Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Aug 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 21, 2007 eOPINIîON Promises, promises ThC nil iciI stait titht- between C)akvillie and Octob-r 10 proîvincuial dlec-ilurlîngtt)î as part of tie tion aitutally dîîesr't i)egin $S8.7 million coniti.seî o until niext inssslh, luit thbu witlen the highss as i1îsrry'(i aonftttuî 0sts *spendii $2 îsslhii îlois 1)roi(IOnnuuri-iltst, antian OPP plane aldii a promises lit-ast i 55rut uni hcad surveillanc5e Cealînr days frirm tihe Ii serai gov-nient errnmehst worsld Iuad snany' 0 spenil' lS îmillioni as ti) belicvethe t assspagn is hein dean up Iissi alili aiready under way. 1 rbor For examiple, Premier HAb otir. icilý, Dalton McGtsînts' and bis At b- s s i- ministers in the pas! sveek Iornue of'l tle pilliisses tise have promised to Ltet as eb a\ ile s s- i - spend $79 million to tbe C 11 t ies ut\o plant 50 million trucs b\ dei \%at ilit be\llxbt scil 2020 forsx t ubese ss toprise li a spend S 30 million o\ilitus1prnne over three s uas for an s'elb'n l" leeticconsS'r lt inter-regional bus terminal at tiýl alls uSpeîht10 in Toronto anti the camnpaign becgins lin *spend S309 million i arniest. additional educatson ftsnd- \icctrints.' of ail people, ing oser tbe nuxt t'as o 'acars sbotuld rualiîze tb danger - busld bigb-occtîpanc\ nin making proisssthat vebiele lanus on tbe QEWa ma\ nuit bu kept. Readers Write E-mail your letters to rrltonedz@halonsearch. oen Beware of banking e-mail Hvdro One roiect ned DEAR EDITOR: tlisck on tise byperlink iii ibis Irautin i would lîke to ,vani C hanpiîîs read- lent c-mail. Dtîsng st) will lîkcly sund ers about fraudulent e-mails being sent tbem se a webclsite ibat looks official and under tbe name oif TD C anada Trust, will requesi themn tI pros ide attounst informing tbem tbat im is "obligatory for numbers, passwtrds and otber person- A customers tof TD C anada [rrusi" to ai informins bat cotsld bu used for click on a byperlink provided to update sdentsty iraud os e'aen to gain acceas te tbeir records. tbeir savings. Tbis e-mail looks and sounds as il nt My Milton brancb bas already is a legitimate request, bt 1 personallv received bundreds of calîs from con- cbecked wttb my ID Canada Trust cerned customers, so it is reastinable to brancb, wbicb confirmed disat the e- assume that îbousands of copies of tbis mail in question did not originate frtîsî e-mail bave been senît te unsuspecting TD Canada Trust. receivers, and tbose wbo bank witb TD i was furtber adised that a batik Canada Trust could bu duped into wouid not normaliy ctanmunscate witb releasing private and personai informna- its customers by e-mail unless a specîf- tion. su bank employce bad pre-arranged Ibis e-mail was not autborized b>' witb a customier to do so on a specifie tbe bank. Delete it immediately matter. RON HUDSON Readers need to bu wamned. Do not ACTON Support for fundraiser was outstanding DEAR EDITOR: On August 7, tbe For Life and Musse event successfully raised $i1,1i60.32 tbrougb generous donations for ovari- an cancer researcb. i tbank you first for donating. i want tt) also tbank AIltbe mu-i-i cdans. john and Sara Acbesoii, Maxxell WVray, Alex Kadet, irank C eseîstinsî. Waayne Keisti, Kevi[Densey(Clasrk j obnston, Andre and tbe J laisss andt Uin Swelli. 1 tbank tbe vensue tîwiiers assd employees of Brunello's, Nascar Sphors Bar, Pasqualinos, Soutb 21)2, 'Iic ls vy Arma, Tbe Olde Dickenîs, lirydesis ain] The Post Office. \Vitbout tIhe supîpoîrtail tbe local restaurants and bars ibis event would neyer bave been tbe succesa ut was. Tbank you very' mucb for opening tsp y'otr busînesses 1(1 Lis. 1 acknowledge tbe volunteers and my ce erganzers.Jenna Masciantonio, lessici Atdante, Dan Rodnigues, Andre tis-«ii, Loerenzo C astelli and Corey il santid thbu sponstors, Tatniblyn Vinasicial Ser-vîtes and Mîrella Marsball iii Royal i eP'age Meadowtowne Ruaity. Wiilient everyone's contribution, tbe pioîect wîîuld liat bave made it into the C01îsisii-uiîtty CGreat work. ELLIQiT MARSHALL, ORGANIZER FOR UIFE AND MUSIC m -j-. a technokgyv upgrade DEAR EDITOR: Hydro One us attemptsng to have uts Bruce to Milton Transmission Project approved. i arn willing to accept that Ontario requirea more transmission capacity and tbat Bruce One and Two are returning to service. Thus, it clains, the uine must be bujit. 1 add that tise project should include buiit-in protec- tion against muages. In faut, there la a well-established, proven technology tbat satisfies ail these without new transmission fises. Now thse industry standard world wide, it bas been approved for other Hydro One projects across Ontario, but not for this one. 1 will otter ibis loose analogy for comparîson. Thse aitemate technology is a housebold electrical systemn with insuiated, grounded wires and circuit-breaker pan- eis. The transmission lime is pre-1940s bousehold elec- trification. Bare, ungrounded wires are strung througb glass or ceramic insulators, nailed to wood eitber wirbin or on tbe walls, amd a fuse box. This technology stili exista in many Tbird World locations today However, tbese areas are striving to bning their iowest to bigbest tier electrification to thse present, with capaci- tor embancement for ail more recent transmission linet and ail new transmission limes, wbere these are absolute- iy mecessary Why is Hydro Ome so hidebound and resolute in their desire to saddle our new house with 1930s bare wire and fuse techmoiogy? Lasty, the capacitor embancement la but 15 to 30 per cent of the $630 million cost of a mew, unprotected, transmission lime, whicb we wili all end up chippimg in for. CHRIS ARISTIDES PAPPAS ROCKLYN, ONT. UNITED WAY OF MILTON IV AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAS PARADE YM d Th ,,k Mdi.,, S-owcaseffMilton Awards i l ZL, aiiablan QWrnxpion 555 Industnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertisimg Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vww.niltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Micnefî Production Manager Tm CcIe Circulation Manager ChaarIei-,c' Hall Office Manager T-'ri Casas The Canadian Champion, pubished every Tuesday and Fniday, is a division of Metrotand Media Gmoup Ltd. - Group Pubisher tan Oliver Adaertistng s accepted on the conditin Ihat. n lIhe evn fa Iypographnnlrain, chIat porin ftha Ie adner nsnrgspasnasnsupedby thp erraneos de, gellser wîh a reasoaabI aIawace forsgnaure, willnot e ca,îed fo utthe baaneof the adesenn VI!ces. nd for st the appliaUe rae The psbiishpr esenvs e inn i s cate9orize adveseneents or decfine CCAB Audited Ontanio (nmmunity A9ý.cna Newspapers Asscaasn 4? 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