Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Aug 2007, p. 15

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The canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - Ai15 Y.- *Gid p--I byen Account Manager A grnming agency wiih a dynamic list of clients is Innking for a fuit time ACCount Manager whu thrives on over zeainus deadlines. Candidate wilf have a minimum of 5 years ACcount Management experience, superior knwiedge of itegrated marketing communrications, a passion foi deveioping Strategrc Pomutînnal campaigns and prrnt production. Administration/Accounting Support Persan: Immediate opeiiing for a fuli tirir admiiisitatrvQ assisant' /accnuntirrg suppnrt pefsuri. Stirnrc urar aat n d cumpcitci skilis reqaiied aonng with esceiienit wrîtten alid oral communication skiis. Pîiîcîeîrcy ifii Fucci WORD aird PowerPoinît a must. Dulies tu include geinerai otir . !iiddcic iI duties alin i tmimu i O uichasîrr diiid olections.Famîlitîy mîtti Simpiy Arrnrrntîîîrj an assurý Please submnit your cover letter Er resumne to info@blazingdesign.com IGNITE YOUR CARFER - THE BIALING WAY z A tesson in Thank-You Letters (MS) -Abter a job interview, what is ibe firsi îhîng you should do? Write a thank-you note. Its a common courtesy and shows y'our interest in the position. You sbouid send a îhank-you leiter as soon as possible (preferably wiibin 24 boums, hut no later than a week) after your interview. The jury' is oui on e-mail versus handwiten thank-you noies, so use your discreion when deciding wbaî iii do. More formai organizaiions or people migbî prefer a bandwnitten îbank-you note. But if you know a bîring decîsmno is imminent, or the c(rmpa- ny communicaies solely îbrougb e-mail, an e-mail îbank you couid be ibe way to go. You cao always follow up an e-mail îbank you wîîb a bandwriîîen note. Wben sriting your letter, tbank the person wiîb wbom you met, and reinforce the fact ibat you want tbe job. You can aiso etale wby you wanî ibe job or bîgbligbî a few of pour qualifica- ions once more. Feel free tu address anyîbing that wasn'î discusscd ai the interview or sometbing you wanî to answer more îhorough- iy than you did during the interview. You may bave been intervîewed by a panel of people, or spent a fcw bours hopping from interviewer to interviewer. Should you send a Icîter addressed to the group, or indivîdual ones to aIl par- tics? Make your decision based on the fommality of the interviews and the company Whcn in doubi, ifs best îo send individual notes îo cvcyonc wbo interviewed you. You cao write sîmîlar letters, but slightly vary a sentence or two 10 give personalîzation to tbe note. Before you lîck the envelope or it send on your computer, dou- biechceck for spclling and grammar errors as weli as review the names and tties of your interviewers.its wortb puîîing in thîs extra effort to mnake sure you corne across comipeiet and polisbed. Prmoed ly th euggW bnty of M i %4lq Escarpmeote Raiflo- anakePon #4tt on the oaet, Me dman- - rgpcoum tYM a CroaawndeGolf Club,, abaqwwth Our - lyOlubhoussm *aMna to tw- bandlwo*t te offec a - -mwchm 10> ofr O mVabd Not going back to school? OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NOW! " Beverage Cart " Banquet Servers " Dishwashers A great place to work! Please contact Heather: hoadmhercoswidsgolt.com or 905-319-5991 x221 H& ioc tectaxwI new t4uws Sacess- fuistnt Iud even go on to eaMh extra Woiy as tx profe$sIQrnats.* Enrol now H&R BLOCK* *tnroIment restrictions may appn. Enroimenti n, or completion of, tihe H&R Block Income Tax Course is neither an offer nor a guaranten of employment. 02007 H&R Blocks Canada, nc. CNrTT 00 ADESA Canada is one of Canada's largest remarketers of vehicles. It owns and operates state-of-the-art facilities in every major market across Canada and also offers Internet vehicle auctions through DealerBlock and LiveBlock, its proprietary onine selling systems. Its customers include automobile manufacturers, leasing and rentai companies, banks and financial institutions, insurance companies, fleet operators, and a variety of vehicle dealers and brokers. ADESA's vehicle auction process is widely acknowledged to represent the industry standard for vehicle remarketing. ADESA Toronto currently has openings for: eF/T & P/T Drivers L*Security Officers *Janitor ALEàP ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Lane Brampton, ON L6T 5P4 Fax: 905-790-0306 hrtoronto@ADESA.comn poelinFasteners We are a9 manufacturer of fasteners Iocated in Mlton Iookîng for: SHIPPERIRECE! VER (VALID FORKLIFT LICENCE) Excellent written and oral communication skills are required 141VÀ HEADINý.G MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Mechanically inclined, able ta set-up machine, read drawings, measure & record specs. Please forward your resumne ta: Precision Fasteners 470 Harrop Drive Milton, Ontario, 19T 3H2 Fax: (905) 826-9276 r Emnait hr@hpaulin.co ne, r r!-., t q a 1 1 www.ADESA.ca 1

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