The Canadian Champion, Fnday, Augusl 24, 2007 - Ml1 Under-1 8 girls eclipsed in League Cup finals 'bsies tat tT~10, ~ ~ ff o Iî~ tsef immune diampîonship as weII By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Miltons first taste of I cagne Cup championship play in nearly a decade wasnt 50 sweet. In fact its hiard to imagine -a more heartbreaking swan song to youih soc- cer than what the Under 18 Magie girls expeienced in Hamilton Sunday nighît. As if losing in a shoot-out by a single goal wasn't tough enough un swallow, the local ladies hit the post on their last attempt - giving Clarkson a 4-3 deci- sion and the South Region Soccer Premier Division trophy in a thrilling showdown that saw themn even things up twice. The second of these equalizers came wth about six minutes to go in the last overtine session, with C aroline Shaw making good on a penalty kick to înîect a final spark into Miltons title drive. Adding to the sting of championship defeat was the fact that the Magie hield a late lead, courtesy of a nî[ty cross- hecader by Anna Garcia-Ainhler midway through the second haîf. Thiat 2-1 advantage wouldnut last long, as Clarkson capitalîzed on a penalty kick. Amanda Cameron sank the initial marker, taking a big pass from midfield and putting one jufit past an out- stretched goalkeeper's hands into the top lefi corner. I aut a \\i l'on, Sai aIt Lalondc, 1 lantototI IIooay Samantha Stockall, Lindsey a ~ Sanjay Moodie scorcd Atkinson and huia n~~'i the last 15 minutes of Husarewych. play- undressing the Markîng the lîrsi final defender and putîng time a local team had one upstaîrs - to cemnent a played for the championship since the 2-I semîifînal win over Dixie. laie 'QOs. Sunday's shoot-out came less Thbis follc wcd back-to-back 3-0 than two wecks aftcr (larkson had dis- shutouts over Clarkson B and Caledon posed of the Magic 5-0 in regular sea- son play. Milton reaclhed the finals with an 8- 2 rout of Brams United and a I -O white- wash of Flamborough. The Magic bas one more shot at rcspectivcly See more sports .on page A24. RUSSEWOCKEY Year Round FNTIR-PRISFI.-S Game of the Week 30+ \<j3Recretonol Hockey League Average & Lower Level Players Register Now For FaiI/Winter A social, relaxed, ""-L1E fu n recreational ERE atmoshereLimited Spac] Oshawa, Pckeig, Brampton, Milton, Mssssaugo, Windsor, Hamon, Brinton , Notawosago, Rcmond Hil, Newmarket, Auro, Ornngevdie, The Beaches * ,IR ABUTOURA*L. OCEY LNC st op)K> le lPereira tor the irst goal - but had nu more fortune against a sharp Michael Haringa. F he Milton cager got strong support frorni Kevin Monk, Kyle Lynch, Daniel l-lusarewych, Robhîe Watson and Heeva Sarkarrah. Milton takes tonight's Mississauga- B3rantford BIC winner for the title in Hiamilton September 9. ___TEAMS G W L T PTS 1 KNOX 18 18 0 O 36 2 SOUTHSIDE 18 15 3 0 30 3 ST. GEORGE 18 il 7 0 22 4 NEW LIFE "B" 17 10 7 0 20 5 MILTON BIBLE 18 10 8 O 20 6 BOSTON 18 8 10 O 16 7 NEW LIFE "A" 17 6 il O 12 8 HILLCREST 17 5 il 1 il 9 HOLY ROSARY 18 4 13 1 9 10 ST. PAULS 17 O 17 0 O BRATH CLEAN AIR! BOOK NOW AND SAVE! : Rec8ve ayair duct cleaning service. Sal exire Setemer 4,2007 16- - -2 - --H -- -- I necessity for advertising sooner or later finds1 itself immune to business." Derby Brown