A32 - The Canadian Champion, Fnday, August 17, 2007 Milton GARAGE SALE Sat August 18 8am - Noon 543 Sunnyvale Cres. Househoid Items, FautCaile pints, toys, furiture and MORE! MILTON YARD SALE - MOVING Sat. Aug. 1Bth and Sun. Aug. l9th (weather permitting) 9am - i pm 104C Robert Street Lampa, shades, cottector plates, ACa, mîcrowave, Coca-Cota chairs, plates & trays, WWII mittary radio MILTON MOVING SALE Saturday, August 18, 2007 8am - 2pm 7257 5 Sideroad (North of the 401) Quatity items - dont miss out Miton MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 18 8am - Noon 705-710 Edwards Ave. (Derry/Armstrong) COD.s, OVOs, jeweiieryp kids items, coilectibles, smaii appt. & more. MILTON HUGE GARAGE SALE Saturday, August l8th - 8am - Noon 189 Fitzgerald Crescent ( lot 61) near Chris Hadfietd school Car seat, rocker, bath tub, easet, toys. Brand name ctothes/shoes for the family, home stuff Dont miss this! Lemonade stand! Miton GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 18 8am - 12pm 1086 Abbott St. Mlton GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 18 8am - Noon 833 Cabot Trail Jeweiery, cosmetics, ctothing, lingerie books, candtes etc. MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 18, 2007 8am - Noon 559 Beaver Court Lots of country cSarm, golf clubs & shoes, curtamns & rugu, somne toys. fable runners. brasa taps and more' MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 18, 2007 7:3Oam - 11:3Oam 116 Manley La ne Bîkes, bed, wîcker chairs,bar, VCR & more' Mlton ALL DAY LAWN SALE Sat Aug 18 9amn - 4pm 100 Mill St. rght arounA the corner tram the Frmer's Market) Lunch avatiabie for purchase, Eariyblrda wili be turned away, No Kiddlngi Milton MOVING SALE Sat Aug 18 8amn - 2pmn 371 Bronte St., Unit #69 M ILON GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. l8th and Sun. Aug. l9th 8am Start 21 Court Street North (ut Main Street) Brand new shoes $3/pair. tools, furnîture, records, antiques and much more' No rea- sonable ofter refuued Milton lOth ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 18 - 8am - 11:3Oam 569 Joyce Park (Dorset Park) New Boys & Mens clothes (mciBi&TaiSes & other parape sale Bitems n levabie pncesl MILTON LARGE MOVING SALE Saturday, August 18, 2007 8am -?? 856 Cabot Trail Part of proceeds ta, go ta Cancer research. Somettring for everyonef /~CET THE JOB DME Ad Submissions Receved by: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Emaul: clussîfled@mlltoncunudiunchumpion.com Fo yourconnecewe accept VISA MASTERCARD AMERiCAN EXPRESS 'NTERAC CASH, CHEQUE WHAT PHIONE BOOK CAN SAVE YOU MONEY EVERY lIME YOI U PICK IT U L~. qoildbtook.LJ Lnks to Local Sales Et SpeciaIs THE ULTIMATE LOCAL DIRECTORY Local Video Guide Complete Local Business Directori, Shopping Mal Guide Local Web For more information on GoId Book cali 310-GOLD or email info@goldbook.ca 5rn,ýut to Vo.by: C!~IAou