotel, in New York, NY. RISMedia is one of the 820 Main Street East largest real estate conferences in tbe world, attracting over 10,000 attendees and 500 exbibitors. The Ontario (9051815-3483 1I am absolutely thrilled to be asked teo participate!" Fire Code go diein s.O exclaims Mancbisi, a leader of bis own teamn of 3 buy- requires that ev~ .gI.eso rs specialisi and two administrative and marketing every home assistants. Manebisi bandîci tbe listings for tbe ream. have "For us, it's about teamwork and building on people's working strengîbi." be continues. smoke Teamn based real estate focuses on the fact that one sin- alarms. gle agent cannot possibly do everytbing it takes to Instai themremain competitive in today~s market. By spreading tbe your workload over a varier>' of team members, agents can in yourfocus on wbaî îbey do best and in doing so provide tbe home or > > clients wiîb the ultimate in customer service. Mcci cottage Manchisi~s îeam online ai today! PROUD [Y Manchisi and bis îeamn are Top 3 in Unit Sales for aIl of CANA IANPrudential Real Estate in Canada and are well on tbeir MR BSTETABLSIHED 1979 way in tbeir quest for being #l. If the industr>' bas ....MANAGED COMPANIES cbose Manebisi out of maillions of otber Realtors® in tbe industry, clearly bie would be the eboice to make wben it is ime for your next move. - . .F