30 - The Canadman Champion, Friday Auguat 24, 2007 Goural ~Gle Abhey USaten Cha Nel Tsmia Hein Tenna sv The Oakville Beve Director of Youth Ministries ! \J) i / openîsg ionn abe Uemptead 3hrr monthi. i pei -iV & 'i Conlract for a: District Service Representative The qualified candidate miii posses excel- lent mritlen and verbal communication skills and wiut have morking knowledge of Microsoft office programs. You ii be customer facused in enauring Ihat our cualomers' distribution needs are met. n ihis role, you miii work closely mith the carrier force by ensuring ait newspapers and distribution producîs are delivered in a timely' manner mhich coutd include door 10 door delivery. You miii be organrized and capable 0f working mithin a faut paced, team oriented environmenî. A ne- liabte vehicle and valid insurance cover- age la required. If you are intereated in morking for a lead- er in the media industry thia opportunily may be the ighl one for you. If interealed please forward your reaume, no later than Aug. 211h 10; acaIhoun@oakviIIebeve.com fax: (905) 337-5557 We appreciate the inlereat 0f ail appli- cants homever only Ihose aelected ton an interviewe iii be contacted. No phone calta or agencies please. Bilingual Receptionist - Contract Executive Assistant To President Construction or Legal Experience Ideal - $45K+ Inside Sales Rep/Outbounid Calis $1 5h Bilingual Customer Service $15- 16h Sales & Marketing Assistant Bampton -.$45K+ Order Picker/Packer Oakvill - $101h Receptionist - Mat. Leave $12.501h Phone: 905-332-1600 E-mail: info@cherylraigcareers.com Fax: (905) 332-7993 www.cherylcraigereers.com LA WEIGHT LOSS CENTRES ARE GROWING Sales/Weight Loss Counselors Assistant Managers LA Weigtt Loss is tfnetateot groirng center-baset Weîght Loas Company in the cortdl We Are Looking for Employeeu for the Follocîng Centres: OAK VILLE Pull Trainng Provided, Penku, Opportuniies t0 Goc & Much More Apply Today stephanie@iawiontario.com Fax: 705.727.0180 o x vt reme y 1rgnîe , ayo l Reynolds eoperîence. Money drîven atitude imperatîve. Must gel along wth sales staf. Should be able t0 seil GMPP.R RJST, GPS, losurance. etc. Demo, benelîts. Prsi Can. training. You have to devire more thun $10000000 per year 10 apply. Brand new imaget building io establîsbed location neot 10 OEW. Must huve auto expeience. monday- huns ay 4.00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 PRM. (NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED> Please e-mail resumes ta: graham@kerroakviiie.com or fax: 905-8454394 NO CALLS PLEASE! (0 , iiliili d i Dd5d uill iniiSi 10 hîgh school youth. 'A decated love for Christ *A team player with a passion for eading youlh *Recognizes thaf youlh bring thein ocn spiritual wisdom ta the ite of tfhe Charch *Spiritaal gifl inclading leadtership & administration ,Connecls celi c/adufts & children & demonst rates a heallhy sense oi humour If you are tnterested ln Iis position, pes. send your resume to Glen Abbey United Church, Ails. PatThompeon, 1469 Notttnghtll Gale, Oskvltie, ON L6M 1 X7, ornait address lnfo@genabbeyuntedchurch.com Oakview Funeral Home requîTes P/T Para-Funeral Assistants, Hostesses & P/T Administrator Para-Fanerai Assistants possess valid Ontario drivers lcense, ability 10 do some physical cork, and available eeenisgs/ceekends. Hostesses reqsired for day/weekend/evenings shifts for post fanerai receptions. P/T Adminisîralor cilh some compater esperience and an escellent lelephone manner reqaired for evening/weekend shifts. Please forward resumea la Oakview Fuserai Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakvitle 16K 1C7 or fa to 905-842-9387, atls Don Clarke. No tetephone cais please. Osly selected candidates wil ho contacled for interviews. Personal Assistant Matare, kind, energetic, flexible person, interested in running and the ouldooro, celI versed in computers ard litenacy relafed activiies, an excellent physical shape. Esperience cîth people cho have significant communication challenges, and related education essential. Having a personal mndfulness based practice such as yoga, lai chi, or medilation an assaI. Must have flexible schedale ard be aalable days, eveninga andt some ceekenits. Burlingloni location. 15-20 hours par week. $2000 hour. Pieasea send resume and caver latter detaiiing yaur interest and experience to p.nei1175@gmail.com Fasl-paced envirosmental services company in Oakville has immediate openings for a qaalified ispatch Clerks, Ouhes include: cusiomer contact, data entry, clerical datiex, routing/scheduhing, asd assistance 10 drivers. Qualiications: excellent taie- phone and computer skilîs, detail orienited and strong organizational skills. PT ant PT, ceektay, evening and ceekend schedales availuble. Please express interest by submitting resume cith salary history, and references lx: e.... Canada ': GREENTHUMB LANDSCAPING s hiring! Mantenunce positions avaîlable to finish off season and fan spring alart. Winter cark aixo available. Aptlyin person: 3077 Guelph Lire (Mon. -Fi. ,7am-5pm> or Pas resumes to: 905-335-2316 Avg $2»/r 10 New Opeoings $500 Training Incentive Enumeralion typa corh. Pîececork compensation No Exp. needed Training provitet To schodule an interview cal 1-866-421-2727 HEALTHY'S Nutritian Stares requ ires *Managers *Supplement AdviSarS(F & PfF) Fax resumne ta Dale: 905-913-1008 Email info@ heathysca P/T Aesthetician Wanted to work in a busy day Spa. Must be ou igadcmutdt being a profesoa ermmb. Competitive wages. Please fax resume to: 905-693-0052 or Email: info@vidaspa.com Requires an expenienced LICENSEDMHAIR STYLIST Localed ai 10 Mounltainviec Road, Georgetown Please oeil:I 905-702-2552 HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED for busy salon Good wages & commission. Please contact: 905-703-1255 or 905-873-2296 Smail body shop in Milton looking for a: EzRffene Bo4l Man Please Clli: 905-876-1193 or Fax Reaume: 905"76-1885 ï SKILLEOTRADESMEN ï LBRERS KEEN RESTAURANT SERVICES INC. Min. 2yrs. Apprenliceship; G2 Gas License: Clean drivers abstract. Located in the Georgetown, Milon, Mixxisauga area. Please Fax Resume ta: 905-702-0912 or Email: keenonline@aztec-net.cam LOVAIl For more than a quarter century, LOVAT ha spe- cialized in the custom design and manufacture of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM> utilized in the con- struction of metro, railcay, road, secer, caler, panslock, mire access and telecable tunnels. We are currenfly recruîhing for the foltocîng positions: ASSEMBLY TECHNICIANS Responsibîlîtiex ciii include the installation, testîng and maintenunce of hydraulic xytemx. Candidates must have asperience in Heuvy Hydraulîca sys- temo and Mechunical Assembly. WELDERS Candidates must be CWB Certified, CNC GENERAL MACHINIST Candidates must have Fauc, Siemens, Heiden- hais control voperienice. General macvining voperi- ence. as welI as eoperîence using the followîng eqsîpment: engins lathes. milling machines, and drill presses. VERTICAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Canddates must have eoperience on workîng on large components oser 100' in diameter. Approsi- mately 5 yearx of experience in vertical bnrîng and able 10 read bise prînts. CNC esperience would be an assel. Succeostul candidates ciii be sftered a 3-6 monthx coniruct cith the opportunîty of becoming perma- nent. Candidates ciii ha required 10 cork rotatîng shifts. Ail candidaes must possess good communication akilis. If yoa feel yoa have the qualifications and enixy corking in a fast paced enviroameni, please respond by mail, email or f as 10: Humas Resoarces, Lovat Inc. 441 Calingviec Drive Etobicoke, ON M9W 5G7, humanresources@lovat.com, and Fax:416- 675-6702. Thank you for yvur rpt only appehcants aelefd for interveswilt ho confacled I1, L fNIN bI-k'.9ý .jN NATURAI, SaRuNG WATER NOW HRNG Maintenance Mechanics! State 0f the art bottting facility in Halton His is nom hiring for the tolloming positions. tndustriai Miltmright Mechanica and Millmright Mechanica mith 3rd clasa tationary engineer license. Preference miii be given 10 individuals mith bottling facility experience. WhaI makes a company a great place to mork? il's a place Ihal challenges and inspires you ta, achieve your beat, a place Ihal re- spects your individuatity, values teammork and collaboration, and remards your efforts mth career devetopment opportunities -and personal satisfaction. Il's an organization mhere you can demon- strate your passion, express freah ideas, and bring your unique background and experiencea 10 the table. Il's a place mhere em- ployees are proud of the producta Ihey produce and the out- standing service they provide 10 cualomers. Position Descrlptiani/Qualifications *Perform regular preventive maintenance on ail equipment. *Troubleshooting/rapairs/carryouî mark requesîs and apply corrective measurea in a limely fashion. *Enrepreneurial attitude. Worka mal mithin a tearn almosphere. Self-starter. Proactive approach. Wiling 10 take challenges. *Excellent communication akilis (oral and mritten). *Do reports on mork completed. *MuaI have a full compliment of proper tools 10 periorm Iaaka. *Muat be a self starter and mork under minimal supervision. *Perform other Iasks as requeated by the Mainenance Supervisor/Manager. *3-5 years experience in an industrial manufacturing environ- ment as a Milimright. *Knoledge of electric circuitry of relay, PC and PLC logic. *Muat be able 10 mork the 24/7 shift achedule. *Machine shop familianity (lathe & milling machines), melding (ARC, TIG, MIG), and elecîrical pnieumnatic & hydraulic fields are an assel. *PasI experience in a food manufacturing facility is a definite assel mith blom mould expeience. Company provides above average pay for the right candidates. No phone calis miii be accepled. Ail interested applicants muet omnail Iheir resume la: garrycormier@fembroaksprings.com G D ContralI mc. mhere, "We Salve Manufacturlng Challenges" AI G 0 Contrai me are committed ta providing ALL of our customers ilh innovation, automation and satisfaction. We alrongiy believe ail manufacluring facilities; large and amait shauid have the privilege ta quality automation mhich in turs miti assiat aur cuatamera in achieving their manufacturing goals. We are seeking an experienced CONTROLS SYSTEM SOLUTION PROVIDER for a fuiltime Houriy position. They miii be responsible for day ta day challenges of supporting the Automation contrais activities mithin aur custamers locations, mhich includle high speed, high tech manufacturing facilities. Candidates shauld have a general underatanding of hom mechanical and electnical systema, including PLC, HMI and Servos mark, ilh expeience in praviding support ta the engineering teama and pravide lechnical assistance on production equipment. You miii be invalved in projecta that miii include the design, implementation and management of praces improvements for nem launch pragrama and existing systema. Send resume by Fax: 905-878-4879 or E-mail: design@gdcontrol.com Attention: Douglas F. Burgess, SenIor Technical Advisor MECHANICAL DESIGN ER-DRAFTSPERSON An immadîute requirameot for a iechnologixt cith u strxng hackgroundtin design, detuîling ast trufting jlf usîng Solît Works art AuIoCAD, cosi esfîmating, M a customner service, art 3-5 yearx praclîcal asperi- ence. Tlîmus Bronze oflers a competîve sulury e udePles orweaud rosume along cithN wsae mstrelbisky@tallman-bronze.com or fax ta (905) 335-5896 TAN MA T ItenatonlI requires a icense TRAILER MECHANIC& WELDER Experienced in tig & mig w for permanent ful ime emplaymont. wr ko LX ILS Please send your resume:011111111 Fao: 905-465-3780 on n-ma»l: jransam@tankmart.com by mail or in persan ta: Four 2231 Wyecraft Rd., Oakvilie L6L5L7 as îoeng frmn inîans. Must nave e =eiaren Trouble Shaatisg, indastrial electrxicut ia PIC Drives & Circuit board nepairs. j JAS SHOES www.jasshoes.ca M5 Lakeshore Rd. East, Oaicviiie NOW HIRING STORE MANAGER JAS as a fabulaus houlque praviding high faahion shoas ast accessories for style canisciaus cames. If you are a mature, tynamic, independent persan capable oI achieving excellence in a fashias boutiue envimnement please sent your reaume la, Kim McCowan: Fax 519-434-3385, klm@ondonfashian.ca JAS Slîaes, 621 Rchmond St,London N6A SG3 Licensed Hair Stylist (childrensý & Receptionist Melorhead