The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 24, 2007 . A3 Most rural residents support tower, fast Internet: Turner By Robin Downton-Poîrier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION .'dvaacawerc the prime conc r n ol residents who attended Liberal MP Garth Turner's town hall meeting Sunday in Brookville. Although attendance was low, residents didn't hesitate to, express their support for the ccli tower and high-speed internet, a tom- mon attitude Turner bas found tbroughout the area, he saîd. I bave found that, of the resi- dents wbo have sent me c-mails and contacted me, that they are about nine-to-one in favour of the tower and hîgb-speed internet being introduced to Nassagaweya," Turner said. Garth Turner "There has been some concern about the effects on the children in Nassagaweya, but there is still a strong support for the tower overal." Another resident expressed concern about the premiums for the Employment Insurance (El) Program that are paid by employers. Ontario employers pay the samne premiums as other provinces încludîng Alberta and Newfoundland where it is more difficult to get work, yet Ontario El recipients are paid less. "On average, $5000 is paid to Ontario El recipients and $9,000 is paid to a recipient in Alberta although employers in both provinces pay the samne premiums," said Turner. I agree that it does not seem equal. It was originally set up as a temporary measure to compensate for the difficulty finding employment in provinces such as Alberta and Newfoundland. There is a gigantic surplus in the El fund right now and it will be brought before Parliament when it resumes. Even with the ligbt attendance, Turner gave his presenta- tion in its entirety to show the residents what bas heen hap- pening with the Canadian goverrument and what wiIl be 'bot topics' when Pariament is back in session including the war in Afghanistan and the Canadian economy "The war in Afghanistan will be a major topic when Parliament resumes because the Canadian mission is sched- uled to end in February 2009 and Canada is to gîve our NATO partners a one-year notice if we are withdrawing our troops," said Turner. "As well, the economy and financial issues wili be dis- cussed with the new budget coming up. Interest and mort- gage rates are going up and the markets are verv volatile right now. These will aIl be major topics over the next few months." Turner said the income trust issue was a bad decision that has hurt many seniors. He said retirement savings are also of and living to bc over 100 ycars old is very common now. Unfortunately, many of our seniors cannot afford to retire as they have littie or no savings and what they do have is tied up in their homes. In Canada, 85 per cent of savings is in real estate. If the real estate market plummets as it has in the United States, then we will be in a very bad situation as peo- pie lose aIl the equity they've built. The government needs to make plans (to deal with this) 20 to 30 years in advance." In closing, Turner said that he's concernied about the cur- rent direction of the goveniment and that, ultimatelv the in many ways. "I honestly dont think that the government is moving in the right direction. If something happens (with respect to the economy), it may not be a disaster but it can always be bet- ter 50 I arn definitely concerned," be said. "The important thing is to try to do the right tbing for Canada and that is wbat (the govemment) needs to keep in mind." DON'T COUNT ON THI BEING HERE FOR 10I THE COUNTDOWN EVENT WITH GREAT TOYOTA OFFERS ON SELE( GET THEM BEFORE THEY'RE GONE! 1INSiA N C INGt 29NCN( - - 2007 Taris Haichback "E V 2007 Sienna 21 2007 Fi Cruiser NO SECURITY DEPOST ON AiL. 2007 REASES AND 2008 CAROttA ANA MATAIS '55'ZS'5 [MILTONC% O)TOY EM NG. CTED 2001'S. 2007 Tmcouna 2 5.9 rivals. 2007 Tundr-a