16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 21, 2007 NOM r~vv ~ irT.Wm Indnï O tA- 11 I LFtt2tA 1flfl - UUaRim igbc a l- IAOU e Rentais 170-196 a Leisure 200-239 e Community 240)-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@m iltonca nad ianchampion cOM Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanled 500-57 Mo. oFr. a-5pmn BONUS! Ali classified ads also appear on www.haýonsearch.com:*Srie 0-75FrCRUAIO ai 0-7-5947 Ad submission by mail or in prs-onThe anadiani Champion, 555 IndustrilDrive. Side oor, 2nd F-loor. Mlton, ON L9T 5E1 Deadlines: Mon., 1 a.m. for Tues. publication, Thurs, il arn., for Fni publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadliles may nary. Payment: We accept cash, choque, lniterac, Visa, MasterCarri, Amerîcan Eopfreso Al ads placed are nen-refundable andi ne credif wili be issued. Busness accoonts cao be opened wth an appnoned credif application anailabte from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS 1 enssore the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant wthîv 24-Hoors if ait eror uppears. An error in a Fni publication mont ho rensrted nu ater than Mon., i1 a.m. -E- t f I i i i i I BIRTHDAy/OpEN HOUSE OfficefiEuisiness *A arm nts & 2,900 SQUARE FOOT O3FFCE space uviable. MILTON 1-Bearvum Base- Georgeown home on a 300 square fot Suable ment Aparimenu SOhOtrnîO court Oackng onis the for 1/2 perses uffice. Calt inclusive. Dan Frepiace, 2 Bruce Trait. 4-bedroorn, 4- 905-876-877 Parking Spacos, harea bathroorn, main fluor Sar4 ___________ Laundry, Nemer carpet. wood, dual oded firpace, Crodit Check ana Bef. Be- ceiid ,eeri or pri ctpotrtliftityi qunod N vinotiurigp-r anda oe $539.000. MLTON HougOlo 3-boa- lembor ltt Ploane cati Fexibe cosîng. Cati 416- room aparîmont and Lnda Agoeo, Royau LCF- 984-7468. rooosqfn office opane. age Madotomne 410- Apine_._ar__ncand 505-8314. LOVELY GEOBGETOWN SOUTH SEM, 3-bedrooms, main Ioor famiy room, nornbined tîuîngtuinîng. Hugo ktchen mih mukout to, prtate t1004 bankpard, No nigSbours boSînd. En- rance tru houso frorn gar- ugo. Cramîns and nom mooud amînalo iroughoui. 5-appliannes, CiA, double drve.Coso lu seSouin, shopping ana GotinO Cen- tr0 $295900. Calltc iruuee 905-702-9532. nmaliiparu. 52,000/mth plan utlitios ana serines. Avaîabte îmmeuîaieiy 905854-1687. Oprunities TURN pour passion for donorating int a roard- îng cubeer aro otrain corne ihrough a purty basea direct-sales busi- ness. Loue pour moitit Stay-at-homo moms FtPT CatI Atexia.(90509t-i 130 alexîadenorates@cogeco. naîbsi 1957) oea ZICIdtr.aîp optr 0^^ SeCial e e SMe MILTON 3000 oq, Ot unit, AFFORDABLE custom office, asroue 2 bap eboîlen startung ai $295. o onr Lasn Dr Avait, Hotîng Sommics for $990 îrnredateip $25OOimih + per monlh. Free aumaîn utltton. Cati 905-702-8802 registration ilS au. Con- tom Deveiopment for $25- REASONABLE inus- $40 por Sour Cati O3Pro trial unir 3200sqft mth Corporation 900-543-4310 omdit doks905-277-0347 e001 204 or 905-270-6834. Aparmnents & FasFrRent Mc)Lu r ACTONS boom apartments, ~ Fri~ lango 2-bedrooms nathodral MiSe 416-M-e9164. GEORGETOWN npacîoon ana briafît basement apart- ment. 1 master bedroom wth opale room. Fuit kilos- on amd lane living room in- efudes tour appliannes Ows parking space ara neparate eniranne. St ,OOOimoniO pus oiîiîies, Outabie for professionai single. Muni seei Ocruber tnt. Coul 905-877-1451. OOWNTOWN Mion, quiet thira four ose bearoom unir, availabie Seprt. si $7201mirn îng eat in a nu pet huiting. Cati 905- 854-5742 for a revieina interview. MILTON Downtown large 2-bedroomn apactmrent, prîvate entrance, parking, appliances & blindo incfuded. $1,000/mith + hydro. Avaliable Octoberl1et. 82egultredent"eet Attaetve it ing . Spcious e ighle24 1&2 beroor is mvOer Ouîuîglareeckvnt & e ParingsCnr Milns $905 a montS nlur hyripas PrsilLasi NO PETS OReferences re- qoredAvSaitabie ismeai- ateip 905-878-8123 i-BDRM basement dpi sharea entiance. caste, parking, aundry, in ciUueu $750inrih tisttast. ieterences îequîrea, avaiiable October tnt. Cati Gary @ 905-8780 4t0 ater 6pm. or ai 416-566-0492 2BDRM tOOsq. O api, liv ing ana amiip room, pri> oure entrance. cable, park- î ng, Brampton/ Minisauga Rd caonuntry hume, $900/mî5 905547-t847 aller 0Cm or eekenun. ACrON Sanheini anaît- ment in quiet 8-niex.non- nietoip renovatea, launaiy and parking. $5Oi/moîîih j inclusive. Avalabie Son- emuer tnt Cati 905-873, ACTON Sighi ara ofean 1t bearoum basement apari- ment. S725imsnth pion hCro, Calil 59-8h3-9743ý BALLINFAD, Seautîfui 1t bedroom bansement apaît- ment irO eruvate entrance on, enraie property mire. Cons inernet, satellite non- nection ana t parking spot. New paint ana carnet. $775/month ait inclusive. Singles. non-smoluerino pers.cuit 905-077-7000 to BALLINAFAD. cîean 1i bearoom wih encionea porcS. tiiiesana satellie aînh neuaea $790imunih. No nmokinglpeis nreferrea. Cafi 9050873-7299 GEORGETOWN t-boa- room banement, Near GO S8000imonih înciudes eatihyaro,t1 parking spot, riageîtove. No smok- ingipets preferrea. Cati Brenaa MacDonalda John- non Onociaten Beuloi 905-877-hies. GEORGETOWN 2-boa- room apartment. 2na fluer, Parking for i car, waik to GO Avaîfabie îmmedaaeip. No pets/smoking preterrea, Firsiglant. $880omonth tnflo- atter 6SOuper. GLEN Wiliams, i bedomr main fleur apaîlment. No r W".. -n rsMat aj Remen MM ForuResrsn GEORGETOWN 2-ea- OAKVtLLE~ 3 beuronm TIRECofn being a gueni ai ri m aparîment. îumnhouse aoaîtuble e- sumeune eCiesS mouiug? S005tmonth inclusive. îîîeuîareîp thruugh Ociober Contant Msty iver mIro- Aaiabie Ociober tnt Pie- mista appliîncos, Hune- ductions and iser puai fet coopte or sngles No date Malti area Lakeshvie somone spen tut 416 Pets Frsttant. 905-877- Management 905-870- 777-0302 cou mîstyrtue- 4194alter 4:0pm. 3336 intrscom GEORGETOWN 3-bed- room houoe, Nomiy resu. vaied, large bankyard wse.$t,i900iunth plus utiîiies, No smoking/petsn Aaiable November it n 416-305-7783. GaEORGETOWN Beautîfut 2-bedrvom banement Nu pots. 2-minute maik Io GO. Pivtae entrance, 5-applit ancen Parking luirt -veO, Cie, $85OimoniS plus 1/2 Hydro Avalabie immmii- ately Calittoday 905-077- 7910, SPAClOUS 1t bedroom apariment. close Io GOAIt applianeen inciuded n Wanheriaryer. Firntiani Availabie September i st No nots Cal 905877 s 4967 MILTON charmîng 4-bdim Matant9 tome Lrg corner lot acros rom park & pond/monOed lot Mac0 iipgrades (mci tfireplace, ensuite bath) Avalabie r nom 905-970-5000 or t- 5t0-30t-4854 -BEDROOM house fui lent, NCalp renouatea large ackpard mils shed. tt,iooimonih pion utîttien. Avalabte Noember 1 st Cati 4t6-33557703, 3-BEDROOM bungalom, large encea iv backyard on quiet crencont. Cose iv scsoots ana Mai Cati 905- 877-t885 to enqoîre. 3-BEDROOM bungalom, large lencea in backyard on quiet Cronnent Cose to scooos and Mai Cati 905- 877-188510 engue 3-BEOROOM Georgetown bungalom top tioor Centrai lueation, parkîngflaundry Avaîtabie September itt No smoking/pets preferred. tt,295/moni5 incusive Cati 416-87t-t023. CARLtSLE, Large cuuntry single famiip home, 270s1 4+ bedrooms, near public/ cai5ulîc nschouis. $iahOmo vutîtties, Sepn.15. Non- smokng/ No pets pro- tenreri 905-659-2054 COUNTRY 3-bedroom bungalow, doube garage, Balitnafaaiea. Suitabie for famîtres. No pois. Sepremý ber lsi. Culit 905-702- 5200/905-873-3290. GEORGETOWN 3-5ed- roo etached home mts garage. Qutlcourt, stops o park. Clone ru ait amenitien No pers preferrea, non-nmok- oir Prsilas/reterencos pieuse $1 ,495imonth. Cati 905-846-0526. N GEORGETOWN large 3- bedroom bungalow, top foor Stear paiko, sehooto, own iaundrp No sok- igipets,$t.iV51mntttrpies utiftin.Aaitabte immedi- afel'y 905-977-5197 - - ---- l~m Rs For acr R tW anedEU Aal MILTON furnîsheutun-for- FULL ime uap cale nished roum for roni. Finit avaiabie in My home stant- and as uni SOOmIS BRoom îng Sept Muhrof ut3 peur & Buard aiso auaiabie via ginl Earip niait ime for $6Onimîn Cati 905-878. Shift Wukers. Pieuse cati 2068 Denna 9050875-4296, ROOM frrnsi ue acr ig tlte.aati e ep. PART tme chu dcao e e 1 s, ClKat 90-88- uied for nebon a 9py 4977(Mlin 0in our hme, Duies cne rega uir 905864. 7284 BEFORE anu uSter schuul cale reqoîred for 4 9i. Tuencaap Thurnuay and ai- Oernato Frîaay (J M. De- PMusis & 0anc BEACHCOMBER n lue & Instruction ,ont Tub $3000 Massage jois, coner, chemninais Oso bosch press & piann $neg, 908270832 Hobie C rfls GUITAR LESSONS Priuate goitar tessons aoaîtabie tîom DIITLexperienced. * * nOKIN potessionaI insructos Bronte corporate CLASSESCentre. Rick (f06 8-i, opectacalar digital photo book! Re-use your supplies uver and over agan wth unli mted digitai creativty! j'I LAWRENCE, Myrtie Pasoed away on Fiday, Auguot 17f h 2007 at the Trîlifumn Heafth Centre in Mssîssauga. Myrffe Lawrence of Milfon, betoved ite 0f fthe fate Ross Lawrence. Loving mother of Wayne and his wife Pat, Murray and Thomas and his wife Mona. Loved by grandchildren Brandon, Jennifer and Madeleine. Dear sister of Jim, Clara and Margaret. Famniiy and friends visted at the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Mlton 905-878-4452 on Monday. The funieral service wif I be hetd on Taesday, Auguot 21sf 2007 at 2:00 pmn from St. Pauls United Church 123 Main Street Mifton. Interment f0 fol low at Evergreen Cemefery. Memoriaf donations f0 tthe Heart and Stroke Foan- dation or fhe Juvenile Diabetes Associa- tion woald be appreciated by the famify. Letters of condoience may be leh for fhe famîfy at www.rmckersie-kocher.ca MOFFATT: John David Peacefuf fy on Sunday Auguf 12, 2007 af Scarborough Generaf Hospital, John Moffati at fthe age of 58. Lovingfy remem- bered by his daughter Nancy Moffaft and her mother Vafoie Moffatt. Sadly missed by his mother Doris Moffatt and his broth- ers Steve and Mike. Predeceased by his brother Tom, A graveside service was held af 11:00 arn. on Thursday Auguot 16, 2007 af Ebenezer United Church Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted f0 J. Scott Early Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Mifton, 905-878-2669. Au expressions of sympathy, donations f0 a chanity of your choîce would be appreciated by the famify. Onlîne condolences may be made at earfyf uneral home. com j~~a j. SCOTT-EA*LY I In Mmorim B I Cooperwhite, James ("Jim') In memuey of a lovîug hunhaod, father ,und geaudfanhen. Wn houghe of you mînh flove roday, bat thar mas noîhing 0cm. Wn thong taboun yoo yesterday, aundJays bcforc thon noou W, thinI ofyou n silence. we oflen upeats yoarnsame. No al me fbanc anc memnories, anJ your pictnaneio a frame. A year has passed wich pennle gnace. koom meI unen rparn. Godhts r Yeu io hîs kecpîog. wc banc youuin ouunhearns Afmays inouthoughts. Lating Wfe Annie Fam iy: John & Denise, Anne Marie c&Chris Graenejhildren: Jan, CaroL Derru-k, Calum, Laeren, Liam We missvye u Pa. 4The Milton District epprentates any tI Memoniam donations: 30 orry Rd.E. FOnaton Ta 2X5 talo h~, Poloflir Lange - Mark & Anissa Lange are excited f0 announce the birth of their son Cooper William, weighing 6lbs 6ozs on Auguot 4fh, 2007 in Calgary, Aberta. Proud grandparents are Doriano & Marg Polont 0f Campbelvilie and Ofaf & Amnie Lange of Edmonton. Griffifhs: Dave, Tracy, and proud big brother Tyler are pieased fo announce the arrivai of their daughter and Sister, Rylfe Madeline. Rylie weighed in at 6f bs lloz. Many thanks f0 the doctors ai *MDH- and. nurse Sue -fer their excellent M ae. - - - --. , %- --1 SURPRISE 80TiR BJITIIBAY PARTYZ Bi11 <Sank) Praught from Georgetown fformeuly Mlton, ONMfichmond, PEI) 15 turning 80! OPEN HOUSE at Nalton Sportamens Association Club Nous., 5155 Steeles Ave, <forth side of Steeles, 3 driveways east of Appleby Line) Mlton, ON, from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm on Saturday, August 25, 2007 Do BRINO your musical instruments. And IN LIEU 0F OIFTS a food donation for the area food banks would b. appreciated. Cake cutting will probably be around 8:00 pm Children Welcome. Snacks provided. Cash Bar. Please bry to keep this a suprise for Bill. If you know someone who knows Bill and hasn't heard about the party, please invite them. 12 1 , 1 , r>-] . là 1 . M-1 . 1 . 1 m D-I il ; 1 ; >'I ý 1 w lm 11-1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 11-1 «. 1 : 1 : IPI : 1 : to 905.878.2341 LrIlt ýýiiiibiiii d),illiploil 1 1; 1: 1: ": i: i: TM ýL amu-CLOLOLO-CLOLO&À Index: Real Estate 100-135 Rusinus 14fl-1 BQ