A8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 24, 2007 Deal reached with nurses Local businessman to run The Region of Halton has avoided a strike by its 140 public health nurses. i hc Rr'"îOn n tO< ' t i !)! j I 'p i lcalth Programs reached a tentative settlement Monday At press time, the tentative settle- ment was to be presented to ONA Local 1 members as well as to memn been reached, ONA Local 1 represent- ing about 140 registered nurses would have been in a legal strike position. NOTICE OF A PROPOSED APPLICATION TO AMEND THE PARKWAY BELT WEST PLAN (TOWN OF OAKVILLE AND TOWN OF MILTON) Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994, Subsection 6(7)(a) The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is processing two applications, File Numbers 24-PBA-001-190 and 24-PBA-001-191, which proposes to delete approximately 142.6 acres (57.7 hectares) of land located within the Parkway Beit West Plan, in the Town of Oakville and Town of Milton. The subject lands are illustrated on the map below and are located on Map 3: Southern Link within the Parkway Belt West Plan. The lands are designated as 'Road' with the 'Public Use Area', and 'General Complementary Use Area' within the 'Complementary Use Area' of the Parkway Belt West Plan. LEGEND AREAS PROPOSED FOR DELETION PARKWAY BELT WEST PLAN AREA --ROADS* 200 0 200 400 600 A copy of the requested amendment can be examined at: 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 2. The Regional Municipality of Halton Planning & Public Works Planning and Transportation Services 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 3L1 3. Town of Oakville Planning Department Corporation of the Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6J 5A6 4. Town of Milton Planning and Development Department 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T 5H2 Submissions on the proposed amendment may be made in writing to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing until September 23, 2007 at the above-noted address. The options available to the Minister, depending on whether or not submissions are made are set out in sections 7 and 8 of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994. Generally, if no submissions are received within the time specified, then the Minister may approve, modify and approve or propose to refuse all or part of the amendment. If the Minister proposes to refuse all or part of a requested amendment, the Minister shall allow the applicant to make written submissions. If submissions are received within the time specified, then the Minister may appoint a hearing officer or alternatively, the Minister may refer the matter to the Ontario Municipal Board to conduct a hearing and to make a recommendation on the amendment, approve, modify and approve or propose to refuse all or part of the amendment. for Liberals in fall election By Dennis Smith SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Gary Zemlak says he'll re- focus his campaign now that he's been chosen the lialton Provincial Liberal candidate. The Milton entrepreneur won the nomination by a nar- row margin over CFRB 1010 radio host Christina Cherneskey Tuesday night. The Mississauga resident conceded following a recount at the nom- ination meeting, held at Tansley Woods Community Centre in Burlington. Zemlak said he feels confi- dent going up against PC incumbent Ted Chudleigh in the provincial election October 10. But hes not giving interviews about issues or the Liberal gov- ernment's record for a little while. "Right now, the reality is just sinking in," he said Wednesday I don't have any- thing to say yet, there are local issues and therc are millions of them. The shock has to settle Gary Zemlak out. I'm numb from what has happened." He said the focus until now has been getting members for the nomination meeting. "We're going through phases and now we have to get our heads wrapped around what the party wants," said Zemlak. "The campaign needs time." The candidate said he has knocked on a lot of doors and listened to a lot of people. "We're going to have to put our minds on focusing on their concerns," he said. Zemlak has resided in Halton for 15 years and is a longtime local Liberal party member. He was president of the Halton Provincial Liberal Riding Association from 2005 until ear- lier this year and bas also been a director of the Halton Federal Liberal Riding Association. Zemlak founded and runs Tykris Inc., which focuses on the design, development, manu- facture and distribution of high- ly-sophisticated assistive devices to help persons with severe dis- abilities. He is married with two grown-up children. The current president of Halton Provincial Liberals said several hundred party members voted at the nomination meet- ng. Jose Zlatar said attendance was difficult to pinpoint as peo- ple arrived, voted and left dur- ing the evening. The riding association does not release results, he said. Each candidate gave an eight-minute speech prior to the vote.