The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - Bi B1alUSINESS New Milton Loblaw Superstore to be plastic bagless GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION THINKING GREEN: Loblaw Superstore manager Chris Shewchyk (rght) and produce man- ager Wayne Dickie show canvas bags as the grocery chain gets set to open its first store with- out plastic bags. The store wil sell much more than food, including home decor and baby temns. By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF [he new I oblaw Superstore xvas a hub ut husthing activiiy Monda>' morning as staff pre- parcd lfor tomorrow's long-antiîcpaicd open- ing. Store shelves were stockcd \ith food and 15 chieckouts were ready to accept customers. But nowhere to he found were plastic bags. Thats hecause the new store is to bc bagless. "With Milton heing the fastest growing population in Canada, uts just the right thing to do," said store manager Chn-s Shewchyk. lnstead of plastie bags, customers wilI have a few options: to brîng their own hags, or pur- chase Superstore camias hags or large tote con- tainers. The Milton store is located at Main Street and Thompson Road. lin a marketing move, the stores name is slightly different from the others, which are called Real Canadian Superstores. Although the store will open tomorrt)w, ils grand opening wvill he held Saturday, Sept. 15. It trulv is a one-stop shop. At the front'of the 135,b0-square-bot facility are a wine shop, portrait studio, optîcal, medical centre, President's Choice Financial and dry cleaner. Upstairs are a GoodLife Fitness for Women and a communîîy room. The check-outs themselves have a clean, uncluttered look and - unlike virtually every other grocery store - donft have those 'quick grah' items lîke magazines and candy ai the front, ensurîng a speedier check-out said Lohlaw spokesman David Priinorac. Ihe actual conveyors at the check-outs are 110 per cent longer than usual, which again will help speed up the check-out process. The store is divided into sections: [ood, health and home. ln the food section are ready-to-go hot and cold food selections including a soup har, pizzenia and sandwich shop. A seating area is provîded upstairs. The health area includes a section designed to look like a heauty boutique; it's equipped wvith a cosmetîcian. The store will seil the popular Joe Fresh clothing fine, whîch is designed hy Joe Mimrati, formerly of Club Monaco. Newly launched is the jue kids' fine. A haby department features evervîhing new parents could need in one convenient section of the store, while the housewares area dis- pla> s everytbing from toasters and bowls to elegant vases and other home decor items. And for shutterbugs, the store features a photo and electronics department complete wîîh tour kiosks for do-it-yourself digital pro- cessing. "A lot of people in the community are exeited for (this) to open," Shewchyk said. Stephanie Hounseil cari be reached at sthiessen@mýri Unlock a5O Back to School Shopping Spree!. August 30 - September 1 Near Shoppers Drug Mart ' Get a Combo Code Card. Try to unlock our Iocker & win! How to Play: 1 Present Milton Mail receipts totaling $40 (before taxes'c or m-ore ar the Courtesy Do'sk, Receive one Gombo Code Card for every $40 sperm rbe v. -drLx ated Aug2 tJ -Eretembr 1; 0, 2 Heip us collect school suppies for studenrs in need ar Ernest C. Drury Schooi for the Deaf. Drop off your donation at the Courtesy Desk and receie a ComWc Code Caro as, our vvay f sayir)g hdoks Fnalists must be able to attend event on. Sept. 8 at 1 prn Every Combo Code Card enters you to win 4 tickets to Dsney's High School Musical: The Ice Tour in December! See ballot box for details & rules â dË No purchase necessary Mau bN SHOPPERS SP ORTC HE K