The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 24, 2007 - A5 Advertisement P'UBSLI C NOTI1 iL Beginning this Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and con- tinuing through Saturday until 6:00 p.m., Wallace Pontiac in Milton will be offering their com- plete inventary of Pontiacs, Buicks, Cadillacs and GMC Trucks at GENERAL MOTORS SUPPLIER PRIC- ING. Dealer Principal Bill Wallace says. "This is the first time in aur history that we wilI be offering GENER- AL MOTORS SUPPLIER PRICING ta the general public. It's going ta be a win-win situation for ever-y- one involved." Wallace Pontiac will trans- form its normal operation to accommodate ail the addi- tional inventory and cus- tomer traff ic. Auxiliary park- ing area have been set up behind Wallace Pontiac and additional staff has been hired ta help make the pro- gram run more smoothly. Dealer Principal Bill Wallace s aware they will be over- whelmed wîth traffic, but WVallace does not anticipate any glitches when the pro- gram kicks off on Thursday. be limited ta the following: Thursdlay the parking area wlll be open at 8:30 a.m., the event hours are 9:00 a.m. ta 9:00 p.m. Fridlay andl Saturdlay parking areas open at 8:30 a.m., the event hours are 9:00 a.m. ta 6:00 p.. .AMR& im tmimdw l mer auOqk q "Fortunately we already have a system that allows us ta handle a huge amount of store traffic and still get people in and out in a hurry." Due ta ail the extra man- power required ta make this event successful, hours wil A limited number of appoint- ments will be available for those on a tight schedule. Those requiring special arrangements should cali the dealership and ask for the New Vehicle Managers, Bob Wallace or John Langevin. The phone num- ber for this event is 905- Ma O pt'e e Manufacturers Warranty rMU e 150+ Point Inspection USED VEHICLES e 30 DayI2500 kms. No Ha e24 Hour Roadside Assista issle Exchange Policy ance n r 80 AN T .,MLONKNln J K Canada* tuns emm1vEie m iscosoeins sIurimo ruMMavs.u mEN m soo.svu Mm wem TIEA mm«U lI IUEU IIuim U SMIN 1Bill Wallace says. "There may neyer be a better time to purchase or lease a new Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac or OMO Truck. Not only is the general public going ta receive GENERAL MOTORS SUPPLIER PRIC- ING this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, they will alsa be included in the recently annaunced GENERAL MOTORS HUGE SUMMER CLEARANCE EVENT, which offers 0% FINANC- ING up ta five years on many of the cars, trucks, and SUVs in this sale. But i must stress that the GEN- ERAL MOTORS SUPPLIER PRICING PROGRAM will be available ta the general public this Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. This event wîhl not be held over or repeated this year.' 1