Thé Canadia, n irdaYAtgu i2 Police seek singers for its choir \Day scheduled to prepare If vn-, 1- - - - . . you'd like to share with the community, the Haf ion Regional f liec chouir s scking oui civic-mjnded i esidenîs to joui tîhem in their love of singing and bringing joy 10 ibe commiuniiy, For more thani 20 y'cars. tic chorus lbas hecti peu formiiig across Halion, Ontario amit he U.S, ai ieiireîni5iiî resiticujces and bospitals as \Ncll as aisvaini OUS tomiiiis maidpolice exclus an undfiiciaisiiig c onceuts. Th chorfustis sc'oiiiosctf(of police service and community members who give freeiy of iheir lrne îo pronuîhie arrjnoiis I1fiose w ho airc iii ici cstcd iin joinhîîg arc iiîvitcd iii attend an open housc toumccl anud lîcar choruis nembers andc compicte ai applictmion. f es h ficftf fiestiax" Scpi. 4f andt ucsdlay 'Sepi 1 f from 7 io Q ati f fafoii Pofice i icadquaileis, f1f51 fBronie Rtf Regufai pi atites; take pfae(c luts,isa\s fionu7-:30 iii 9:30 Heide Lang, director of the chorus, and Greg Ferrin, accom- Imîîîsî1parelohb)!'ifdI I rf) i I l i li 1 Ci11ii bei slip cati be tfoubfcd it icci the gucîwing demands icîr per- foi iianccs. The chorus - wbiciu iilue fulsmîenî aid womcen - p)CI fcîî îs il, fotîn pari barmurnir ierei lbrccuiî clucili (0 t i ct miusic. Fo mi iore iifîriialiolii taff Ji)iiV'i\\'ffaiis i(905) 82)- 4747 c(xi Sf1f2, or c naif cliii rtisiWirp uc i bout aîargcî iuon nd Aff 877-2251. gcto. o *o s cxii aff iffx i isît ci i 05 1 àmmmb.-The effi nal zOO1 youngsters for first bus ride lit S uiilofb"ti uit iic ihit 'ienc ycîu may waîuî Ici ng îbem oui lui Scbooi Bus Orientation Day Satirtay Aug. 25 ai 9 a un, ai Bisbiop Rcdîîîg Caîiuolit Sccoudaîy Schoof, flic frcc cxciii wiff Fature a ciass- rîroin piesciatîin ou scfîoof bus safe- ly, iiicfudiiig a spetiaf \Viii ic e 1'001 b vide andti tfinoîisîiraliolion a St foiîf bus c oluparis safcîs oflfît ci s anti hus ci vcrviffl ii otl ii fîî fbts, crcîssîîîg thc stu cci bgel 10 a %wait ing bus and tîveraf f scbooi bus safety In addition, a tip sheet lin schooi bus safel> wîilhe disîrihuted. lfic orientation day wîilhe bosîcci by tfhc Hafion Schoolu Bus Safcîy C oîmîîîcec, whitb is ctîmpiiscd of i cpu cscniative s frinm hibsthotuf boards aîîd af] bus cpci alors i f fafion. fi0 regisier foi- a lime sfcî ai ifhe NO ICOFAPBIMETN Proposed Amendment to The Regional Officiai Plan Applicant: Halton Region File Number: RQ46A The council of the Regional Municipal ity of Hal ton, through its Planning and Pubfic Works committee, is holding a Public Meeting to provide the public an opportunity to comment on a proposed Amendmenî to the Halton Region Officiai Plan, 2006. Meeting Date: Wednesdlay September 12, 2007 Meeting Time: 9:30 a.m. Meeting Place: Halton Room Halton Regional Centre 1151 B ronte Road Oakville, Ontario, L6M 31 Phone: 905-825-6000 Toîl free number: 1-866-442-5866 Website: Purpose and Effect: The purpose of this report is to outline the proposed changes to the Regional Off iciaI Plan to implement the authority granted by the Pianning Act to require Pre-consultation meetings between Regional staff and prospective proponents on applications for Regional OfficiaI Plan Amendments and Plans of Subdivision, and to outline other information required to deem a Regional Off iciai Plan Amendment application complete. The implications of the proposed Regional Off iciai Plan Amendment are Region-wide. To Get More Information: The proposed Amendment may be viewed at the Office of the Regional clerk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or a copy may be obtained by contacting Anita Fabac at 905-825-6000, ext. 7187, or tol free at 1-866-442-5866, or at Those wishing to address the committee should contact the Regional clerk's office at 905-825-6000, ext. 7928, prior to September 7, 2007, at 4:30 p.m. in order to be fisted as a delegation in the agenda, or may register with the clerk prior to the public meeting. Note: if you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Off iciaI Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to the Regional clerk at the address noted above. If a person files a notice of appeal of decision of the Regional Municipality. of Halton in respect of the proposed Officiai Plan Amendment and does not make oral submissions at a pubfic meeting or make written submission to the Regional Municipality of Haton before the proposed Off iciaI Plan Amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss ail or part of the appeal. Dated at the Town of Oakville, August 16, 2007 Monica Walfenfels, Regional Clerk The Regional Municipafity of Halton Effective Monday, August 27, Halton Region will be relocating some services of the Planning and Public Works Department to 1075 North Service Road West, Unit 27, in the Ennisclare Corporate Centre located between Third Line and Dorval Drive in Oakville. AIl staff extensions, fax numbers, mailing and email addresses will remain the same. The servces roving to 1075 North Service Road West include the following: Office of the Commissioner Environmental Services Division Planning and Transportation Services Division For a detailed ist of services to be accessed at the new location, or to make an appointmnent, contact Access Halton at 905-825-6000 or toli free at 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Visit wwwhaltonca for more information about where to access Regional programs and services. Get a clear picture of Haltons accomplishments in 2006 Haîton Regions 2006 Annual Report is now available. This report gives us an opportunity to reffect on what we achieved in 2006. The report includes the Auditors' Report, details about our financial management, and clear information about Halton's progress towards its Strategic Plan goals in 2006. There are also performance measures highlighted in the report to iflustrate our successes and where we need to work harder1 Your feedback is important ta us. Please dont hesitate ta contact us wîth any of your tamments and qtuestions about the Annuai Report. You cao view the Annual Report at Gaiy!annualreport, and print tapies cao be requested by caîîtactîng Access Hal ton at 905-825-6000, toi) free at 1 -866-4HALTON (1 866-442-5866), or by email ta accesshalton@haltonca I I i s :.. m~ *L I e' I e iy Cari - Regional iChairj a a 1 1