Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 2007, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday August 24, 2007 - 29 SALES C OSERS 3 TO 5CALLS DAY I LUNCHROOM SUPERVISERS EFYAD SA E LS R T AL A for 2007108 sohool year is expuningl (Selinq ddrect f0 thp home owýner) ~ Part tme equaror supplbassloic nr leu o) promises imat dol] t corne rue? Wvarîi to Ond a peuïiatîeil 10lle, " Qualified confirmed appointments " Big achievable bonuses, incentives and trips " Professional training and on-going support " Best product in the industry " Aggressive advertising support If you like Io be recognized for what yau do and rewarded appropriately cai ion Low. - Coul: 519-857-4644 Office: 1-800-265-1913 (Direct sales experience required) Email careers@centonniaIwindows.com wwwcentennialwindows.com Centenntiai Windows Burling#tor Assistant Program Coordinator Ice Patrol Cashier (Part-tlme) Assistant Programn Co-ordinator - Recreattonal Skating Senior Patrol Supporfing ecreutional skating and hockey progruma, the Assistant Progrurs Co-ondinufor will bu neponsîble forme overuil sufefy management, cash bunilixg, customen service, csnflict resolution, anis staff & patron behaviour whie on-site iuring recreutionul skating prognumo.To achieve this mhe succeseful candidates will bu esponsible unis dynumic, proviiing quali- ty supervision unis direcion te staff unis patrons au well us bande-on partic- ipation wfh Ice Ptrols and Cueiers. Applicunts muet be 16 yeuns or oliser, eliablu unis able f0 ekte. Skates nst provideis. A number of locations unis shiffs are aviluble forme 2007/2008 skating suasse, nithth e poeeibility of continsing mnrough mhe Summen cof 2008. The wuge for this positionx s $12.96h. -Job 4PR 86-07 Ice Patrol Supponhing ecreutionul skating programe, Ice Pt oie are pimuily reopon- sibie ton mainfaining a sufe envionment in uenu faciliies. This invoves monitoring patron behuviour, enfoncing safufy requirements anis ruies, botti on anis off theu ce. As un on-cdue represenfufive of skating progrume, you wili aIs provide cutomer service unis uisiress patron issues mtey arise. Suoceseful candidates nili bu 14 yuune on olise, goois communicutors, reli- utle unis uble f0 skate. Skates not provideis. A numbur f locations ani sehifts are uvilubie for mhe 2007/2008 skating seuuon, with mhe poeeibility of con- inuing fhrough mhe summen f 2008. The wuge for thie position es $7.5t/hr. - Job #f PR 87-07 Cashier Supporting recreutionai skating prograrse, Cushieru hunile mhe pis adisi- sions, customur service,iobby spervision unis enfocement of aismision cituia iuring public skaing. As the irt point otcontuct wth customure, suc- cesetul candidates mut bu upprouchablu, eponsible Wifh moneyuni bave stnong math ekilis. Applicantu mut bu 14 yers or oliser, unis rliabie. A numben of locaions unis shiftts are availablu forme 2007/2008 skating seeuon, ifh the posaibiliiy of contining mnrough mhe aummer of 2008, The nage for mhie position es $7.50/hn. - Job #f PR 8"-7 Intereuteis candidates are equesteis fo ubmit an application or resumne by August 29, 2007, quoting appropiate lob nember f0: City of Bulingfon - Attn: Aldershol Pool, 426 Brant St.PO. Box 5013, Burlington, On U7R 3Z6, fax (905) 637-4965 onue-mail: bulsta@burlington.ca. Ir-mi, ce - . HEREWE GROW AGAIN Busy import dealershîp has the followng positions avalable: Shuttie Driver/Cleanup Dept - contact Val Experienced Sales Person - contact Kevîn Valîd drivers lcence and dlean drver's abstract a muet. cali 905-73-1818 or fax 905-873-8246 GLEaN IRYSLER Due touxn increuse in businesa, the followîng positions are uvailuble: Must have a cdean and vald drver's licence. Please fax or e-mail in confidence Attn: Fixed Operations Manager Fax: 905445-9822 or Email: jcsontOSOgielIevOf.COM Trafflc Patrol Romunrgien Schoot 'a seekixg a crosaîng guard] frfhc pufrol for ite tiny echool parking lot. Candi- dates muet bu cheer- fui, couteous unis weif-spoken. Houns are 8-9 anis 3-4. The duiiy rate is $40. Pieuse emuil resumne tn 905-849-1354 or emaîl lu obs@rotherglen.com. No phone salis pieuse Immedlately Must MI1125 Posltloms $25/hr. Piece seork guaranteeisby contract. Fun job. Great Puy. No Expenience Requtred C-ailNow 416.849.0026 De A 5tar Moclel and Act i TVand l'ri nt All aqece rneede imrmeciately Top Aqerrcy. Cali Now!! 416-221-3b29 Springridge springrîdgefarm.com FALL JOB OPPORTUN ETIES WEEKENDS: Speciat Events Bakery, Resait Sales Tractor Drivers, Parking WEEKDAYS: School Tour Guides FULL TIME: Bakers Helper (inuies wekends) Corse to thie tarm 50o complete an application (9-5 daîlyl or apply on-ine. 7256 Bell School [mne, Milton L9T 2Y1 The Oakville Beaver OAKVILLE BEAVER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT le currunfly looking for a P/T Driver bo delivur uhorfuge f cuefomere & carriers. Methbe reliuble wifh own nehicle and valid driver licexue. Pluee e-mail resuund uvailubilify echedule te: Pieuse Ouate Job IfSf10102 Alen Cuthoun t acathoun@oukviflubeuvur.csm or fan (905) 337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE NOW ACCEPTING applications for our Fali season. Monday through Friday Receptionist il arn - 4pm Weekends Cashiers Baggers Orchard Greeters Tractor Driver Parking Lot Attendant Please apply in persan to: Chudleigh's FARM 9528 Regional Road 25, Milton, 10-5 Any day ADIIINCOM S...-UIT k of [Work Door-to-isoor newspaper iseivery. For Miton - Tuesisay unis Fnisuye. YouNeW Reliable vehicie (the langer the butter). At least 6 avaitable houre, between 6AM-6PM, on iseivery iscys. Strosg sense of commifment unis responsibifity. We oft5L As masy routeus you cas haniste. Att requireis ielivery materiate. Training anis on-going communications unis support. otADDITIONAL INCOME For Miton - Tsesday and Frdays. YmL NOOd Strong senue of commitment anis responsibility. we ofwe As many routee au you can handle. Att required delivery materiate. Training ands on-going communications and support. To explore, contact Adam at: (905) 878-5947 ext. 244 miltocandiacapo.o Terra Cotf a Ceokies bas an opening for a perma- nent, fuiltime and part-fime driver, te make deliveries lu schsole in the GTA using our 1 ton vans. Qualificatione needed induise good knowl- edge of Toroto and aurroundîng area, abitity fo read mape, and gosd driving record. A pleasant pereonality and appuarance a muet. Uniforme pro- ided. Muet tie flexible to work etra daye as needed. Some beavy lifting involvud. Enjoy Christ- mas, Mancti Break and Summere off. For insurance parposes mut be aged 25+. Would sudt eryrtreApply in persan wdth resme te: T.C.SCOOKIES 20 Armetrong Avenue, Georgeown on Tueesay Auguef 29f (?Pipees Heath <Golf Club NOW HIRING FOR FALL: Starfing îmmeditely in the following depurtments: *Golf Operafione *Turf Maintenance *Food ands Beverage Fax or email reaumes ta: Fax: 905-878-1886 Email: marc Oniaeraheath.com Piperas Heath Golf Club 5501 Trafalgar Rd., Hornby (Milton) Requires self-starter Involves vaniety, creativity and job sahesfacton. Must bu energetic and wiltîng f0 earni PIeuse eend resume te: obs@beardmoreleattsers.com Orfaà f0: 519853-9494 I Pineview Public Shool 905-877-436 ask for Faith Bruce Concrute fsrming, carpentry and erection esperi- ence required. Some distant work sites. AZ ILicence a definite usset. Wages depending on es- Iperience.Transpsrtatisn ts Ens, Ontario a muet. Apply by tan: 519-363-0085 I sr email: storagesys@sentex.net No phone calls pieuse. IGeorgetown based csmpany requires a General ILabourer for a csncrete production plant. Position Irequires some heavy lifting. $13 per hssr ts start. Fsll-ime heurs with the sppnrtunity ts wsrk naurfime. PIeuse cuIt: 905-877-1060 G eo rgetown Location ueru - unîsader. Applîcunte muet hase open Iavuilubihity, utle te wsrk weekends. Pluase tan resumne te. 905-873-1903 10 hrs/wk @ $10.50-13.00/hr Block Cterk poitions now uvailable with our Manheim Team. Muet be abe f0 work Tuee Daytime & Thurs Eve, Perm P/T. Email resume: taalobs@manhelm.com or Fax: 905-875-5458 r - - - - - - - - - - LOOKING FOR A :CHALLENGING & REWARDING IunmN nMIIWAEIMADrITILITY? The YNCA of Hamditon/Burtington le ffeing part-U positions providing icensed canu ta chtidren between tht ages of 3.8-12 years. Th successfut candidates will bu entbusiasic, ceative, chiLd focused and able to werk nithin a flenible chedute. Respensibiities inctude frottine1 supervision of ctiiLdnen, as well as, prognue devetopinent, administration and woring us part of tht YMCA Scbool Age Chtid Cane tears. If you. e Hase a diplemu ix ECE, Child and Yuth un Recreatien e Or have twe or moeu yean esperience wering with chîldren in a recretien or child cane setting eAre 18 years of age or aIder PIeuse complete the job appication found on our website ymcahbon.ca and email with your esume and cuver ltter to SACCjobs@ymcLca on mail te: SAC( JOBS c/e Ron Edwards Family YMCA 500 Drsny Lune Buringon, Ontario L7R2X2 or c/e Hamilton Dnwntown Famîly YMCA 79 James Street Southr, Hamiton, Ontario t8P MZ 1We thnk i those ho appUed oely quatfl candâdtes sut ho oentacedfor an intaiies Y L-------------------- J Great Opportuniyi BULNTN Profit of $750+ Guaranteed Monthly EARLY MORNING DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY OF THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR & TORONTO STAR Mut Hune Reliabie Vehicle, 7 Dayo A Week Fer complefe detils on the route neureut you, Please oeil 905-526-337 or slmply titI out the onine application et wwwthespeg.com end e Hamilton Spectator repreaentative will contact you Cleaners Guarunfeuis work. -Weekdaye only. Compefifive puy. Bunefifs uvailable. Reliablu vehicle prefenruis. Please Celi: 905-847-2210 ASSEMBLERS Wuxfud fer lighf puisi- ing $850 pur heur. Duys/ Ahternoonel nighfe. Steule James Sxow Parkwuy urea. Peuse uppty in pursox f0 Nu-Way Personnel, 22 Maxn St., S., Brampton Phone 905-455-621 Fax 9054554738 RuwcedASAP Expuiencuis - F/T Detaiers - Drivers Fax: 905-875-3741 Call: Tracy or Tyler 905-875-0660 NOwirin F/T & P/T cashier/ general hetp. I Lube C entre I IMiltoni NOW HIRINGI IFax Resuie: à E956f150] or Cail: 9-561-5823 LOALO DLANCEG 5Mies5to mires 5 mat« bu5peronat Hamiton 905-522-3237 oakvillie 905"153237 (Cati: M-F 12-5pm) www.fredastaire.ca Rune PuetsDepof eqies exergutic permanent F/T unis P/T staff. Muet bu ubtoi lft 0 tObe,have cutomer service ekilis, bu avuilaue weekende. Pet store espenience an ussaut Compeftiive wage/ benets. Reume f stevu@renepete.com or fus 905-257-4614 90 .8 8.34 gi,. a 1 -i Ir Lrwww.burfington.ca w mi i CRUW 1 1 FIIMNI vIrrvIKIUIlli Ir 1

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