The Canadian Champion, Fruday, Augut 24, 2,07 - A 9 News means savings of about $1 .3 million in costs i* fromn HALTON on page Ai gr:nn w h1ll slve prOpcrty' taxes. Although the downloading of those costs was imposed by the Mike Hanris Tory gov- ernment, while Carr was a sitting Conservative MPP for Oakville, he noted that he opposed the plan and voted against it at that time. "The downloading of these programs stands as one of the worst misjudgments of the previous govemnment," said Premier Dalton McGuinty. "They've been a burden to About $1 .3 million in costs should be eliminated from the Regional budget for the coming year, as the Province takes over psy- ing the cost of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontairio Drug Benefits (0DB) for social assistance recipients. Additional reductions will be made to regional costs in each of the following three years. Just over 40 per cent of the Regions budget is assessed against Oakville taxpay- ers, based on the town's population. While linancial future is sound. "IWe. still have a tremendous- challenge with the budget, but this is a good first step," he noted, in a phone conversation from Ottawa where he is attending the AMO con- ference. Earlier this summer, regional politicians started the 2008 budget process by directing staff to prepare a budget limiting tax increas- es to four per cent - or about $50 for the average bousehold. CIA pooling, which required the Region to contribute money toward social service costs in the city of Toronto. That decision saved the Region more than $12 million this year, with ongoing savings expected as the pool- ing is phased-out by 2013. Tbis year's savings are being divided up among thse region and the four area munici- palities to be used toward infrastructure costs. ATErne Damc oe o- Fall Registration Acuite 28the 29th & 3Ofh from 6pm te 9pm September 4th. 5Ph & 6fh fuom 6pm t. 9pm Classe Begi Monday s I Ibe lp j k -v 775 Main Street E. Unit #3 (Across from the 0 G to n) (%5i) ?IIf48 Ail registrcation is at the Studio <-Ct ot tis coupoad brrq itin to reeve $a5 off yor doncer feu duen mgsterin for the temn. Onlyont cou pwer . Volid on chffdros dance uooiy. O Comw b 6 W e okwf$sy .lhu' prmo e Expires Septendxbr 61h, 2007 Congratulations. to NICOLE THOMPSON who entered ou.r on-line Word Search contest. Nicole has won a $25. Gift Certificate to San Antonio Bistro. Watch for the next Word Search commng in September.