Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 2007, p. 7

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Gun registry just a big waste The Canadiirn Champion. Fridav Auuuist 24, 2007-A7 DEAR EDITOR: Regarding last Friday's letter hind it very hard to helieve the writer's thoughts. The gun registry did very lit- tic, if anything. in that lime, gun imports increased, the costs for the program skyrocketed and gun crime became a bigger issue. That said, 1 can't sec the need to blame the trashing of the reg- istry nor the government that correctly killed off the ineffec- tive program as the cause of this increase. 1 cannot sec johnny Gangster running and registcring his gun, for can I sec his procuring one that is illegal heing hampered by the regissry Point blank, the registry was a huge waste of money and neyer came close 10 achieving its goal. How many gun crimes werc solvcd with the rcgisîry that would flot have been solved without one? How many shoot- ings were prevcnted by the reg- istry? 1 cant believe that many, if any, were, because 1 can't sec gang shooters and hank robbers .1 Ot, t I Cd .> t4g1'4t t ill> gun," or "Oh, 1 can't gel a legal gun, forget it then, even if 1 can get one on the street." The gun collectors with the registcred guns are not the main source of the shootings - the guys who huy stolen or smug- gled guns that arc unregistered arc. If its the faulî of the federal govemment, how come w're not sceing gang gun fights in Nunavut or Flin FIon? Why?, hecause gun crime is a result of other symptoms like poverty and despair, ineffective crime prevention and enforcement and allowance of these guns to cxist in socicty Stop blaming Stephan Harper for cvery hlte thing that Dalton McGuinty and the Lherals cry ahout. if you have to blame someone, it is those that are in charge of the area - McGuinty and Toronto Mayor David Miller. Mayhe a little hit of invcst- ment in the areas affectcd hy this is more prudent than Miller getting a pay hike and begging the police to cut services for it. auto sector chunks ol cash, McGuinty could throw a little toward improving the lives of these people who feci the need to get a gun or to hire more cops. Control of guns cannot come from pieces of paper - the Liheral govemments expensive atcmpt at this ahsolutely proves that point. Control comes from the ban- ning of the guns, effective smug- gling counters and incrcascd police enforcement with vcry stiff penalties that arc actually upheld hy the courts. The gun rcgistry was an expensive failure, yet another wastc of taxpayers' cash by the previous federal govcrnmcnt, and ils wishful thinking if one hclicvcs that it would have rcmoved ail the handguns out there. 1It ncver would have - neyer. DAN LARRIVEE MILTON We need to plan ahead for teens afromn LACK on page A6 Since moving here in 2000, i have heard the constant lament of teenagcrs that "Milton is hor- ing" and that "Thcrc's nothing to do here." If you're not into athletics, that seems to be close to reality. Lets imagine what this will icad to if we have three times the numbcr of horcd, rcstiess teenagers living in our community. Wc now have a unique opportunity to plan ahead as a community - to dcveiop the infra- structure and to create the programs that wil engage tomorrow's teenagers. The alternative of dotng nothing and cailing for greater police presence 10 qucil incrcasing crime 10 ycars from now does flot appeal to me. SERGE TREMBLAY BEATY TRAIL N 'e neyer been so glad for a vacation to end * from TRIP on page A6 are able to turn their heads from side t0 side. "'m going 10 give you a nec- dlc or îwo," said the good doc- tor. "Necks don't like needies s0 you may feel nauscated." Three hours and seven nec- dies later and after passing out and losing my breakfast, t was on my way, determined 10 have some fun. 1 did gel some relief from the trcaîment and hcgan t10 eled et- ter. But wtthin thrcc days, while visiting the Montercy Aquarium i suddcnly could flot swallow. Swcaî poured off.' me. Did i pick somcîhing up at thecciic or was il anoîher symptom? "Can we go 10 Starhucks for a coffee?" i squcaked. "What's wrong now?" huhhy askcd. "I cant swailow" i was neyer 50 giad for a vaca- lion 10 end so I couid sec our family doctor who, impresscd with my soaring fever, pre- scribcd antibioties. "Remcmhcer," i said 10 my husband as he handcd me anoîher popsicle, "you marricd me in sickness and in hcalîh." And, i am s0 grateful he wanîed 10 marry me. Halton Division Editor-in- Chief Jili Davis con be reached at jdavis@haltonseaî-cl.com. lime Capsules' arc geins of tnjor- mation caracted from past issffs of the Champion andi other puiblicaions in mtter to provlde a wlndow lnto Mkoti past. Explanatory comm eis s6metltnes pm'*4 10 pwae the Sita- tion it coettevL May 1910 A dautghter of Mes. E. V, of Klbride, gol honme from Htamilton a few days ago after visting a house in which dmer was sali to be a cise of smailpox. The matter was reporteti bo the provincial hedth authorities anti onlets were received to quaran- tine the V house at die expense of the City of Hamihorn, the healt authorities havlng been lax in letting the girl go home. Reem Griffun,. Clcrk RicWadson anti sanltaty Inspectr George Forth, went tew t0 put up the quarantine car&, but Mrs. V il is allegeti, met themn at tIse door with a breech loading shotgun, broke it open, put in two cartritiges, closed ik, andi saidcL "Now put up the -card." They diln't put it up, but came to Milton andi laid an information againat tihe womau, wbo appeareti here before J.H. Peacockr, J.? on Tuesday. accompaniet by her hus- baud and with a chilti in her anis. She was not ready for trial anthtie case was adjourxted until nert Tuesday Mrs. V is saiti to be an expert with the gun. She hati no iawyer but was quite competent to speak for herself. Sue hati pienty to say to thse magistrale. Later diat montis frIs. V, of Kilbride, pleatiet guilty before J.H. Peacock, 3.1? on Tuesday to thse charge of resisting healhh officers and threatening them with a shotgun. Her counsel, ER?. Cleaver, barrister of Burliugton, pleatietiou her behaif that she was a poor woman, with five children andi unable to pay a fine. He promiseti that she woulti not again offenti. The magîstrate ordereti her t0 be releaseti on suspentiet sentence. Taylor Statten, of the Y.M.C.A. Toronto wili deliver an atitres b boys this evening aIt the Methodist Sunday Scisool room, thse free use of which has been kintily given for the occasion. The expense of establisis- ing a bmiçch ofthe Y.ICK 1sin Milton would not be heavy and the benefit to the boys and young men of the town would bc great Messrs C. aul andi H. Barron will sing. Silver collection The sad news of the death of King Ea le srece e resboîtly after it occurSdt on Friday uight and spred qulcMlytrough the town- Ncet mmng the flags on the court homse, tovwn hail andi a number of other buildings were balf-miasted and they have ranained so ever snce. Mis Majesty's deat was mentioneti espe- cialfinuail the. chuthes on Sunday. Iu the evening there was a memorial service at the Methodist Churh. A union service on the 2Oth thse day of His Majestys funeral is proposedl, the ministers of al tbree churthes to take part. The J.1. Case roati roller was bnught to Milton a few days ago to be useti to level Victoria Park, better known by manry perhaps as the court house park. Just as it got opposite the door of thse court house (now the town hall) a plate broke andi disableti it. It stil stands in the iidile of the Street. D.S. Robertson got home on Saturday lirom Frank, Alta. He was about five weeks there, establishing branch lime works for bis fimi. A smatemnent prqee by thse cen- sus anti statistica branch of the departineut of agriculture shows tIsat amnong wheat-producing countries of tIse world Canada now ranis fffi. ln 1908 Canada ranked tentu. Tismate"ril sassembled on behaf of the Milton Hiestorical Society by jim DiUls, who con bc reached atjdillii- - rect.com. PRB PARE*FOR.H ROAD AHE Next Course: September 11th Tues & Thurs 4 weeks 6:OOpmn to 9:l5pm October 13, 14y 20y 21 Sat & Sun 2 weekends 9:3Oam to 4:15pm www.youngdrivers.com 905.875.0480 YOUNG® MTOapproved ener dne ecaoncuspovder

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