B12 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Augusi 24, 2007 hicids a isUe-uu-cn breastfceding dlinic Nvitb a certif ted lac- tattion cnsultant freunsi .:30 icu 3 Pusi Vo uio titn miatitlm as to1 inake an appfsctnment, c alil li 1 lic ks ai (Q05) 8782 238 ext. 7610. *fro A EIEo pa eB 1 Ihe Salvaion Armx/Khi ( usmmnunity holds its Run Club) ai 5:30 p.m. witb a 30-mninute rin. Fo estmeting location and route, eaul (905) 875-1022. il 1 Thb e1cek voutîbcentre, 2008 Mati ')it(i ciictttie isu îles sîcîdelissini(racs 6 Ioi8 tar ft(fhop tesxii lnoti andlc 5 mns 10 p îsla ,tgîtraf 5<ipool ittît ig iouit l1b iltontititiistsArc tiiy f criti, 318(00t. infs fit-itiafuf coniraci bridge ,ai c).30 a,î s.Mexicali train dhtininetes bfi î 2 to 4 p.ins. attd dans atd Iilliards fi anu 9 a. ils, lt 9-)uint lise cîssi for eachluacniyi ixs $2 f nnini ttsîstsandci54 lor îuît-tsc tîs bsers. Fosr nuoie informnai tisncall (c905) 875-1 681 laÉ J.ý I e-iL CORRECTION NOTICE Pod 8GB and 80GB 10079797/10079803'I019805 Cen page 1 te eAug 1th tt tyer ukus t10079797/t10079803/10 079805 are in lmtrOd supply due tu manutacturer eing eut et stock. Somne locatons ma et have aystock w W.i op.I.iz. foryia 7 ia o me il.M.y lbae " n ur i v.ni t rner,. l milîm - P- .5-ù CORRECTION NOTICE Perntax K10D Body 100888783.On page t7 ut tire August O4th ttyer we sBowed tinis teni withth 1e camera wih a enu altacheti when rn tact Bis camera due s fot conte with tthe ta 5Smnî Lens 1 W. in.r.iy ap. i.for .goy .ai..i..lontiMamy hat aa2W.s.ouin menas. mobans i lumbm ubm 1-hursday Aug. 30 1 lie Btrlington Prostate (lancer Support Croup, sîsi i sut icifslic ( aiacliaii f ,iiccei Saac tls: mcets ai7 Pi 1tise tnit uffi(ceai125 1 NautisiieRd.,3uriingtn. t muts îifr itio andiicsupportiirfaut swiy ciagnu 'cclcliciss.tisussein aaigaingteatimnt anciduciots.Iamîf> aisd friencis arecxx el catis. iFo srtoe itîinsratitn, call 0905) 332-0060. M ilîtoiDisitrict ilffaspiial i ii ds a <is uscne breastfeed- ing clinti. witli a cii iltec laic tatio cuicansultanti frini7 iua(9 p.iu 1or mouere informatitonaor to inake an apsoitmett cal l] f lîck', ai (905) 878-2383, e\i. 7610O The Deck youth centre, 200 Main Set.(tear entrance), invites hîgh scbul tatuidenis ita droap by hetxxccii iscatn and 5 prn. 1er play a game otfipool tor just bang oaut. -lle Miltcon Senicors' Act ivi t>fCentre, 500 Cbilds Dr., hurids contract bridge ai 1:30 pirn. and dans and billiards [rom 9 a.tn tir 9 p.m.uT he csst feur each activitîv s $2 for members and $4 foîr ucn-mnembers. Bid euchre takes place ai i1:30 p.m. ai a cosi eof $250 for tnembers and $450 for non-members. And ii.s Thursday Afternoon Movie featuring Partition starts ai 1:30 pirn. and cessis $2. For motre informnation, eaul (905) 875-1681. Friday Aug. 31 Tbis is ibe lasi day tes regîsier a îeam to compete fut the 150th Anniversarys Amazing Race, wbich takes place October 13. Information and registraîtiout[omis for ibis fam- ily-friendly eveuti are available ai www.mlion.ca or by eaul- iutg (905) 693-0369. Milton Distinct Hospital bolds a drop-iut breastfeeding group wîîb a cerîîfîed lactation consultant from 10 to 11:30 a.m. ai Our Lady csf Victomy Sebool, 540 Commercial St., witb infoîrmaticon sbared and babies weigbed. For womeu antd babies only For more information, calJili Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youtb centre, 200 Main St. (rear enîrance), *see more DATEUNE on page B13 Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning presents a new and exciting Job" Finding Club Are you an lnternationally Trained Individual? Are you currently unemployed or working on average 20 hours per week? Looking for work in your desired field? Seeking fulîtime employment? Sheridan's Job Finding Club will assist you with a SUCCESSFUL JOB SEARCH. Two weeks cf in-class workshops incuding; " Personality IL Skills Assessment " Successful Interview Techniques Networking SkiIIse " Electronic Job Search Strategies " Canadian Workplace Culture This program is FREE! a Client Job Profile eOn site recruiter to assist each job seeker Sh e rid an ePost Program Support * Resource Centre with computers, phones, fax, photocopier Cal us today at 905-845-9430, ext. 8026 This program is funded by the Government of Canada Cantiada OPENING SOON!!! WALK-IN and FAMVILY PRACTICE ACCEPIING NEW PATIENTS Located on the main level of the Real Canadian Superstore (905) 864-9898 820 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario, L9T OJP