Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Aug 2007, p. 8

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AS -The Cenadian Chiampion,,FndaMAugusî '47, 2007 ' p 6wEZ Thtis week's article is comprised of excerpîs ot a scbool assignment wriîîen by eigbî-year old Danny Dutton. lie attempted to explain to bis teacher wbo God is. lie seems to bave a preîîy good understanding, especially for a young cbild! Wbaî do you tbink'? One of God's main jobs is making people. lie makes tbem to replace tbe ones that die, so Ibere will be enougb people to take care of lbings on eartb. lie doesn't make grownups, just babies. 1 tbink because tbey are smaller and easier to make. That way be doesnî bhave to take up bis valuable lime teacbing tbem t0 talk and walk. He can just leave tbat to moîbers and fathers. God's second most important job is listening 10 prayers. An awful lot of tbis goes on. since some people, like preacbers and tbings. pray at times beside bedtime. God doesnî bhave time to listen to tbe radio or TV because of tbis. Because be bears everytbing, there must be a terrible lot of noise in bis ears, unless be bas tbougbî of a way to tum t off. God sees everytbing and bears everyîbing and is everywbere wbicb keeps Bim pretty busy. So you sbouldn't go wasting bis ime by going Sunday, Aug. 19 10:00 arn "Wart GodHasJoined Together", www.thesanctuarymnilton.comn 905.257.3987 Milton Sports centre 605 Santa Maria Blvd. (De"r R& wuest of Hwy. 25) MILTON SEVNTDA AbENTISTA CHURCH Inites ou to our eekiy Sabbaih servicesat Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat.9:30 a. ni- Sahbath Schoot Sati1 (XOan .-Divine Service FREF BIBIE SCHOOL Di, vi Octh iiiiviiiv iihle [oîi, i le', utc vple\tng, queîli.., zindîthe..ecreii...aih.îpp% hie i5 t -ii i i,\iliîvi. Ont- LOT 5B4, On theIiNiFONEI liii i iiii iiln d P.S FOR: Ai tao ii -Li îS 9i Soir reinfotrinaoutiuîîiur wi iîc îxldprogra.iîîpleaii-. .5 gRACEWAY CBAPTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter B. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer 'You'II always tind a triend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org, An Explanation of God over your moin and dads bead asking for anybody you want to make happy, il's Gîîd! sometbing they said you couldnt have. Don't skip church to do sometbing you tbink will be more fun like going to tbe beach. This Jesus is Gods Son. H-e used to do ail the hard is wrong! And besides, the sun doesn't corne work, like walking on water and pertorming; out aI the bcach until noon anyway! miracles and Irying to teacb the people wbo didn't want to learn about God. They finally Your parents cant go everywbere wîtb you, got tired of bim preacbing to tbem and tbey like to camp, but God can! It is good to know crucified him But be was good and kind, like lies around you when youre scared, in the bis father, and be tbld bis Faîber that îbey dark or wben you cant swim and you gel didn'î know wbat they were doing and to tbrown inb real deep waîer by big kids. forgive tbem and God said O.K. lits Dad tGod> appreciaîed everytbing tbaî be bad donc and ail bis bard work on eartb vît he tîîld bim he didn't bave 10 go ouI on tbe road anymore. Be could stay in beaven. So be did. And now, he belps bis dad out by lisîening to prayers and seeing tbings wbicb are important for God 10 take care of and wbicb ones be can take care of' imself wiîbout baving to boîber God. Like a secretary. only more important. You can pray anytime you want and tbey are sure tii belp you because they got it worked out so one of tbem iv on duîy ail tbe time. Ycrn sbould always go 10 cburcb on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if Iberes GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Ntaut the Church on the HiI McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Dr. Renée DesjardiLs lFadier M" kCurtis Services: Sunday 8:(X) amrn Sad Eucharisi 1(t:(X) amrn Sang Eucharist including "Kids' Spirit" Pruîgrarn lollowed by cîîtfee hîîur Listen to our Sunday sermons onine at www.gracechurchmilton.com Wheelchair Access through Parking Loi (ý5Lwýmgracechurchmtltoncern CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Bnitannia Rd. West, Mlton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday Sehool Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett 905-878-5664 Ç ocafed on Derry Rd' ,5 h7OU iS1 befween the Sports Centre c Aýý , ,i: ,1 h , , 1, and the Hospital Connections Cafe (in foyer) 10:00 arn Soccer Sunday Celebration - 10:30 arn Caling ail CanMers! Join as/for sur award cerernony and hi-lite vides. Lait chance in see Captain Canada. before hi goît on vacation! Siay (or sur BBQ and enjoy lunch on us! House of David Invites you to our Sunday Service 'In fis Presence' Sunday 10OAm Miton Sports Center 605 Santa Mauia Bled, L9T 6J5 Deriy/Ontaeio Rd (West of Derry) Prayer & Cotinseling: 647-999-3562 Live A Meaningfadfe. MakA Différence St. George's Anglican Church Our Minis ths heen sing ihis commuons lfor 150+ Year loua us then year in a ekbration of.. fptý2 ofGods w«d iisdudaon thre mrpa1 gar t81(M Camne d as, we ailH e na-y picardte naeN yoa Summer Servces .Iuty lst 2007 W3%eptmber nd,200 8:00 amn - Said Service of Holy Communton 9:30 amn - Morning Prayer Nursery and Juntor Sunday Sehool G61CuelphLi ,inat Dm-r RodiTh91.7-363 ~Wit r weh sit Z ,£(Êreîlus7,U MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-37 1000 an - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Nednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Sludy So thien every one of'us siaUi give account of himself Io God. - Romans 14.12 KNOX PREBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMSYOU 17(0 Main St. E,. Milton 905-878-6066 Mîttîster -Rie. Homard T. Sallivan Dîrecîîîr of Music Mînîsîries -Stînja van de Hînef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Cbidren's Summner Wor-ship (ages 3 & up) Pasto Jack'¶JNIFIEum D 8V CIII.ff, WE Sm mmRE H H 1EW(" WWW. southsi demilIton . org A chUrch of/the Chrmnia ad Mssinay Alliance Wheelctuair access and washroorns proeided vo that Locafed on ery Rnad, beween the Speis Centre & he H sptal al rnay corne and worship. Access off Mary Street. But, you shouldn't just always tbink of wbat God can do for you. 1 figure (iod put me bere and be can lake me back anylime be pleases. And thats wby 1 believe in God. Don't forget tbe kids wben visiting a local churcb Ibis weekl Find one to callborne! Service limes and locations are publisbed in the Religious Direcîory below 10 belp you! Suhmitied by Res'. Dan Rogge. Pastor of Milton 's Nekw Life Church. M itou iBible C.()îr4, Lovinq Goà. Lovinq peopIe. Sundays at 200 Main Street 10:00 arn Worship & Teaching Children's Programs Running Concurrently 11:00 arn Coftee & Conversations (We serve Tim Horton's Cofféee) 905-876-3586 www.MiltonBibleChurch.ca E"F" NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SIJNDAYS Service Times First Service 9-00 Am (Sunday Schoot 9:30 tvs,) Second Service 104A 5 vv Evening Service 6.:30 asi ChIdrens'Ministries AviIobIe in afilServices *Captioned for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing WEDNiEsDAYS Exreme LfeYouth 7/00 ce 5~uvOUqUST 27 TC31, 2007 9mCMnTO 5 PM OottH-COST $140 COLI. OR Vtîtt USOLtOt FOR MMa In F0 RCQtt1RGTItOfl dLdne AUUST 17 824 Thornpson Road South, Milton, ON L9T 2X5 Visit US Online www.NewLifeMlton.com or cal) Pastor Dan Rogge ai 905 878 3358 bufl. AU g. 19i-9:30uamn SUMMER WOR SHIP-9:3Oami Supported by music from Our summer choir Nursery Facilities Refreshments & Conversation after the service Growing with Grief Support Group Wed. Nov 14.- Dec. 12 7:30 p.m. I -.'-'a5igo-Iuui-n.,llmriflwflrn I --M-ir - -.. -ýyiyfl iviuLean ChurchýGffice: (90ý 8-8895 ext. 21 1 1

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