The Canadian Champion, Friday August 17, 2007 - 29 ( SALES CLOSERS 3 TO 5 CALLS A DAY FHS R Ano SER f0IRE OdrPCT Cas ard Ceerra! I ant Ha eCnsfrfu!tre re PcesPo o ario Tired of promises that dont corne true? Want to find a permanent home? " Qualified confirmed appointments " Big achievable bonuses, incentives and trips " Professional training and on-going support " Besi product in the industry " Aggressive advertising support If you lîke Io be recognized for what you do and re warded appropri aie/y cati ion Low. Celi: 519-857-4644 Office: 1-800-265-1913 (Direct sales experience requi red) Email Centenn*ial Windows Real Canadian Superstore offers a competitive wage scale, scholarships, opportunity for advancemnent and secure employment for ail employees. Now hiring part time positions for the following departments: e Cashiers e Front and Service Clerks e Meat a CoId Deli Seafood e Aduit Apparel e Health and Beauty Housewares e Health Foods eNight Shift Full Training is provided for ail deparoments Applicants available from 7:00am - il :OOpm need only apply Please send resumne to: PANtAlON JOB FAIR SECURIT'U SECURITY POSITIONS Job Fair will be on Thursday August 16, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. al the Holiday Inn located ai 2125 N SHERIDAN WAY, MISSISSAUGA (Erin Mil/s Pkwy and OEW) Previous experience in a related position is an asset. if you are unabla to attend, forward resumne to Fax 416-498-9694 or apply anfine ai wwwpara gonsecurity. ca For additional information, cail 416-498-4000. Please bring two pieces of ID. for icencing purposes. DISPATCH ASSISTANT Atlas canada operations DepI of Alas canada has an imme- diate opening for a fli time Dispatch Assistant. Tihis individuat witi perform a varety of func- ions under the direction o operatiofle person- ne. Accountabitity, attention ta dtait and ex- cellent communication skilta are essentiat. Transportationl industry experience an asset. Qualified applicants can submit their resume to: Peuse no phone calis Start Immediately Must F111 25 Positions $25/f r. Place work guarannned by contraca. Fun lob. Great Puy. No Experience Required C.alI Now 416.849.0026 F/T Car Detaler & Maintenance required. Must hava a vaiîd drivers iense & ba a hard workar. Now Hinînig - F/T SaeReps Paid training. Must ha tiuent in Exgish. Diver s Licence an assaf. Students encouraged fo appiy. 647-839-6985 or 905-99-409 b/w 10asa - 6pmn Foster Parents Wanted Experience preferred. Please cai John ai: -905-454-5705 for information. Serious inquir7ies only. FUIME KENNEL HELPI Must have owno transportation. 1 lpm-7pm or Mon-Fni 9am -6pm Sot & Sun. Cali: 905-257-5927 Assembly Workers & Machine Operators Ftaquired for Georgetown manutactsrng company. Day shftO, 40 fours, wîli train on the job. Cali: 905-873-1146 CHOUINARD ROOFING Roofing Labourer required. Roofing eap. preferred. $19/hr + benefita. Year Round Work. Contact Jason T: 905-479-8300 ext. 2230 or F: 905-479-8305 I40 pounids, basic computer skilIs required. Choîce ofl three weekday shitts. 7am to 3 pm, 8 arn to 4:30 pm or 3:3Opm ta midnight (off at 8:3Opm on Fridays). Email resume to: humanresources@fraserdirect.aI Reliabe in ividuatls needed once or twice a montfs for door ta door catalogue deivery in MiltonlActonlGeorgetown areas cati: 905-873-0103 leave Imessage with name, phone and address Email: echo niandy@yatsoe ca COSTUTINe AOU W Ne D Concrete forming, carpentry and erection experi- ence required. Soma distant work sites. AZ Licence a definite asset, Wages depending on as- panience.Transpertation tai Ern, Ontario a must. Apply by fao: 519-363-0085 oremail: No phone cls please. r -- - - - - - - - -i I LOOKING FORAÀ :CHALLENGING & REWARDING :EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY? The YMCA of Hamniton/Burtangton is offening 1 part-time positions providing lcensed cana ta 1 chitdren htween the ages of 3.8-12 years. I The successfiuL candidates wilt ha anthusiastic, Screative, chiLd focused and abe ta wonli within a 1 fleibte chaduLe. Responsibi[ities incude frottine I I supervision of chiden, as well as, program davetopment, administration and worfong as part u of the YMCA Schoot Age ChiLd are team. I If you:I *Have a dipisma ia [CE, Chi[d and Yath or Recratian I*Or have two or moe years aopenaence wsring with Schidran in a recreation or chi[d rare setting I *Are 18 years of age or older I Peuse comptete tiha job appication found on our website ymncahb.onca and amail 1 with your resamne and cover etter to I or mai[ to: I îSACC JOBS i c/o Ron Edwards Family YMCA i 500 Drury [axe Burjngton, Ontario LUtRX2M i orI S c/o Hamiton Downtown Fami[y YMCA 79 James Street Souths, Hamilton, Ontario L8P MZ 1 We thank ait those who applied; onty quatified 1 I candidates wilî be contacted for an interview. I ai,-S0.00 annuIl If you love worleng with peeple, are oatgoing, have a gooti oense of hamor, castomner srientated and hard workîng - you are eoactly what we are lsokiog for. We are an envireemental services facilify and have immediate openingo for eoperîence drivers and hetpers f0 pick ap appliances in castomero home for recycling in yoar area. G Liceaoe, knowl- edge of area and mnap readîng and great customner service akilis reqaired. Previouo eop. moving household applianceo a pus. e *. .e t:AC aaIn Our Oakvile location is hrng Sales Associates We are looking for individuats mho are energetic, aetf-motivated & mature Candidates must be abte to mork a flexible achedele - day avaifabiiity in the fatI ix a MUST. Please apply in persan at: 290 Nolth Service Road, OakviIIe, ON Oranline: recruter 1ie Milon i.anauiun unpii, à diiionQ of Metrolaad Media Croup Ltd., has an immediate opening for a ful-time: District Service Representative The qualified candidate will pooses excellent writ- tan and verbal communication skillo and nilI have working knawledge of Mcrosoft office. You wili be cutomer tocused in enuuring that sur customers' distribetion nieedo are met. Ia thîs rote, ysu nili work cosely wh the carrier force by enauring al aewopapers and distribution producto are delivered in a tîmely manner which coald include doar to door delivery. You wilha or- ganioed and capable of workîng wthin a fast paced, team orienited enviroament. A reiabie vehi- cde and valid insurasce coverage os required. If you ara intereoted iv workiag for a leader in the media indusfry this epportuaity may be the right one for you. f interested please forward yaur resume, no liter tItan Auguat 24th ta; fax: (905) 876-2364 We appreciate the intereat of ail apalianto howevar ont>' thosa oatacted for an interview wll ha contacfed. No phone ofils or agencies pteaae. Sunday School Superintendent Gian Abbey United Church in Oakvitta ix seeking a part time (8 hours par weak> Sunday Schoot Superintendent. The candidate shoutd possesa the foltowing: -A dedicatad love for Christ -A team ptayer wvith the abitity to attract and inspire other votunfeera -Recognizes that chitdren and youth bring thair own spirituat wixdom and experi- ence ta the flitaof tha Church -Spiritual gifts inctuding leadership and administration -Connecta watt naiffi adutts and chiidren and damonstrates a heathy sanse ot hu- mour tf you are interested in this position, ptaase send your resume to Gten Abbey United Church, Sunday Schoot Superin- tendent, 1469 Nottinghitt Gate, Oakvitte, ON L6M 1 X7. TeCaas argle Furnîura, Apiiancad ac- ptonsReaîalabfr:oeigetuisb nîîul o Asth Part ime D D ro iverOkle u Fual i I l roie qDlivaery D spriver n Parues the TilomentWarte huseni u Pomnyan rlie Delieryoffmiceadsupr E aents. akndsit valbaCmpttv e mfyu veth including pro i ari fu bnitoadeni tor plandr btsie laInse raos 0 n îie ons 316 Nor t Servdwol ic e rno e Grabot Opctiqportunit i AnnMaie chral el:958796 rofit of $750+to Merrund Hva liabla ah u rice, 7 Day ationek Pe ati 905-526-3377 'aiParf11tthTi eWanie aplIctio and a Hailton Seatr repres ntle wIII ontacyo aricl Moýe1iIin4jo[.ý Top Aocnicy Iookinq for chilcirni 6 rorotha + . Let thcm 5art vavinq for their future niow... Parente Calil 416-221-3b29 BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTORS 5 maIes & 5 femnales Needed immediatelyl - No exparienca nec. Willtrmail! - Muat ha personable Hamilton 905-522-3237 Oakville 905"153237 (Cali: M-F 12-5pm) Malune person required P/T ton painit & waipaper store woring witf taepub- lic. Wiiing to work eveninig & Weekends Exp. an asset but not lnecssn. Witt train. Avg$2»/r 10 NewOpenings $ffl Training Incentive Ensmeration typa wonk. Pîacework compensation Na Exp.needed Traning provded Ta schedule an intervew Cali 1-866-421-2727 ua er & Am O AN Super neyver cost $0o/ittie M là